
Thursday 13 August 2015


So my blog for today. Trust. Whoever thought of such a word and why? It means reliance on the integrity strength and ability on a person, animal/creature or an object. Belief that someone something is reliable, good, honest, effective etc.


A legal agreement such as a property or someone’s money to be held for someone by an organisation, person such as a bank for a set time.


Trust as a parent, is something to me which meant the world when I was bringing up my child. Well, until the day he learned that there was no such thing as Father Christmas or the tooth fairy. Then it kind of went wrong. But trust is something this day an age where by I am on a daily bases worried about my Son. Where he is what he is doing. Now then, today? My Son made me so proud. I was one happy Mum the other day when he stopped his car as he saw an elderly person slump back in his car seat. Car parked badly half up the path half on a dangerous road. He tapped on the window thinking that the man was ill in some way. Turned out that the guy was just wresting. Hopefully he, my Son alerted the man enough to make him re park his car? Teen says he was about ninety. I was so proud of him; most kids would drive by thinking nothing. He stopped and made sure the man was alright. Today? Another matter to make me proud. We were out at the shop, a rarity for my Son, to shop with me; he picked up an IPhone 6. He said he found it needed to hand it in. As he was telling the lady on the till, she pointed to a man in his fifties who had already reported it as missing. Teen handed over the phone to a relieved man. He could have kept it. Sold it. But he did the right thing, especially as he is very short of money right now. One proud mum.


Trust is a funny thing. We have it until that trust is broken. I used to trust everyone I really did. Now? I trust no one. It’s sad really but at least I don’t get hurt.

 When I can’t be trusted by a friend, it breaks my heart. It actually hurts me to the core. I feel such a let-down. I can’t deal with life. But still what right do I have if I don’t trust them?


T, for total. R, reliable. U, understanding. S, serious. And T, for the word itself trustworthy.


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