
Wednesday 13 August 2014


Testing testing 1 2 3

Firstly I wish to apologise to you all if you have been trying to read my blogs and are not able to see the print very well? I didn’t know until tonight that my fonts and  colours were all wrong and hard to see. A lovely person informed me as they wanted to read the blogs and couldn’t see them. I’m so sorry I really didn’t know and need you all to keep me right. I use a screen reader and it doesn’t say what font’s colours and so on.

So I have spent three hours plus and my Son who is at college about to take his second year in Internet technology tried to help me with this, my Husband who is a techno wiz did too, they gave up, teen after two and a half minutes, Hub tried for over half an hour, me? Haha. I was determined to get it right and at last I think, I have put the font bigger and I hope the background colours. My boy did the colour and Hub tried to do the font size and couldn’t but I hope I have managed, if not, please will you let me know?


Thank you with love.

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