
Wednesday 6 May 2015


Good day Bloggets. This house is so silent an yet so noisy. Already I’m making no sense. I mean, apart from the voice on my lap top there are no English words being used nothing spoken, but the sound of my canary singing the most tuneful song and my dogs four paws running all over the living room floor tap tap tapping along with the noisiest toy she could find today, the washing machine, dish washer and outside the rain, winds and trucks, an yet there is no one to talk to or listen to. So noise can be heard an yet silence can be lonely all in the same room.


It wasn’t a good day yesterday. My Son still feels the need to shout, swear and totally disrespect us. His mouth got carried away with him last night and every time he does this, I wonder how my ex would cope with such a rebellion teenager?


I kind of hoped that when he turned eighteen, he would grow up enough to realise he only gets one set of parents. One Mum for sure and treat her in the manner she deserves. I know my ex never treat his Mother like this, but having said that, teen’s anger issues stem from him. As he also had the worst language on him and a temper from hell. But he was great to his elders. Unlike my son, who is ok with others, in fact sometimes wonderful, but to me and those who have cared about him for years? I’m so tired of it all. He just makes the house so unpleasant when he is like that. I wish the alien who removed my loving caring Son and replaced him with this dreadful moody hormonal disrespectful individual would get bored and return things how they used to be? Two and a half years ago. He was happy, perfect loving and just a normal teen. Yes we had issues, but nothing at all in comparison


I have said it before and I will say it again. Kids today are the worst ever in any generation. I know some of you will now be saying every parent says that, but no, really, something has gone incredibly wrong. I have so many friends with kids the same age and they are all alike. Teen is the better of most of them but my word, last night? All kicked off because I threw his poison powder of so called some kind of muscle builder that he adds milk to and drinks. It’s so called natural, yep, that is why it’s powder and manufactured? He bought it in October and I’m sure he told me he had six months before it went off. He said now nine. Well, October to now is seven months. So I thought it was off also he doesn’t use it half as much. And I’m sick to death of the huge bag left all over the place. I’m also very against it. I know body builders now will say its fine, but people used to say Tabaco was ok and now people are saying weed is OK to smoke. Hmm. That’s a matter of option too. I know of a lot of people who have done that or doing it and from highly intelligent people now they are almost like zombies. A few moved on to stronger drugs and others are totally paranoid.


People say the odd joint doesn’t do any harm. Well, what if that odd joint was required more oftern and why do you need a joint in the first place? Relaxes you? Then take a bath or a massage, lie in the sun or listen to some calming music?  Makes you feel happy? Well, what happens when it wears off? You are still going to have the same problems. Makes you sleep better? Again going back to my first point. It’s natural; it grows, yep, as does tobacco.


Anyway, leaving that subject now, teen is out, but due in soon, well, I think he is, not even going to bother asking. I just know he is not pleasant right now and both Hub and I know why, but why he takes it out on us?  I just wish he would realise who is in the wrong here, and because I threw out something of his that I thought was off, did I really deserve such disgusting language? Filth. And a lack of intelligence, something he has abundance of. He is a very clever young lad, just one thing he is a dummy over and he won’t let that go. Once he does, he can return to a happy person. Though unless that thing moves on and makes herself happier too, the two of them will be unhappy for life. 


Yeah, some would ask why I write about it in such a way? Well, I said last year, gloves are off now and why the heck should I let an eighteen year old girl tell me what I can write?  After the hell she has put my son through.  And will do his entire life from now on. My ex says he gets on well with it, but if he only knew the half of what she is like and capable of?


Changing the subject now entirely. It’s pouring again with rain. You know that kind of dirty rain? It’s not warm either!  Something that sighted people just take for granted. They need something at the shops. You can go any time. Sometimes guide dog users have to go out at particular times. We don’t always choose. For example, no way I would go out when the monkeys are due to return home after their schooling, as little bodies running all over the place is a nightmare for me. So between quarter  to three and four, no way I would go out and in the morning, between half eight and half nine, nope. Well, we can’t pick times to go to the shops. We can’t jump in a car if it’s raining. So we walk, wet dogs and pouring rain on us. I have a friend who yesterday went in the rain to the shops and had to put her hood up on her coat. So this is a nightmare for VIP’s as that makes us not only blind but half deaf.  It’s awful. We need our hearing to get our balance as well as know where we are. Our dogs are aids but we have to be totally alert.


How lucky those with sight are to be able to do the simplest of things, and they don’t even know it.


Well, because of the rain, no gardener again today, so this will be week six. As for my window cleaner? Still waiting. I guess they could be locked up somewhere. Hahaha, I can’t think of any other reason why they have not been here for now five months. Much longer and we won’t need to close the blinds in the bedrooms. You won’t be able to see through them at all……


 Well, a healthy dinner tonight. Stuffed peppers with savoury rice going to make those now. New potatoes and green salad. There will be nothing the matter when teen finds out there is no meat for dinner. Well, he used to be a vegetarian; he can bring back memories, right? And I think it’s so bad to eat meat every day. Lately we have been buying a lot of fish. Personally, I find it awful, as even when I ate meat, I hated fish, but Hub loves it and it goes with his health kick that he is still on. He has let it slip a little of late, but still doing well. I am not too sure I like him quite so thin. He used to have lovely chunky Daddy hands. Hahaha. Well, you know when he held your hand, you felt so safe, now it’s like holding a strangers hand. And believe me; I know more about that than I should, as I have done it oftern enough, without meaning to.  


OK, I feel like some positive energy please today, so I will try to send you some too through some quotations.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart.

Hellen Keller


If you are lost in life, walk in a different direction

Fiona Cummings


We know what we are, but know not what we may be

William Shakespeare


Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible

Audrey Hepburn


Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud

Maya Angelou


Change your thoughts and you change your world

Norman Vincent Peale


It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Aristotle Onassis


Believe you can and you are half way there

Theodore Roosevelt


If opportunity doesn’t knock, get a doorbell

Fiona Cummings


There are two ways to spread light, be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

Edith Wharton


Whoever is happy will make others happy too

Anne Frank


Make yourself think positive and positivity will be the last thing on your mind

Fiona Cummings

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