
Wednesday 20 September 2017



It’s true, the more you get to know someone, the more you really get to know them. Just saying!

When you find yourself in the misfortune of having to spend time with someone you really don’t like, and there’s no getting out of the situation, you may find yourself with a cork ready to pop. My Champaign bottle is fizzing over. Just saying.

The absolute arrogance of some people is unbelievable. It’s like a battle and they may win the goods/oil/gold, but like hell they will take over my mind, heart and pure existence!

Just saying!

When you can see badness occurring like a cancer growing, but you can’t cut it out, though you have the tools, it’s a challenge to sit and watch the disease killing destroying and slaughtering, like a mad hunter chasing innocent animals that in the end at the wrong side of a gun barrel, have no chance in life. An yet the coward keeps shooting and each splatter of blood, gives excitement and joy to the hunter, but nothing you say or do will stop them from slowly ending a life. In fact, they will hunt the bird, remove the feathers, dip them in chocolate and hang them up to snack on during moments of more madness. Just saying, there are people in my life who I wish were not here and I pray this time next year they won’t be. They will have moved on to hunt another innocent victim. Just saying!





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