
Friday 3 June 2016


Good evening Bloggets. So, a subject for those of us who are over the age of, em, well, good question. Easier to say if you are under eleven this won’t interest you. So I will write a special blog for those of you who are of that special age of four to eleven later on.


Condoms. Have you seen the price of them in the supermarkets? The most expensive ones I have seen for a pack of three were £12. Firstly, I think they should be free and I know in the UK school children can get them free But I think they should be free or very little money for all ages. the Government should pay for them because not only will they help to lesson the chances of pregnancies, but prevent spreadding diseases. So the NHS and government pay outs will benefit from stopping this kind of thing happening to people.


Firstly, I can tell you I’m not wanting to buy any condoms. Smile. I was innocently doing my weekly shop before on line and they popped up if you like.  A quotes special buy. LOL. At blooming twelve pounds, I should say it’s a special price. So I then wanted to know if they were over priced at this shop, so I went on line and had a look. Then I saw this written and I thought it was rather funny. See if you think the same as me after reading it I will tell you my first thought.


100% Privacy Guaranteed 

UK's No.1 Condom Store 

Now Bloggets, here it’s coming… Wait for this now? Ready?

365 Day Returns Policy


Hahahahehehehe. Returns? That is so wrong… In so many ways.

Well this drew me in to reading more about them. For research only of course. I found a website that had a load of condoms for sale but, there was in fact a sale section. So, why are they for sale? Do they have a best before date on them? May be they get thinner and thinner as the days go by. If so I want whatever is sprayed on condoms….


 So, here is what was for sale.

 E XS. Glow in the dark condom…. Hahaha. One question Bloggets. Why?

Don’t answer that one….

Square condom. “Square?” Ouch?

E X S smiley face condom…. “Well, I’m sorry, but if I saw a comical smiley face heading in my direction, I would have to quit right there…

So a lot of the sale items read E X S, so extra small? Hmm. Well that is what I thought, but then on the last item, it read E, OK, I’m fine with that, extra right? But Then S, so small, yes? And then? P. Yep, P. What does that mean? Extra puny? Haha. Sorry.


So, are there any websites where kids can get free condoms, in fact not only children, I say that as I know that kids have sex under the legal age. There are plenty of sights, and apparently, they deliver them in a quotes. Reinforced brown envelope… Reinforced?


OK, this has been a flippant blog, but one I do feel should be addressed. I really don’t think condoms should be charged for unless I guess you want some of the weird ones… Watch out for that glowing smiley face coming your way… Be safe, it’s easy. It’s not easy to visit sexual disease clinics and tell your family you have HIV, or will have a baby soon. For you guys remember if you get a girl pregnant, you will have to pay for your baby for eighteen years. And you don’t decide on how much. No, that choice is taken from you and decided for you. And believe me, it’s not a fair decision in many cases against the men in some cases and against the women in other cases. The child support agencies are not your friend.

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