
Sunday 10 May 2015


 Bloggets a quick chat tonight. Why? I can’t hear a blooming thing as teen in the gym and it’s like a night club in there with his so called music. I would call it aggressive noise. Gangster words. Horrible. Not much going on today but the normal housework. Hub made himself, and Teen dinner and they both really enjoyed it. He put some stuffed pasta in for me. Teen and Hub loved their dinner and it smelled so good. Mine? Oh gross


I enjoyed dessert though. Apple crumble.


 Teen worked again all day. Tomorrow? Well, I may have an interesting blog for you, let’s see.  Long Chops is sticking to me like glue today, not sure why? Little Waggatail is up to her cheeky self. It’s been doggy day care again. All the toys out and of course, they both want the same one.


I went out before with a cup of coffee for Hub and really, the professional guide dog owner, who believes in doing everything by the book, lying on the lounger stretched out with Waggatail lying on top of his shrinking belly. Hehehe.


OK, Teen just come in from the gym and now out again. His spirit is young and free when it’s not here. He’s like electric flashing in and past us like lightning. And that is how it should be.


Gosh I have lots to talk about in the coming week. Stayed tuned. Happy Mother’s day to ladies in the US. Not sure where else in the world it’s Mother’s day today? Every day is Mother’s day if you are lucky enough to have one. Hub and I miss ours so much.


OK this is like Paddington Station. Hub just gone to the gym now. Leaving me and two tired little beastie girls. Oh, and our canary. He’s Irish you know? Smile.


It’s my friend’s birthday today. We are off to see her next week. I can’t believe how much the train tickets are now? At least she got the cards I sent. So the ink must have worked.


Hub had some kind of worrying illness. Has had it for almost a week now. I was sure he was going to have a heart attack. Thankfully, or not, I have whatever it is now. We are suffering from some kind of sleepy drug like state. Yesterday when we got in from the town, we both like an old couple, fell asleep in the conservatory on the squishy sofa. Never have either of us done that before. Then simply to walk is like dragging led balloons around and the chest pains? Awful and really really wanting to drink. Oh it’s odd. I don’t know if it is some kind of virus?


Hub has had it much worse than me. I hope that’s as bad as I’m going to get.


Remember when I went for our chocolate break to the factory in Birmingham? And my friend and I went to the hotel; it was for her Dads business. We had to review the hotel and so on. When we went we had one small bed between us. Very cosy….. You can find that blog on my page and Birmingham is in the title. There are I think from memory, three parts to the story, but there is a blog with all parts written together. It’s worth a read, it made me laugh so much when I was writing it. Well, anyway, she has gone away again on another trip this time with her Husband. Oh she sent me a text saying that their bedroom had two, single beds in it. I joked and said she should have took me I would have got them a double bed between them. Well, our bed wasn’t’ even blooming double. I won’t spoil the ending if you want to read about it.


Well, a new week tomorrow. I have a strong feeling that it will be eventful. Not sure why or for whom? May be you though. Let me know?  If it’s me, you will be the first person to learn.

Before I go, a joke I have some time ago, already shared with you but for those who didn’t read it at the time? Here goes.

Three men were at a bar discussing coincidences. The first man said, "My wife was reading A Tale of Two Cities and she gave birth to twins." "That’s funny," the second man remarked, "My wife was reading The Three Musketeers and she gave birth to triplets." The third man shouted, "Oh my, I have to rush home!" When asked what the problem was, he exclaimed, "When I left the house, my wife was reading Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves!"

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