
Tuesday 18 August 2015


It’s four in the afternoon. Just sat down for the first time today with a cup of coffee. Our girls arrived on Sunday to our delight. We had a lovely relaxing day in the garden then when teen came in from work, we all went off for a meal. Our youngest girl is so skinny. There is more fat on a chip, than there is on her. But oh my word. Can she eat? She is the size of my leg. Just the one, and she eats ten times more food than I ever have.  An unhealthy amount, but on Sunday evening, I think we almost finished her off. All they had since they came that early afternoon was a sandwich and at tea time, we had some fizz and fresh fruit. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Lovely. Then it was time to order our evening meal.


Well the little one had a starter and then, a half yep, a full half if that makes sense, no, it doesn’t so scrap that bit of literature. Jog on…. You know what I mean, a half of a chicken. Enough to feed a family of at least two. Then, a rack of ribs. Gross double gross to me a vegetarian, but she loved it.


Though afterwards, she did say she felt rather ill that was after pinching food from her big sister too.


A lovely meal and a walk back home.


The night was closing early as summer has forgotten to arrive here, so it’s more like late autumn, though during the day was lovely, but on the way home? Freezing and dark.


We snuggled down and put on a horror film. Well, it was a rather odd film. All five of us watched it. A nice evening. But we had to end it with some comedy. So we laughed before bed. Always a good thing in my opinion, right?


Next morning it was time sadly for the little one to go. She is singing in the cathedral in Durham. So we all went in teens car and took her to the station. Then teen kindly dropped us off, as he went back home. Hub and I took our daughter to a wonderful antique shop in our town. Oh that was brilliant. I loved it. Everything from amazing clocks to material clothes and china. Then there was the jewellery. We bought our daughter a beautiful ring. She has tiny fingers so we hoped an antique ring would be smaller, but a lot of them were rather big. But we found one with three opals. It’s beautiful.


There was Hub with his rucksack, and me with my white cane. Not once did the proprietors complain or make us feel unwelcome.


Oh the hand bags were really different. But there was a large wheel you use for weaving. It was so beautiful. I wanted it as a quirky floor standing ornament.

But it was over £150 so I just walked away.


The shop is so well thought of and incredible the way in which it’s all set out. There are a few floors to the place and each floor is different rooms.


Our girl also got an antique dress. Thick lace. She is into all that kind of dressing.


She was happy so that made us happy. Then off to a well-deserved coffee shop. It was owned by Australians. The furniture inside was all made from crates. Wooden crates. The smell of coffee was so welcoming. The lovely homely lady read out the different kinds of homemade cakes and we sat with our delights.


Then to the bus and home. I cooked dinner. A steak casserole whilst Hub and our daughter got ready to go back out to the cathedral to a concert. On their return, the pot in the oven smelt rather nice and I’m pleased to say, all family were happy with it.


Today we did a few jobs in town; it was wet and so cold. Dirty rain. We got soaked. Home now, a little work and I have made dinner whilst Hub had to work today so he has been gone all day, but teen has gone out with our eldest now, back to town.


I’m pleased to say the little one is happy where she is. She is so brave. Only just sixteen but on the train, taxi and went to the cathedral to meet with people she didn’t know to work for a week of singing. Our eldest daughter will go there tomorrow and she will have three days of the same.


All of our three children are so full of confidence we feel this is a great thing. We know of blind parents whose children have never gone anywhere on their own and they are twenty plus. But our three are able to travel with knowledge and though I’m always with heart in mouth, I’m also proud. Between both of us, Hub and I and my Hubs ex, we have three polite independent children. Still normal teens though who do all the wrong things as well. But if they remember what we as boring parents taught them, I hope they will be successful in making their lives happy but more importantly, safe.


I’m off now to do some work in the office and then time for everyone to come home for dinner.


Our fire is on as it’s really cold and damp out there. But a cosy evening in front of the TV, or like last night, in our conservatory listening to music. I hope your week has been one of peace. For those who have had a really sad or devastating start to your week? I pray for calm in your heart and for your soul to repair with a blessing. X

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