
Wednesday 12 August 2015


Good morning Bloggets. Well, my blood pressure is as high as it could be. Teen troubles. Can’t say why what where or who, but let’s say the atmosphere in the Fifi Blogget household is tense today.


I can’t even get Wagga in from the garden. She is really becoming naughty when it comes to getting her in the house. I lost my patients and came in. Good old Longchops is in like a good girl. Teen in the kitchen. I’m staying out of there you know the saying? “If you can’t stand the heat keep out of the kitchen?


I’m out of there.


Plans have been changed with Arty. We were meant to see each other yesterday, she asked for the afternoon rather than morning and last night a call to ask for today instead. Well, bless her, she is waiting for a parcel, as am I so I really hope it will come before she gets here equally I hope hers will arrive too. In this day in age it would be great if we got a text on our phones to say when it was coming as in time? I know some do this but not many.


I so badly want my parcel to come as need to get out of this house somewhere other than the local shop, even if it is just our local field. Its fresh air and away from dot dot dot.


This is when I so need to have sight. To put the dogs in the car. Drive to the beach and breathe. No, I’m not able to do that sadly, oh I dream. Well, seriously I dream. The other night I had a recurring nightmare. I’m in one of those self-drive cars and I’m sitting there I can see as much as I used to be able to. Most of my dreams I’m still partially sighted. So I’m in the oddly enough passenger seat. The driver seat is empty. But the car is going along. At speed. It slows down in the right places. “Hang on a cotton picking minute? How do you know where I want to go? I have no control.” It’s so scary. I have this dream a lot. No control. Hmm. I can see the meaning of that dream right now.


Oh to be a parent these days really, there are no rewards. One day of love and twenty seven days of worry, stress and hell.


They are a real selfish breed not kidding. How old before they once again are our lovely children every day? OK not every day that would be expecting too much, but at least to show respect? That’s all I ask.


Yesterday, long story short. We can’t really afford to go out for a meal and we as in Hub and I have not been out as a couple for absolutely months. But last night? I had to do it. Well we only know our local Chinese to walk there, we went and it was awful. The food wasn’t at all nice. Our lovely Lewis wasn’t there he is on holiday but Alice was, she is from Romania and is the sweetest girl ever. So cute. Oh, but you should see her boyfriend? Wow….. Em. I only hope on dark nights leaving the premises he stays in the restaurant kitchen.


Scary boy. And according to my mad and loving aunt, he is older than her by years and not at all attractive, an yet people say she is so pretty.


OK Waggs just came in looking rather sorry for herself. Also very hot from the sun. But she is licking her lips. What on earth has she been eating?


Right, off to do some house work and enter the kitchen, hoping I can resolve things with boy wonder; this may end up in tears, and not his. But I need a cup of tea.


Laters. X


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