
Monday 20 June 2016


Good afternoon Bloggets. Gosh, how long has it been? Well, at last I’m here to chat to my favourite people. What a busy weekend leading into an even busier week. I’m finding that there are not enough hours in the day, not that I’m out and about every second or answering loads of emails etc., I am out about once a day, answering about a dozen emails with regards work and volunteering, so not many at all. I have been asked to write a true life story for someone. This will be fine, and will have this done by tomorrow, a poem I have been asked to write is about a child who will be going to live abroad from where they were born. Again, no trouble. I have been searching for radio stations where by I can get information out there for my volunteering and sending out a press report today. I received a phone call to see if I can do a talk at an event on Wednesday, but I can’t as otherwise busy…     So as I said, not over worked just lots of different things to think about as well as running the house, this week sorting out insurance for house and holiday. Waiting in for dog food and vacuum bags today, such an exciting life I lead! Tomorrow out and about as well as Wednesday, but Thursday I think I’m free, and Friday out with volunteering again. Saturday it’s my wedding Anniversary. Where have the years gone?


Hub spoke to his Dad yesterday as it was Father’s day. Thankfully he received the card I sent. At one time I was so relaxed about posting anything in the UK, now, it’s really hit and miss.


So rewind. Saturday, an early start. Got our dogs toileted harnessed and collected what we needed from the house and on our way to the train station to visit our friends Trix, Like and Hanz.


The station was packed. The Little Fella was great, Waggs had a feel of excitement pushing through the handle of her harness, though wasn’t best pleased with the noise of the station. So early in the morning too, and when we got on the train, it was so funny. The lady who worked as a ticket inspector announced in a pan voice.

“Please can the ticket dodger who has locked themselves in the toilet please come out and face the consequences as there is a queue building up with people wishing to use the toilet?””

She went on to say. “You have to come out of there at some point, and when you do, I will be waiting for you!””


Haha, imagine the shame of having to walk out of the loo and face people? I would die in there, or try to climb out of the window, though I’m sure that won’t be possible. Hub said that those who do things like that won’t have shame, so they won’t be bothered about facing people.


A lovely day was had at our friends and Trix served some delicious food for lunch, in fact I can still taste it now in my imagination. The time flew, and time to come back home but not for long.


We got to the station, oh my word. The town was packed. I was so afraid. When you can’t see and hear gangs of loud mouthed men chanting and clapping as they walk towards you, it’s terrifying. I held onto Wagga and kept near Hub as you just never know if or what may pass by and launch out to hurt one of our dogs, some people are sick. But these guys passed and thank God they were OK, but there must have been at least forty voices as a guess.


 In our safe house at last, but with the knowledge that we had less than half an hour and then out again with two more friends for a night, guess where? Back in our noisy town. Smile.


We left our dogs at home. Teen let me know earlier in the day he had broken his toe. Hub looked at it, and said he didn’t think he had, but to put ice on it and gave him some tablets for swelling. Teen isn’t used to his Mum going out for pleasure all day and night, so when it came to him telling me he had no food, I asked him why he had not made himself anything? He said his toe… Haha.  I refused to feel guilty because I never go out for fun, not for months at a time anyway. I knew there was something in the house to eat, plenty, so out we went.


Again it was so noisy in the town. Why do English people have to shout? Well, by the time I got home, it was before the pumpkin hour, about twenty to midnight, I noticed that there were seven missed calls from Teen. He was not impressed that I was not answering, but as I rely on speech for my phone, I was unable to hear it… He texts me and the voice read that he was worried and it wasn’t funny me not answering… He asked for some food to be brought in… I had, but guess where my hungry teen was?

Out. Where? Well, I Called him and I felt bad for a second. Well, maybe two. It is lovely to know he cares enough to worry, or was it he wanted food? Smile. So, Teen couldn’t walk properly but him being out reassured me he was not with broken toe…


Well, could we get back and relax talking about our great day and night? No, of course not. Our Little Fella had rebelled and ate the door mat, not all of it, but half. The other half he shredded all over the living room floor.


Sunday was a funny day, Hub and I have decided to change Sundays. Normally we work all day around the house or garden. We are going to try to chill on a Sunday now and work on a Saturday. Otherwise Sundays are just not pleasant. Teen gave Hub a lovely Father’s day card and gift. The words in the card are so lovely. He got a card from the girls too so that was nice. We had a lovely dinner and then teen out again. Just to a friend’s house, as he can’t afford to go out out, if you know what I mean.


Sunday night, so last night, we were out again. Our lovely friend picked us up as it was pouring. Tears I say for our lovely vicar who was killed. It was to our church we went and what a great turn out. Our friend Flexi was on the piano and William did most of the talking. It was a lovely service to show our respects though a little late I think. I did have tears. Just a few, as our vicar was a special man. A great man. I couldn’t always understand what he was saying as his accent was strong but he somehow didn’t have to be heard as in the language, as I felt his words and power through his presence. He will be so badly missed in the world, not just our local church, as he travelled back to his country many times to help people less fortunate than ourselves. The congregation were fantastic and did him proud. Our friends were there Rich and dear delicate Jazz, really, she is a young girl and so pretty and delicate like a flower. She is beautiful and I learned last night that she has a very strong singing voice and sounds so happy when singing. She was so kind to help us out of the busy church. And in the rain, made our way home, via the car park and shrubbery. Met up with neighbours who live next door but only seam to see them when we go to church, and saw two other friends who kindly came to our rescue as we did tour the car park. It was all my fault. I turned left too early. It’s a difficult one, you turn left and it leads into the car park or you walk another five steps forward and you are on the road side where you need to be. As I have said before, a person who can’t see only needs to miss something by a few feet even inches to be lost or lose something that they have placed down somewhere.


The wind was wild last night and early hours. Windy in June? Still waiting for a summer, we had six days in a row a couple of weeks ago, but it’s back to being cold again today. First day of summer and there is no hope yet for the weather to turn nice, and the weather has not heard yet that it is the first day of summer. It even poured with rain yesterday and this morning.


Well, just before I go, some words I hope you will find interesting?

Did you know that rain drops with a diameter   of less than half a millimetre, is called drizzle? There are three types of rain. Orographic, frontal and and convective which I think the latter is showers. Well, it was showers yesterday for sure and it was none stop. Hmm. Sounds like our blooming shower, yep, none stop, even when it’s off…


They say on average it rains one in three days in the UK. Well, somewhere in the UK. I guess that is why we have lush countryside, right? Until they start to build on it… Then it becomes brown or whatever the brick colour is…


OK I’m hungry before heading back to the work I have on today, must eat, but before I do, were you aware that there is such a job where by the job title is something like food prognostication or something like that?  There are businesses which consult with restaurants and so on to see what foods are trending. So, I did a little investigation of my own and learned that 2016 food trends are as follows.


Savoury foods in sweet food, for example vegetable yogurts, how gross.  I heard that in Brooklyn US you can get ice cream flavoured with smoked chili tobacco and huckleberry, and that is all one flavour ice cream. Again, gross. Seaweed is supposed to be the new kale. No, really, it belongs in the ocean, along with the fish etc. Why does man feel like they own everywhere and have to rob everything? There is a reason why seaweed is in the sea, look it up?


So pickled cucumber? I love, can deal with, but not just that in 2016, oh no, it’s pickled potatoes. Hmm. Not as bad as the ice cream above, I heard that they are pickling pumpkins too. So sad, why? Is it to get us used to everything in the future being pickled as there will be little fresh food available? Just putting that thought out there!!!


Possibly the prognosticators are wanting their job titles to be known so we take notice and this is why they are saying popular foods like this are trending? I mean, how many people do you know who are munching on a milkshake made from mackerel, melon and mash potato?


On that note, going to have some beans on toast… And I don’t mean coffee beans.

Later with love.





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