
Thursday 6 August 2015


Good afternoon Bloggets. I’m here. Just. I have to go out to the shops with my Waggatail later and I can’t open my eyes. It’s a good job I don’t need them, but I will look a bit of an odd bod if I go out looking like this? My darling Son decided to go out at whatever o clock yesterday and he had been up since just after six that morning, He had no sleep. He had work this morning again. So he was to go out and be back for midnight, just like we request during the week. We don’t tell him he has to be in the house but hub has said on week nights, if he is going to be after midnight, then he has to sleep in his car not to disturb us. It’s all about respect and the teaching of it. But our Son doesn’t get it and won’t do as we ask. I have tried to explain that Hub has to get up at half six every morning so we can’t sleep until we know he is home safely, if we are awake till silly hours, it’s not fair on Hub.  Teen just won’t listen. So it was twenty to six this morning when he came in. He is quiet, but, I’m not when I’m tossing and turning wondering if he’s alright. I thought the top of my head was going to explode off as the pain was awful. He text me to say he was ten minutes away and fifty minutes later, he rolled in.


He had one hour in bed then off to work but thankfully walked. If he had even attempted to drive, I would have gone crazy and he knows this also I think he is sensible enough not to drink and drive. I thought it was punishment enough for him to have to walk to work. And back and I knew he would not be in the best of moods.


He did me and himself proud in going to work. Most of his friends would or did call in sick.


So the sale of his two bikes yesterday basically went down the toilet.  What is it with the drink culture? How don’t they drown?


Anyway thank goodness he got in safe and now he’s back from work he’s sleeping after his lunch.


Shall I go and vacuum the stairs? Hahheheheh. That would be mean, as is keeping Hub awake all night.


He boasted before leaving he was going to a pub/club that did a pint for a £. Well, it was £5 to get in, so turned out not one pound at the end of the day? As I expressed to teen. Anyway as he said he would be back for midnight, he said he was going to only have five pints. Five? Only? When he came back, the number five was included but he must have forgotten the day before to add the twenty.


So £25 lighter, we now have a sleeping not so beauty. I only pray tonight, he will be in before midnight or Hub will get very very tense.

When I asked him did he have twenty five pints? He said incredulously “Mum I couldn’t wouldn’t drink that much.” Well, £25? Hmm. It was £5 to get into this place that was a pound per pint, hence making it not a pound, right? Anyways, he paid to get in then bought shots……

 Easy dinner tonight, homemade chips mushy peas and not so homemade fish fingers…. A real English meal, but I don’t have the energy to cook anything proper.


Waiting for a small parcel. Let’s see what I’m sent this time? Haha. Not from Amazon though this time. As for our toaster? I christened it last night as I rather reluctantly place two slices in the red hot metal. You should hear it when it comes up? I don’t know whether to close my eyes and cover my face, duck down or get ready to catch.


But at least it works and it tastes OK too.


Oh I want so badly to go to bed right now? If you live on your own, you have no responsibilities then you can do whatever your body tells you to do. I know I have housework to do also waiting for an email to give the OK on a phone call I need to make.


We only have two seater sofas so can’t really lay down


I tell you, our dog bed looks tempting? Haha. I wish this delivery would hurry?


Our summer I will not forget for being the most dreadful when it comes to the weather. The most adventurists when it comes to our journey to France that was wild an yet wonderful. Reminds me I must write a review for that.


Not long now before we see our girls. Looking forward to that. It such a shame that our eldest daughter can’t come back on the last weekend of this month as there is a great market on she would love. It’s a vintage market.


OK before I make any more errors on here with sleep deficiency I will go but before I do, I like this.


When flood comes, fish eats ants and when flood recedes, ants eat fish. Only time matters. Just hold on. Nature gives opportunity to everyone. In a theatre when drama plays, you opt for front seats. When film is screened, you opt for rear seats. Your position in life is only relative. Not absolute. For making soap, oil is required. But to clean oil, soap is required. This is the irony of life. Every problem has (N+1) solutions: where N is the number of solutions that you have tried and 1 is that you have not tried. “Only two categories of people are happy in life - the Mad and the Child. Be Mad to achieve a goal. Be a Child to enjoy what you achieved."


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