
Wednesday 1 June 2016


 I was asked by my dear friends and faithful Bloggets to write about a quote. The quote is

“If love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it.”

So, what do I think of this quote? Do we understand love better? Where to start? Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin.


I know a lot of people who are blind who are nasty individuals, bitter, angry and very selfish, just as I know sighted people in that same boat, that boat I wouldn’t object to if it sunk.


I think those of us who have had hardship in some kind of way in life show compassion more so than those whose lives seem to be perfect without problems or stress. Remember Bloggets, those who are always laughing and never complain about troubles are probably full of strife. I have found that those people wear a mask, hiding their true feelings. That used to be me. For my entire life I smiled laughed and never spoke of the pain I went through. Now, I have rebelled against society and my past existence.


I believe when you lose someone close to you, like a parent, you become more compassionate towards others, at first those who have gone through the same as yourself. The loss of a loved one. Then you may open your heart more and take in those who are hurting for whatever reason. But this doesn’t mean you do it because you are blind. You have just gone through the cruel lesson of life, a lesson I wished I had never turned up for. Skipping classes sadly wasn’t my gift.


I also believe that you are born with a caring side. From the age of a year and a half I have vivid memories of me looking out for my big brother who is seven years my senior. I remember the lump in my throat as a tiny girl as I thought my brother was getting bullied. Of course as a child so young, what is bullying? We don’t know but I felt as if something wasn’t quite right and he was about to be hurt. Some used to say the same about me as they did about my Son. “That child has been here before.” I used to just think it was an old wives tail and think nothing of it, but of course wisdom comes with age and I know what the saying means now, and I have spoken before about when I was regressed. Something I mocked and still do because I believe when we hear of those who were famous people, you have to think, why so famous? Why not just an ordinary person. I was that ordinary person, I have written in great depth about my experience as well as touched on the subject before of my night that really did change my mind about regression, so I won’t bore you all, but let’s just say, I don’t believe we are born and die. In some cases, we come with a past. I believe I have deep in my soul still that young girl from my past. I only feel her inside of me so why? Is this life my second stage? Does it get better as we keep being born? And are our memories wiped like a memory board on a computer? Well, I must have had a student who made the mistake of not wiping my memory all together. Smile.


Now this is the important thing about the quote, to save you going to the top of the page to remember what it was, as I do tend to ramble, go off the subject somewhat for a while only to return, I promise you, it’s all relevant…. Honest, well, here is the quote again and then the important part of my writing today. The conclusion.


“If love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it.”

As a person who had sight and lost it overnight, I can tell you I appreciate more. For years people walked past me, those I knew, so called friends. So when I began to make new friends, I appreciated them more. My Husband never got cards as a child because he couldn’t see them… So now if someone bothers sending him a card and especially if they go to the little bit of effort to buy a card with some kind of tactile on it, his heart is warmed. A friend of mine, her Mum popped in with an Easter cake and a couple of small crosses she got from church, that was so kind. Thoughtful of her and when we were getting our drive done, a neighbour knocked on my door after climbing over the rubble and asked if I needed anything from the shop, thinking we couldn’t get out of the house. I was so touched by her kindness. What did it take for her to do that? But it meant the world, now if you can see, those kind of things are nothing that you would even think about. Little did my neighbour know, but Hub and I went to a boarding school that was in Victorian grounds and the buildings were of the same age. We were used to roughing it. Smile, so when the rubble was in our drive rocks stones everywhere. So what did I do?

 Send Hub to the shop. Haha. Seriously, it’s circumstances. Situations.


So we have a greater understanding of compassion and we become more grateful, but just as a sighted person does who has had some kind of loss. We just have so much more to cope with in life, as I feel as a blind person, personally speaking, we have gone through so much pain and grief in our lives and I can say thankfully, for those younger than myself, life today is easier for you all than it was for us. For those who are going blind, life’s challenges will be half what we went through I’m glad to say. But that is for another blog.


I hope my words have answered what I believe to be the answer to the above quote? Xx

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