
Wednesday 8 June 2016


Good afternoon Bloggets. Gosh it’s boiling today, four days in a row? Unheard of in the UK these days. Rain to come though, and just in time for the wedding we are going to at the weekend.


I have made a huge summer salad for our dinner tonight, boys and a girl, smile, are having chicken and I’m having some alternative without a face… Gosh, there is nothing like a summer salad on such a beautiful day? For dessert, I have raspberries, apricots and water melon with a sprinkle of delicious pomegranate seeds. I buy pomegranate seeds in a tray, ready as there is nothing worse than having to prepare that yourself.


So in my imagination today, I’m seeing sky with hints of blue and yellow and white fluffy clouds floating by. And in reality, because my Son told me what the sweet sounds were, Tiny finches are feeding from our coconut in the garden. No, we don’t have a tropical coconut tree, it’s a shell cut in half filled with birdie delights.


So what to chat about today, in the news is all about pigs… My ex didn’t feature once in the headlines. Joking. Of course… He’s not a pig… A pig is an animal who has not asked to be born and does not ask to be slaughtered for its flesh either nor does it asked to have human organs grown in it to help for humans to be healthy or stay alive.


This is what we are talking about doing now in the UK. Pig farms will be the normal and hearts and so on will grow in these poor suffering animals. Now, I’m all for stem cell and treatments for us all but when it comes to animals, you know my views. Torture long term prisoners rather than an innocent Labrador or rabbit, or monkey. Also by doing this, we will find cures so much faster. If on the other hand, it was my child dying and needed an organ transplant, then of course I would have to go for the poor pig, though I would live my life in agony over this decision.


Hub had a good point as we discussed designer babies yesterday. If that is what we want for our future, we must sign an agreement that states that the unborn child will not be allowed to have children.  Why has he this opinion? Because he fears for our future generations. What if we create monsters? Well, I would say that we have plenty of monsters in this world already, so they will feel at home.  If I were to design a Son, he would be exactly what I have so I am very lucky. But if there are parents out there where by the father is balding with a large nose and the mother is five feet two, they want a tall child with lovely hair and a normal sized nose, not to be made fun of at school and go through low self esteem when older, I have nothing against a designer child, but Hub said then every person will be perfect looking, but what is perfect? Perfect to me may not be to you. So I don’t think we will see everyone looking the same. But I can see certain features in people from parts of the world changing as with cosmetic surgery, it’s already happening.


Well my old  Bloggets will know that I don’t like throwing things away. Especially as they are really in good condition. Now I had cases full of curtains for our kids houses. But, Hub had another good point, two in a year? Smile, by the time our kids get their own houses, they will not be wanting handy down curtains. Hmm. Back in my day.. haha. I guess they will want boring modern plain sticks of rock as my Mum used to say. Mum and I like a lot of material on our curtains. We hate them where there is no pleat. Kids today are minimalistic I’m told, mind you, our eldest girl likes her quirky bits and bobs, but I can’t see the little one or Teen wanting Mummy Fi’s curtains.


Yes, so out went the curtains but can’t quite as yet get rid of the towels. Oh they are so big and newish. It would be a sin. I do have rather a lot though, but I am improving, as a few years ago, I counted my towels and there were 47 two years ago, I got them down to 32 and now about 25 ish? So, why this story, I may go around the gooseberry bush to get to the basket to collect the fruit, but there is a purpose to my story. Honest there is. Just give me a mo jo to remember what? Hahahhahhahahahehhehe.


Oh yes, well, our joiner. We asked him to make a box like a blanket box. Hmm. I showed him the furniture in our office, and said I wanted it to be exactly like that. So I waited two weeks and today it came. That is another funny story, so I shall digress again to tell you about it.


He called me, the joiner to let me know it was ready and asked if he could come when my Son was in? I told him that my Son is in and out like the cuckoo on a clock so if he came any night, Hub would be in to help him. Well, that was funny because there was silence on the other end. Obviously thinking, heckers, a blind guy helping to carry something? He didn’t know what to say so I just told him to come early so teen would be in. If only he could see what Hub and I have moved on our own? I mean, who else would help us? Teen may move one thing but he has no patience, so Hub and I do it all whenever anything needs moving.


Well what would this box look like? Haha. Em… it came and the guy left with my money, and Teen said it looks good. Me? Urg. I don’t like it, at all. But don’t tell Hub please? Seriously, some neighbours may think one of us have died and we are about to be carried out.


Do I need to say any more?

I do?



Well, Teen says it’s darker than our office furniture. Our furniture is so smooth and this is rustic to say the least. It is very well made, don’t get me wrong but when the guy left I had a feel of it. My hands almost stuck to it. Oh my. Obviously he has varnished it.

 So I got a little worried. The carpet in the office is new and I didn’t want it to stick to that. I went into our guest room where we have someone staying at the moment and had a look at where this monstrosity could go? Answer, nowhere. Hub has stuff all over that room. Driving me crazy. Well, where is it now? Somewhere where Hub will do his nut about. It’s on the landing. Our landing is a very odd place. It’s huge, really big, but, full of doors. There are six doors and the entrance to the stairs so no wall space, only a tiny bit where I have a tiny skinny unit for CD’s. This box is four times that size in width, and depth, so now where? Right in the middle of the landing. I like it there, you can get around it right around it, so what is the problem? OK, it may look stupid, but it’s a feature. Yes, it’s a feature, that’s what it is.


Also for two blindies, it’s a bit of a challenge, but we will get used to it. Though I can see early mornings with Hub swearing a lot as he stubs his toe. Well, where would you have put it? I’m sure it will be useful, as really, we have no cupboards in this house, so everything is in our robes like winter bedding and so on. Now it has a new home. The inside wasn’t sticky. I hope the bottom isn’t. I am dreading Hub coming home to it though, he will go mad. I dare not tell him I don’t like it, as far as I’m concerned, it will have its use, but as for a bit of furniture? Naha.


Now onto the next story. Heck, I have put on so much weight it’s scary. I put on a skirt I wore last summer and you can get an arm in between the button and the hole to put it through. Everything that I have tried on for this wedding is far too small. Or I’m far too big. So I had to send for a skirt. I had a beautiful dress and a suit, but history now until I lose weight. Oh, talking of pigs before, one just flew by? Did you see it? Yeah. Pigs will fly.


So I paid money to get it delivered today. Two in the afternoon, still waiting. I’m kind of really scared now. My friend told me that I had made a mistake with one of the dresses I tried on. I bought it last year on line again. The description was as little as it could be. It read something like navy satin dress with dipped hem. Fine, will give it a go. I tried it on ages ago, well last year, it felt great, beautiful material. Thankfully I went for a dress rehearsal a couple of nights ago. Thought it was a bit drafty, to learn that the back was so high. It wasn’t a dress that I know, but one where you wear leggings with. My friend said it was fashionable to have shorter at the front, I got it wrong. It is a dress just I had it on the wrong way. Silly blind Fi… No, not silly, I’m not that stupid. It’s my eyes that don’t work, not my brain. I just smiled at her but when I see her at the wedding I shall explain that I know how to put on my clothes the right way. It is a top, if I were to wear it as a dress, I would be arrested. So, waiting for my skirt. Beautiful day can’t go outside. Mind you, I do have a lot of work still to do and waiting for a call from a radio station to give an interview. You watch, it will happen when my door bell will ring with my skirt, I will be giving an interview on the radio.


OK, back to work now, yesterday I phoned four people and no one was in so will try again as have to write up and send. So until later, enjoy your day and don’t put your clothes on the wrong way? Smile. X

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