
Monday 27 June 2016


Good afternoon Bloggets. Oh I wish I could sit in my conservatory and have a relaxing chat to you all, but the time has ran away with the day and I have so much to do and so little time. One of those days, a day which started last night. No sleep because of it and this morning I didn’t even hear my Husband leave for work, something I feel guilty about. My phone was flat and this is how I tell the time. So go with my body clock and continue to sleep or get up, without sleep plug in my phone and then I am awake for the day. Well I wish I had done the latter as now the guilt I am feeling is ridiculous. How good it would be to be free of guilt? I have so much to do with my volunteering and work as well as so many phone calls and that is before housework. I have three hours to do it all in then tonight I am volunteering again. This morning I have been counselling and that never puts me in a good fettle. I am drained. Emotionally. Someone annoyed me this weekend but we dealt with it and now will move on. I guess I look like death today, I for sure feel like it. One of those days when I didn’t want to get out of bed.


My asthma is so bad, Even Hub who has never suffered with Asthma had a touch of it last week. It’s that dam road near us. The traffic is never ending and there are two times during the day when it’s at a standstill and you really need a blooming mask when going out in the garden. With it being warm, we have the windows open in the house and the bad air is getting in Hub wants badly to move. He was hinting to move to where he works, but no way I don’t want to do that. Why? Because the area we live in is a good one and we are near to everything. OK, most places we don’t go to, but if we need them, we are near. Also I have some lovely friends and the best neighbours here, if we moved we would never ever get that again, but our health is so important. I want to wait until I am so lucky and have my books published, then once I’m an acclaimed author, I can live anywhere. If we move to where Hub works, we would be too far from our besties and our tiny family. Though I can see Hubs situation. He has a long journey every day, he left his last job where he got a great wage and had such respect and say among his colleagues, because of the travel, mind you, he could be in japan one day, Australia the next and two days later, America. A bit different than the two and a half hours he travels each day now. It is much less pay, and I know he finds it more difficult as he doesn’t have the say he had with his last roll, but it’s work and for a person to find work at such a level who is without sight, is almost impossible, no matter of experience or qualifications. At the end of the day, of course we live in a sighted environment and it will never be equal.


OK, I’m now going to the office and will burry myself in work until it’s time to come out and put on my head of a housewife. Smile. The week can only get better and my mood can too, right? Hopefully I will receive a lovely email from one of my dear Bloggets, she always cheers me up. So as the wind outside blows my chimes in the garden the monkeys in our local zoo play and my little Waggatail of a guide dog sleeps still exhausted from her weekend of fun, I shall love you and leave you but hopefully, not for too long. I hope to get my life back to normal soon and be able to write blogs like I used to, take time and research as well as have time to write out of the box, my favourite place. X

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