
Monday 4 May 2015


 How was your weekend? Ours? As ever. Today we have had the seasons. It was freezing this morning. Pouring with rain this afternoon and boiling and sunny now. I will write this in two parts as I am going out later. We are off to a BBq but we are not eating.


Very kindly the young lass across the avenue of all sorts asked us if we needed anything at the shops. But we declined as it’s too difficult and embarrassing to prepare it in front of all the neighbours. They get up and down all night and put whatever on the heat, but how can we?


There will be about twenty people there tables, gazeboes, wood burners for heat, the BBQ’s  and chairs all over the place and Hub and I just can’t get it in our heads the lay out of it all.

Part two

Well, that was before the BBQ and now the day after.


We went out after our friend sent us a text asking us to go over, as at first we weren’t sure if we should go the rain was pouring from time to time, and it wasn’t warm at all. Anyway, we were like the teen and went out at about ten or just before. It was a great atmosphere. And as funny as we were being introduced to the new neighbours….  Another neighbour said Mel was knocking on our door wondering where we were?  Well, as we were there, Marie shouted over to Mel. Marie even whistles. Haha haha. Mel took no notice kept ringing the bell. Then the penny clicked. She couldn’t hear us.


Then Mel realised, bless her. And came running over to greet us. I asked her how she managed to miss us standing there? I suggested she got a guide dog. Hahahaha. Bless Mel, she can’t hear without her hearing aid so she took them out as in the rain they go funny. I told her we were like the movie “See no evil hear no evil. Has to be one of the best films I have watched. But you need audio if you are a VIP or at least a sighted person telling you the parts you would miss if you couldn’t see.


Everyone was so happy and we were made to feel so welcome. I can’t believe our luck to land in such a friendly street. Sadly the transvestite didn’t come over he she is keeping themselves to themselves. Shame really as they would be made to feel welcome. The rain started to come down again. Only the Brits could have a party in the rain. The fires were burning with the wood from the extension of our neighbours. Don’t ask?  And the smell was lovely. Drinks were getting poured and people were merry. We did laugh. And our friend Di walked us back after a lovely evening. We sat under the gazebo music played and people danced. 


Today? Bank Holiday in the UK.  It’s been sunny. In fact I’m burned as Hub and I have been most of the day in the garden. Trying to sort it out. Oh goodness. There he was on the ladders. I almost knocked him off, hahahahaha. Well, I didn’t know he was there, he was so quiet and I went forward like a bull in a china shop and if I had knocked him, he would have bene really hurt but luckily the ladders took the brunt of it all.


We filled the green bin up with the nasty thorns from next door. Well, we only know where they are by feeling for them and they were about an inch long some longer.

Really thick thorns too.  Not pleasant. So bless him, he is cut to bits now.


I hosed the garden and pulled some weeds out of the patio. Also sorted out some pots and washed under them as they were gross. Full of dirt and mud as not been moved since the last gardener didn’t move them.  The weeds we removed also haven’t been touched since the last useless gardener didn’t do that either. So our rain forest became a little tidier. Our lovely fence is thorn free and things are cut back. Now if the gardener bothers to come this week? Well, hopefully he will be able to get the work done in the two hours he promised. Otherwise I will be so fed up as what we are paying is extortionate. But I hope if, he comes, our garden will be beautiful again. I pray he comes this week? As now it’s been five weeks since he said he would come. Last week he phoned me up to say he wasn’t coming but he would try, yes try, to come this Wednesday or Thursday. He kept saying it’s a small job and he just would fit us in when he could. Well, if it’s a small job, why doesn’t he blooming come and do it?


Anyway, we have done a good job. As good as we can for two people who can’t blooming see and I kept losing my gardening equipment. Hehahahae Really, I put it down to do something and couldn’t find it so spend most of my time looking for it.


Not sure where teen is. He left yesterday to supposedly go to ITS house. Did he go there? Hmm. Doubt it. No contact since last night, but he is to return home tonight. Illegibly.


 Hub made dinner and a dessert. It was lovely. I took Waggatail out before to the shop whilst Hub prepared dinner. She didn’t want to work I’m not sure why, couldn’t work her out other than Hub was playing with them and their toys before I went out and perhaps Waggatail wanted to stay? Well, she and I went off on our way, she wanted to go to the park, but I had to correct her and get her back on track. Little monkey. She was great, weaving in and out of obstacles. It was a pleasant walk. The smell of freshly cut wood and greenery. BBQ’s and sun on soil filled the air along with old raindrops from the spring flowers and newely budded shrubs.


The evil road was as hellish as ever. I really put my trust in my girl when we are going that way. She didn’t seem happy though. A snail passed us we were walking that slowly. I had to keep saying to her as I tugged on her leash. “Hop hop!” She sped up for a few seconds then couldn’t be bothered again. As we went around the shop, she was OK and just OK. And on the way back, she was hesitant. But, she got me back in one piece. And I really enjoyed the walk though challenging with her today.


In all, I’ve had a lovely day and last night was great. Hub is off to a beer festival in a few weeks with the lads and I hope to organise a spooky cookie night with the girls as I asked Di to have a look around to see if there is anyone we can visit to read our fortunes. As long as the ghosties don’t come here?


House all cleaned Hub in gym and now going to put the kettle on and put my feet up to enjoy TV  and chill before seeing what tomorrow brings us all.


In the meanwhile, my message to you all is push yourself to do something you don’t want to and you will be so surprised of the outcome.


PS. Our little new born Princess has a name. Charlotte Elizabeth Dianna. A bit of a mouthful. But if the baby gets Charlie, I guess that’s after Prince Charles? Elizabeth after our queen and of course Dianna after Princess Di. Who would have been a very proud Grandmother if she were allowed to live? Good luck to our Royals. The young ones are wonderful people. X

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