
Sunday 5 June 2016


Good day Bloggets. Well, my weekend so far. Yesterday we were up and ready to hit our town. Hub had a haircut and I was inches away from getting our very blunt scissors and lopping my fringe and decided better on it so went to get that done. We met two of our friends before going and had a nice catch up. I left Wagga at home and took my white cane. Hub had the Little Fella. I was apprehensive as Hub and LF walk really fast and in our terrifically busy touristy town, it’s almost impossible to walk with a white cane. Well, as I walked along, I only managed to take one person out. I presumed it, was a lady, as it, seemed to be top heavy. Just by a little knock from fullumptious Fifi, I could tell, that it kind of through itself forward and bounced, thankfully, back to her position. Making no sound what so ever. I think it was in shock. I did say sorry, and then found myself once again wondering about my powers of placing people in a different part of the pavement to where they were before. But I try not to use my cane properly as if I did I would sweep people off the paths. And sometimes there are stalls and vans parked on the pathways too, so it’s so difficult along with people looking at the architecture of our city.


Well, we found the hair dressers, via another couple of shops but thankfully we didn’t go in them, we knew by the smell from them and the music, that it wasn’t our dressers.


We were so early, like half an hour. Normally when we had our wonder dog of LC, we would hit the bank and bakers, as well as possible a coffee shop too but with me and our LF, sadly it’s not possible. Hub and LF could go, LF is a great guide, but I’m not good enough sadly and it does make me sad, to not be able to do those things any more, but I’m grateful that Hub can if he wants, it’s a shame that those are the kind of things we liked to do together.


We were so lucky that the bus seemed to be waiting for us on the way back home, normally that bus stop home is awful. It’s so blooming noisy and full of loads of people many busses pulling up so what bus is ours? And they don’t park in the same place. Sometimes a bus will pull up and I think that is ours. No, Hub reassures me that it is a tourist bus. How does he know? Because it’s a few feet away from the kerb. I can’t hear as good as him and would never be able to tell.


Home, a quick cup of coffee and a bit to eat, then time to get the dogs ready again for part two of our day. Oh boy, this I was not looking forward to. Time for the vet with Wagga. Across that evil road. If we wanted we could take a bus, safe. But we would have to walk back for about a six minute walk to catch the bus, where as to walk it in theory, would take about twenty minutes…. Hmm. Well, take time off waiting for the bus as well as walking there and the time the bus stops at two stops before our time to get off, we could walk it. In theory. Firstly, we had to cross the evil road. That would be the first time I have done that with Hub.


We waited ages and ages. I did something I had to do and Hub said it was ridiculous, but I had to take my white cane as well. Wagga does not like noise. She goes into a frenzy and digs her feet in the ground burying her head into whatever is there, soil, grass, pavement. She is a true country bumpkin.


I didn’t use my cane as a sweeping effect, I used it just by my right side to tell when I’m near the road side and where the kerbs were to get safely back on the road. As Waggs has been known to stop in the road and freeze. Getting her to local shops, Doctors, Dentist, Chemist and even local hair dressers if we wanted to go there, she is great, but not busy roads.


So, we waited and waited and at last we crossed. I just, got across before a truck came. But hub said that it was a clear road they can see for miles so no bends, so it would move to avoid me.


Thanks love. That’s reassuring especially as they never when I have been with friends before, seam to slow down. And when I had that awful fall on the road with Artie, they were seconds from me and again, didn’t slow.


Well, it was miles away, and at last I got to where Wagga and I know. She does this bit brilliantly, see only a car park to worry about so she was fine, passing the bus stops, seats and shelters, the huge shop for groceries and even avoiding the tables and chairs outside the coffee shop. Right into the vets. She got seen and she is very fit and healthy, with perfect weight of 26kg


Then reverse. Oh no… Heck…. As we approached the road of hell, a car pulled up it was our Son asking us to jump in the car, but he had his friend with him so we just said it was OK. His friend is a lovely lad, but we are so afraid to appear different to Teens friend’s parents, that we would rather do it alone. Time we got home, I was shaking. Teen was just coming out from the shower as he had been to the gym and he was going out again. He said he was really worried bless him. He said he didn’t like seeing his parents on that road… I tell you, I didn’t like being one of his parents on that road. I wish they would put a crossing there. But no way, people have been asking for twenty years and no way the council will.


It was a beautiful evening and we chilled in our garden.


Today, a little house work and a lot of chilling in our garden. It’s three in the afternoon, I’m going to wake Teen up… He is out tonight again, to a place which is not like anywhere he has been before, so he will enjoy that. Hub is bathing the dogs in the garden… With the hose. They have just come from a long walk with our dog walker June…


We have had two hot days in a row. I have heard tomorrow is going to be lovely as well, I’m in the office all day though. So until next time, hope you are all well, oh and I have some news on our bird next time I chat to you all. Hugs.

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