
Sunday 26 June 2016


Good day Bloggets, my dogs know they are going for a free run. Oh the sounds coming from Wagga and as for poor LF, oh bless him. He was crying he has perfected that learning from Waggatail how to squeak. So Hub told Little Fella to get in his bed, I felt sorry for him, as he is just talking saying let me out of this boring house and let me find those dogs to play with? So now he is in his bed and laying there, oh I want to cuddle him. Naughty Waggs is by the front door making her sounds whilst LF is being a good boy lying in bed all quiet and confused as if it’s going to be just the Wagging one who is going for a walk.


Well, I wrote that last paragraph a few hours ago. Since then, the dogs have come back clean which is a good thing. Hub and I have chilled in our garden along with Teen for a while having a lovely chat. Teen went to the gym and Hub and I prepared dinner. I made them chicken with spices, mash potatoes, sprouts, carrots and Yorkshire Puddings with gravy, to my American Bloggets, our gravy is different to yours. Gosh when I went to the states, and I was asked did I want gravy with my biscuits? Say what? Hahaha. Biscuits in England are to Americans cookies. The biscuits I had in the US were what I would call kind of a scone. The gravy was a strange thing, like a sauce, you got white gravy too.


Well, we ate our dinner, but this is a funny story, are you ready for it? Hub and I were outside saying we think we should throw away our microwave. We don’t use it, but then Hub said that Teen did. So we said we would keep it then. Well, shouts from the kitchen.

“Mum. Why is the microwave not working?”” haha. I went in, told him he mustn’t have the plug in properly, oh well, that did it. I was being patronising. Haha. So must be a fuse. I told the little monkey not to take a fuse from something else, I would buy some fuses tomorrow. I came out again. I heard “Mum. It’s not the fuse.””

Me, really, how do you know?

Teen. “Because I removed the fuse from the chocolate machine and put it in the kettle and it’s not working.””

Oh… … … . . . Right.


I didn’t blow a fuse… I kept calm and asked Teen if he would please put the fuse back?


So, I made a lovely dinner and as I was cooking it, Teen announced that he was going out to have a game of golf. Then as he was driving away, I suddenly remembered we don’t have a microwave. So what was I to do with Teens dinner? Keep it in the oven, OK, but how long would that keep hot for? And bear in mind, I made Yorkshires, they can’t keep warm.


It’s amazing just how much you rely on something that you thought you wouldn’t miss? This morning I was in the shower, I said to Hub, oh, in the mornings I like a cooler shower. I can’t stand hot water. Well, seriously Bloggets, just as I said that, the blooming shower water went ice cold. I thought it was Hub being his mischievous self. No it wasn’t him running the sink tap, so what was wrong with our water? Well, Hub went to investigate, the water in the tank had gone below the line, how does he know? When we got the boiler fitted, Hub asked the guy to show him how far from the top the water had to be. As for me, I wouldn’t even know where the tank was. Hahahah. Or the fuse box and that was the other thing he did, he flicked the fuse box, I think the microwave had flipped and blown the fuses in the electric box.


Well, it’s been a lovely weekend we have all really enjoyed it. As it comes to an ending now, reflections. I had a caring note from my sister in law, and lots of lovely messages for our Anniversary. We had a great day yesterday and today and our dogs are satisfied. The weather has been beautiful but now as I write it’s raining. Also windy. Hub now listening to his favourite radio drama and our kitchen is tidy after our dinner. So before I have to iron the shirts for the week, I will write to my Bloggets and then chill for a few hours before that task. Tomorrow I have not looked at my diary yet; I do have some volunteering work to do quite a lot which will lead into the evening as I have to make a phone call to a guy who works as a teacher. And I as ever have phone calls to make for our home life. We are writing our will. Something I hate doing, but has to be done. My advice to you all, do it before you are ill. We have one already, it just needs changing, amending. I know of a lot of people who didn’t leave wills and they left their family in a right state.


Some questions before I go.

1.       What do you call a male ladybird?

2.       When a dog food is new and improved taste, who tastes it?

3.       Why didn’t Noah swat the two mosquitoes?

OK I have lost the plot… two cups of coffee today, see what it does to me? Smile.


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