
Tuesday 9 January 2018


Watching the news, I just can’t believe some stories though nothing shocks me anymore. A refugee came to the UK went onto a internet dating website called something like

 I mean firstly, we have to stop there and think, a refugee has access to a website? Of course, they do… and mobile phones, houses and money. We are a caring country. We look after those less fortunate. Oh, apart from the elderly person who has worked all their life never committed a crime who sits at home alone every day and apart from those who have just lost their sight and need help and apart from those struggling with other illnesses but can’t get the necessary things they need to have a basic day, apart from those people, we do care here in the UK.


 He met with another lady a Chemist who I am sure we educated in this country free schooling for sure and together they planned to blow up parts of our country. The country who educated and cared for them. He was told to poison foods and drinks that were not popular with Muslims. By the way, he worked in a food factory…  Well they are to be given their destiny in court soon.


 A few days ago, I read about a child killer who was sent to jail, released and within 24 hours he committed disgraceful behaviour, sent back to jail and since then has been released, and guess what? Yes, he’s done it again, he’s going to court again and this time I hope they throw away the key.


Three men are to be sentenced in the UK after forcing a poor 14-year-old girl to have sex with 20, men. oh, my goodness. Again, there are or should be no words just actions but our country is far too soft to perform such actions!


Reading about the Aussie flu, oh sounds so scary. One person from Australia said their eyes felt as if they were in a vice. I wonder how these things start? I remember when flu was flu. Now we even get a chicken version…


A housing building company in the UK called Persimmon have just handed their chief a bonus. How much do you think he got? Go on, have a guess…

I can tell you in ended in the word Million.

And started with 110. Yes, one hundred and ten million pounds.

That’s bonus? Wow. Some people in the UK are outraged about this, mind you, they say nothing at just how much sports people are getting. But personally, I do believe that is a sin, just obscene whether you are a footballer or the chief of a housing company, no one on earth should earn that amount of money.


As always, our NHS have been featured a lot in our news. Our National Health Service gets a lot of bad publicity. And this is a real shame. Personally, I have never had anything wonderful happen to me from our NHS, never have I been in a situation where they have saved a loved one’s life. I’m sure there are so many people out there in Blogget land who owe their lives to our free NHS. And that is it, it’s free. We can turn up at our hospitals and receive free treatment. A couple of days ago I was so cross because yes, give them bad publicity if warranted, but otherwise leave them alone. Photographs were taken of people sleeping or they said laying on the floors of a hospital. Sounds third world, right? At the same hospital it was written a man lay on a quotes trolley for 12 hours. Looking into this story, firstly, it was during the night when both these stories emerged.

Secondly, a trolley is just like a bed, it’s not something that you would put your cups and saucers on. There are sheets and pillows. Thirdly, there are so many seats in hospital waiting rooms, why would you lay on the floor? And finally, when these photographs were taken, it was the early hours of a Sunday morning… just the word drunks come to mind. Possibly drugs? Our NHS is far from perfect but if we had to pay for everything, let’s see how happy and healthy we would be then. Don’t get me wrong, I’m as far from being a fan of the NHS as you can get, but I’m also grateful to them and what they could be if only they would be managed in a better way and we closed the hospital doors to NHS tourism which has been reported to have left the NHS with an unpaid bill of£ 530,000


Today it was written that sugar is going to be removed from NHS staff foods to deal with obesity. I do smile as I have taken a nurse’s arm in the past thinking, well, at least she can’t knock me about my weight… as for my Sons girlfriend, she is a health care assistant and her diet is pretty poor… she works three days per week, so, for the other four days? Removing sugar won’t help, people will just bring in their own food.


With regards to my eye disease Retinitis Pigmentosa, I put a question out there in a group I’m in to do with research and treatments and the question was

Does anyone think that this year there will be news of treatments for our eyes? Not research, but actual treatment… I shall let you know if I get any answers!


Apart from that bit of news, there isn’t anything else I can find so on that note I shall go for now and return later… Be at peace take care of yourself and others around you. Later gators.





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