
Friday 28 August 2015


Happy Friday Bloggets. Gosh where to start? Well I will write my diary in a moment but first lots to chat about what is making our news in the UK. Firstly, its bank holiday weekend in England. This is the biggest holiday weekend of the year. Almost all working will be off and it is said that our roads will see thirteen million travellers so hours of congestions hitting the tarmac. Dare we visit our town tomorrow? Hmm.


UK net migration has hit an all-time high. Reaching a record 330,000. And that is who we know of. How many have slipped by security?


This is outrageous a disposable coffee cup used by An MP for Labour,   Jeremy Corbin has been sold for £51. “Gross””


Researchers from the Birmingham University have discovered if you drink a 500 ml bottle of water before each meal, you will lose weight… “Or drowned””


 Yesterday I heard on the radio that there is a blood test that will detect cancer immediately. I hope we can all have that once a year even if we payed for it. Studies say that medically we are all living longer but with disease’s and illnesses. It is awful; we can’t see our heart so how do we know when it is diseased? I guess most of us put up with niggles of pains and don’t do anything about it. My dream would be to have private medical health, trying to get that when blind? Is really a challenge. I give up now but when we could afford it, they wanted three times as much for us as they did for a sighted person.


So my diary so far. Teen text today he is still OK but OK just I think. He’s really cold at nights and he says the ground is really hard. I did by him one of those foam mats but if you could have seen the thickness of it? Or should that be thinness. Is there such a word? Haha.


Just learned that some of our friends are coming in a few weeks so can’t wait for that. As for this weekend?

 On the train to visit my brother and family. Teen due home Monday if he can stand the rest of the mud, cold rain and volume of people. Expected 70,000 people are to go to the festival.


Finally two things firstly apparently people are saying that my blog page is not possible to leave a comment anymore. Thank you Luke for pointing this out, well, now how to fix that? Hmm. And secondly, thank you so much for the amazing response to you all who are now after yesterday’s blog, going to collect your paw boxes to distribute in your local shops. Once again these boxes are small and contain tiny paws on a pin every £1 that is handed over you receive this badge and your kind donations, then gets sent to your local Guide Dog team, if you call your local team that is. Its coming up to Guide Dog week so this is something you can all do and as I said so many of you are doing this you don’t even have to leave your home to help. Phone calls to your local shop and ask if they will have one of these boxes on their counter just for a week or so, it’s not permanent. Then if they say yes, a call to your local team and connect the two. As a lovely lady I was communicating with yesterday told me she was having a stall this weekend and she was going to put a box on there. Amazing you all are. With new rules in the UK with regards to charities, Guide Dogs will lose millions of pounds with the new rules that already are in place, so we need more than ever your help. How powerful you are.


Okay, all of you do something today that will make you smile? If you are finding it difficult, here goes.

Oldies but goodies. Sorry if you have read these before on here, but I have too and still smiled…

I used to drink all brands of beer. Now, I am older Budweiser!

Did you hear about the elephant who was always left out of things and thus felt irrelephant?

Tolkien enjoyed writing fairy tales so much it became a Hobbit.

Q: What do you call a duck that steals?
A: A Robber Duck.

OK I will leave you with that thought of that thieving little duck. With his tiny water pistol and bala clava


Have a lovely weekend.




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