
Saturday 8 August 2015


Good evening dearest Bloggets. How are we all today? Well, Hub Longchops Waggatail and myself all went out to the bus stop. Would Waggs find it? She did indeed. Of course a treat was needed for such a fine job. No, not for me, mine was to follow. But for Waggs. And it’s sad as LC looks for one too but Hub doesn’t believe in that when out, so she looks with her huge eyes and it’s a good job I can’t see them…. Or my heart would melt.


There was a lovely eccentric lady there waiting too. I loved her she was so sweet she was in a thick jumper, and today we had the sun come to pay a visit. It was blooming boiling. She said she was so hot she was going to have to put her sun hat on. So a jumper and sun hat. Typical English. There she was bosting that she also had her umbrella. Hehehe.


She told us that the reason the swans were not on the lake this year was because some horrid individuals attacked them last year so they must have remembered. Poor things, some people are so sick. I can’t stand it.


She also informed us that the bus timetable had changed. So our busses, used to come every twelve minutes, but now, Looks like twenty and you can’t get as far in the town as you used to be able to.


We went to the vet. This is the first time we have had to have two lots of injections for their vaccinations so a month a part. Back for round two. A word of advice. For those in the UK who now have to do the same. I got the fright of my life. So, we used to have only one injection. Now, one then back after a few weeks for the second. Waggs got hers and I’m not kidding, she went crazy. Started to jump around. Banging her head off the wall next to me. It really made me upset. I was so afraid. I didn’t understand why the vet was taking no notice. He was talking to Hub about LC. I’m like; hang on a cotton pigging second, my dog is having some kind of fit here?


The vet told me it was the needle. It stings. Sometimes itches. He reassured me that she would be oK and said that the puppies, screamed. What? Awful. Why? Anyway, as I’m rubbing franticly the side of my baby’s neck, I was told that the back was where she got her needle. How embarrassing? Of course it was, well, by the time I rubbed the back of her neck, she had calmed down, she was fine, no trouble. But, if you are experiencing this for the first time, just be ready for this weird action to occur. LC, was fine, the vet did say it was normally puppies who felt it. Oh I felt so sad for my little girl.


The staff were lovely though, and of course we had to call in at the pet shop and buy a treat each for them. And then, out to the coffee shop. Oh don’t get me started on there.


The staff in that place are so flipping ignorant. And the coffee is cold. But I did have an enormous chocolate teacake.


Now, to get out of there without Wagga pinching a cake from one of the low tables? Few, we did it. But, outside of the shop, there were tables all over the place. People sitting having coffee and so on. Well, weaving in and out of there was a little challenging. Especially because Wagga didn’t want to work for her Mummy, she wanted to see how helpful she could be at keeping the place clean. But Mummy was a spoilsport and dragged her away, this was awful, as she wouldn’t guide me I was guiding her. But only lasted a few seconds, at the time seemed like ten minutes. I was mortified. So scared in case a sandwich or cake found Waggas mouth. Out from the mays and along to the bus stop. Oh my word, the place was crawling with body’s pushchairs trolleys and loads of dogs visiting the pet shop.


At last the bus stop. We got on and again a bit of a pain, but found a seat and on our way we went. Now, would we get off at our correct stop?


Well, not quite, last time we got off one stop too early, this time, one too late, as the busses don’t stick to the same direction. It’s impossible to know where you are going, but as we left the bus, we thankfully recognised where we were!


Along the roads, streets and in our avenue of all sorts. Waggs did great in the end. At least my key fit in the door…. Always a worry.


Closed door, harness off, leash and change of collar. A drink for the girls and then in the garden with their bones from the pet shop.


Hub and I did it, it was far from easy. The town is easier for Hub but we can’t do safe all the time, we have to challenge ourselves or we wouldn’t get further than the bakers, bank and health food shop. At least this is hard work for Waggs as she leads the way, whereas the town, the few odd times I have taken Waggs she follows allegedly LC, and it all goes wrong. Waggs was the boss today. LC wasn’t impressed. They are both fast asleep now, I wonder if that is the new injection as well? I’m not sure about it, don’t think I like this vaccination, but what can we do, this is all they offer now. I’m sure in a couple of years we will be going back to the old way of one. They will say it was not a good thing and they will scrap that idea. I didn’t like Waggatails reaction to it.


When we were out, I saw a friend from church. She was lovely came over and had a chat. Hub saw someone from work too. A volunteer. They had a guide dog puppy they were training. It was cute.


Teen’s hours have been cut short at work so he isn’t happy He’s learning that having a car is expensive.


Keeping kids on the so called straight and narrow these days is incredibly difficult. So working on that. His Father has said he is going to help him out each month giving him money. Gosh, really? That is very kind?  If he does, I will be amazed, but it will be fantastic for teen though no way teen will remind his Father that he said that. He’s a good lad like that. Not at all a user when it comes to money. His morals have come back in buckets since him and it, split up. With her help, he forgot about kindness and caring for others.


OK. I’m going to bed now, shattered. Tomorrow we are busy. So I won’t be back until the evening, unless I grab some time during the day. Whatever you are doing with yourselves, enjoy. Be good and if you can’t be good, be careful.

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