
Thursday 14 August 2014


How do I know it’s sunny? Raining? Snowing? In general how do I know what the weather is like? Believe it or not, these are the kind of questions I get asked.

My answer?

“Em, put my hand out of the door or window, and feel the air?

Or, feel it on my face through the window if it’s sunny or if my house is cold, turn on the heating and say

“Heck its cold out there!”

Or, check my beloved PPod for the weather forecast.

“Oh, you have an IPod?”

“Yes, don’t you?

“Oh, yes, so how do you use it?”

Same as you, touch the screen!!!!!!!


Then walk away, Haha.. No, joking, I tell them we have voice over as apple are fantastic for that and you don’t have to pay a fortune to get it, it comes out of the box ready.


Oh the best one I have been asked

“You are amazing writing your blogs. How does your lap top know what you are thinking????????

Say, whaa’aa’t?


We all know the sugar and tea disease,

“How many sugars does your daughter take?”

Em, ask me? I have an opinion?

I guess it’s all about education really, but I wondered if other disabilities are linked with stupidity.

The best one still is when my Husband was in our capital asking for directions, and the man lifted his dogs ear up to tell her?

Oh and I loved it when my dentist, yes, a person who has been to University for years asked me when finding out we had three black dogs.

“Goodness, how do you know the difference if their all black?”

“Well, it’s like this luv!


When Hub and I were looking around houses to buy, the estate agents were hypnotised. As especially when my Husband told one lady, that the house had new electrics…

Even I didn’t know how he knew, but he told me he could tell by the plugs and sockets….

We also knew houses that were damp. But didn’t know about houses that suffered from subsidence.

We were almost conned into buying the most beautiful house, it was an enormous and so beautiful. Turned out that the house had major work done onto it only months before had completed, after nine months of the people having to leave the house. Long story, but our bank wouldn’t give us the money when they found out through a search… Thankfully, as when we looked into it, turns out there is no way they would be able to sell it again, as they did the work on their own and had no paperwork…

But here we are this house is lovely. It’s comfortable and ours and our neighbours are lovely. Everyone shares everything, time, objects and their space in their gardens.


Well, how did we pick the house we are living in now? We looked at so many. Mostly because of circumstances. Some houses had tenants in. No way…

Some we liked the owners had to find a property. This one was empty as soon as we wanted it. It’s close to all the shops, well, danger, on Google map, for blindies, you do sadly need to go by car or see where you are going, but there are still a lot of shops about. We won’t starve. Though still get our shopping delivered.


This house had potential. It just felt right. Some houses we got out of the taxi, as most houses we looked at on our own, without our boy, and I just felt the air and wanted to get back in the car…. Back to the air…

Just a note to my dear sighted Bloggets who do wonder.

We are like you, close your eyes, and in fact blind fold yourself for a few hours. Is your brain affected?

Do you no longer have feelings?

Have you stopped hearing things?

Have you lost your sense of smell?

Do your legs work as they did before you blind fold yourself?

Have you stopped being in love with your other half and stopped loving loved ones?

No? Well, lucky you can remove your blind fold.


If we are afraid, we can’t open our eyes.

We can’t do anything but touch, smell hear and hope.


Hope is a wonderful word. I think if you don’t have hope, what is left in the world?

I love you all and I am so grateful you have read this far.

I want to make it so we are not different to you, we are you, and we were all made by the same maker.  We all have the same air...

Back to air again.


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