
Monday 8 December 2014


Good morning Bloggets. I’m back. We got all our things gathered together and dog food etc. for Wagga and LC. They were off on their holidays for a couple of days to their Aunty Mandy’s. Long Chops was getting rather anxious as she saw the suitcase and didn’t want her Daddy to leave her for one of his working trips. But this time we were going on our trips independently.


It was after ten in the morning, Teen had gone to work and Mandy hadn’t come. I was getting rather concerned as our taxi was booked for 10.20

It’s not like we can drive there ourselves and put our foot down, we depend on a taxi to the station.


Well, about ten past she arrived thankfully, as cheerful as ever and in the van the two girls went with a huu’uuge dog barking to greet them, or threaten them, not sure, but she was going to walk all dogs on the race course, oh they would love it and it was a crisp morning so no mud, though I’m sure our two would find some?


Our taxi came, case in the back, us, in a door, what door? Not sure until I felt the seat, almost got into the driver’s seat as he kindly put our case in the boot, but thankfully, Hub took my hand and directed me to the other handle, hehehe, what a clip I am. Oh but it got worse, believe me.


So we got to the train station in plenty of time, it was free’ee’eezing.

I didn’t have a coat, very clever Fiona? Hub did, more sensible.


A lady came and ran us through the station, I’m not kidding, well, I kept warm that way I guess and burned off some calories.


As we passed so many people, I have never seen the station so busy, it was awful, crowds of people suitcases on wheels rattling by and pushchairs, tiny dogs barking and loads of hurried feet. People meeting and greeting in bundles of fours and fives, how do I know? I think I took a couple of people out with one swift move, from each party with my arm and bag. Well, the person guiding us obviously only had one speed and to be honest, I would rather walk like that on flat, as long as there are no steps than as though if to walk any quicker,, we would have an accident. Needing the toilet. Really, some people do walk like that as they think we can’t walk normally, obviously they have seen me out with Wagga? Hehehe.

Normal, mwah?

Em, don’t think so, Mo Jo!


Well, we were so early for our train it wasn’t even in. So we were plonked in the waiting room, I must say, to my delight as it was warmer in there. But, then the time came to go. Well, we knew this but the person who was to come back for us didn’t.


I was really getting anxious now as our train was to pull in within the minute and we were not even on our way, though if Speedy Gonzales had anything to do with it, we would reach our destination before the train pigging pulled in?


She came two minutes after the train was due in. It was running late, unlike us, we were just running. Not joking, she flew through the station again at great speed, London Marathon 2015, watch out?


Well, the woman didn’t talk, not so we could hear her in the mass of noise. But she slowed down, oh heck, my fear, getting on the train, I hate them. As especially after falling down the track earlier in the year.


So she turned right, so my clew to know to mind the gap. I couldn’t hear her at all so used my white cane. I felt the gap and then the steps into the train. Got on, em, people? Move on please and let my Husband on with case? No, they were not going to move. So as I looked over my shoulder as you know, I can see? Hahaha. I am so daft; I do all the sighted actions. I mean, why look over my shoulder; I would get the same view as I would if I looked down a toilet.


No, clowns, not that, or porcelain, but nothingness.


Is that a word? It is now.


I heard just, Hubs voice. I asked if he was OK. He replied yes, are you? I said yes,


I thought I was? Or would be once these people moved on and the lady showed us our seats?

Not to be. I took the ladies arm as we disconnected a few seconds earlier. Wow, it was bigger than I remembered?


The arm moved and took my hand.

Hang on, this hand is hairy?

And huge.

And belonged to a man.

Oh Gosh Fi?

I only did it again?

I left go as quickly as I could, the doors closed. The lady?

The people didn’t move. I asked Hub did he have the ladies arm to show us our seat. He said no, she left. The train began to move. Hub squashed between me and the doors. Two men behind me. A lady to one side of me and a man at my right. Next stop more got on. Next stop, more again got on. It was awful. I by this time could hardly breathe. Was starting to have mini panic attacks. I hated it. My legs were killing, not like I could move from one foot to the other, I literally couldn’t move. Two more guys got on at the next stop. People were shouting stop?

The lads behind me said to each other.

“Can you phone the taxi to pick us up?” Other lad

“I can’t even get to my pocket mate!”

After a few moments, the first lad said I can reach your pocket, but can’t get my arm up to see the screen and call. Haha haha.


Stop number four, I really had enough. The train guard asked people to get off and catch the next train. Did the people take notice? No.


Oh at last it was our stop, well, every stop people squashed Hub as they left the doors at his side, our stop? Guess what? The blooming doors opened on the other side. Oh No!!!

A very kind man who was getting off next to us asked me if we needed help. I said yes please in a kind of desperate voice. I’m not joking with you, we had to walk about eight steps and it took about fifty seconds. No one would move to let us off, no one could, if they did they would fall. I feared the doors would close, but they didn’t. Oh the stress, but hometown we were. My lovely Newcastle. Met by a very nice lady and she was, a lady. Thankfully she was there as again the station was packed, but at least that station is really lovely and lots of space.


There was a beautiful choir singing carols.

A piano for people to play for charity and lots of happy voices opposed to stress ones.


To hear my hometown accent was lovely.


We got into the taxi and on our way to meet with dear friends.


What happened next?


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