
Tuesday 4 August 2015


Gosh, my Son has been a sweetheart today. Well, apart from when I had my meeting and he walked in just after being at the gym telling me “Oh Mum I’m knackered.” And, with his top off. Oh boy. How not to behave…. But apart from that a gentle soul. Pleasant and loving. He has just gone out for the night. God only knows what they are doing. A car pulled up and he says they are off to a friends and one friend will bring his DJ equipment. Hahaha. To do what? I’m not sure I want to know, but most times they go to the football field and there is no electric there for sure.


He says he will be visiting a friend’s house with his pals. Well, where are the parents? I do wonder.


I hope my Long Chops is being a good girl. Right now she is in a field having a BBQ.

 Well, let’s hope she, isn’t having the BBQ? And my Hub is whilst she is showing people what a good guide dog she actually is….. In a field surrounded by meat….


I’m sure tomorrow evening she will have lots to tell Waggatail. Even if half of it is made up just to get Waggs juices flowing. The burgers will become steaks and the sausages will be chicken breasts. You watch….


Silly me!


 Hub had a long day of meetings and that was after a very long journey by transport of taxi’s and trains. Tomorrow much of the same. The BBQ is to raise money to name a guide dog puppy. The lady wants to raise as much money as she needs to so she can call the dog in memory of her Father. She is selling homemade cakes and fudge. Will any of it get home?


Did you know you could name your very own puppy? What an unusual gift for someone’s birthday, wedding or even retirement, any occasion. Christmas gift? Perhaps you can’t get a load of gifts to someone for whatever reason, well to name a puppy won’t take up much room in your case if you are visiting your relative over the winter season?


You even get to meet your very own cutie. Photographs and news letters will be sent to you as well. But more importantly, you will be giving the gift that will change a life. Without the hero’s we can’t do this.


I’m so grateful for my little Waggatail. Mind you I must add, she wasn’t a so called NAP. Name a puppy. She was just a darling that was lucky enough to be a chosen one. I say lucky as she is loved so much and has the best food vet care too. I’m lucky that I was given her. She is my vision as we walk, and my friend when I’m alone and asks nothing but to give her love…. Oh, and toys, and treats as well as her tummy tickled. All of that is the least I can do for her.


My Husband worked so hard with LC at his last job. All over London and other parts of the UK. To this day I will never know how she did what she did. My Husband spent time in the Houses of Parliament working and other official buildings and he got there with his LC. Without her he wouldn’t have been able to do his job. He would get a call to go to Edinburgh on the Monday, Tuesday he would have to be in Birmingham and Wednesday London. Hotels train busses tubes all with his faithful friend.


My Husband is brave but received his confidence from his guide dog. He studied hard at University many many years ago. He had his first guide dog then. Pip. He said that the campus was so enormous, no way without his dog he would have been able to do what he did. So many qualifications and three degrees later, five dogs and he reached the top at his last place. Now, he has a different job, this one is closer to the people. His last job was with people when he travelled abroad, but in the UK it was all directors and so on. He had no Human contact if you like. Oops. I hope none of his colleagues are reading this from his other job? His boss was great, but he sadly left. And it all went wrong after that and as I have said before, if my Hub, had stayed at his last job, he,  would be ill really ill now. Eight people did the job he was and had been doing for years. Three went on sick with stress weeks after starting Hubs old job. And as for the work Hub used to do? Well, sadly for blind people, no one is doing that now, as no one can do what he did. He was superb and the roll he is doing now, I’m sure once again, he will build his empire as he has passion and now he is closer to the real deal, to people he can change lives just as those wonderful people do who name a pup.


Schools, organisations, Woman’s institute and so on, anyone can get together and raise money and name their very own puppy.


Just don’t call it a stupid name. Remember we have to shout for them to come in the house from the garden and worse, on the field. 


I knew of a man who had a dog and when he was shouting for him in his local park, the police were informed. They came to arrest him.


He had to explain he was shouting for his guide dog.



Well I was brave and opened our new toaster. Thankfully Amazon have sent us one today and not the wrong order of shirt organisers. Hahahaha. They went back. I wonder if they will ever get to the right person?


As for my toaster? Oh boy. Well, em. How can I put this? Hub ordered it. It’s bloody awful. Don’t tell him though, but I unpacked it and thought,

Oh, my 

Oh no.

I swear it’s just hideous. Words fail me.


It’s like some kind of recycled metal. Nothing polished about it. It’s like old cans of baked beans. And when I turned it on, the heat from it? Well, you could dry your clothes next to it….

Oops. Don’t try that at home. Hehehe.


OK before I go some one liners.

I sometimes look at birds and wonder, if I could fly, who would I mess on?


We never knew he was a drunk, until he showed up to work sober.


I want to hang a map in my house. Then put pins in the countries I have travelled to. But first I want to visit the two top corners of the map so it won’t fall off the wall.


I’m great at multitasking. I can waste time, be unproductive and procrastinate all at the same time.


Laters with love.

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