
Tuesday 3 January 2017


I doubt angels fight, but if on the occasion, they are forced into battle, one would hope that they would be triumphant though if so, I’m sure the one who falls, they land on earth, or another place called hell and if that is the case, perhaps they were not meant to be angels after all?

Do angels walk among us? Are they in our souls? Do they come to our need when we are really not strong enough to fight our own personal battle?

How do you feel, see, hear your angel? Do they appear like what we see in pictures? Do they have a fragrance about them? Have any of you touched an angel? Is that even possible? If so, what do they feel like? If we reach out to touch them, do they disappear? Are they an image like some kind of dancing laser projection or holograph placed inside our mind?

I’m blind, and see things, not like I did when I had sight, but still there is something on my lens, or is it my imagination? Or do the blind see angels? If we are lucky enough to see them, then why can’t we ask them the inevitable question. “Where do you come from?”” It’s as if self-consciously we know not to, if we push our luck, they will simply disappear from our lives entirely.

But why? Why can’t we walk knowingly with our angels? Surely that would make our lives richer? We would feel safer? Perhaps we are not meant to feel so safe or we become complacent. But why do we have to live on the edge? Is it to test us for the next experience? Gosh, we are not meant to have the answers. How come some feel angels and others don’t. Do the non-believers never see angels even when their time on this earth expires? And is this because they go to a worse place? A place where angels don’t belong.

According to Dinese Baer
“When you wake up with a song in your head, means an angel sang you to sleep.””

How did you feel when you believe you saw an angel? I have written before about my experience of what I believe was as close as I will get to seeing an angel. Why don’t we talk about it more? Is it because it isn’t the normal? Is it because we are afraid how people see us? What they think of us? Because it isn’t the norm. If more of us spoke about it, would it not be beneficial to all humans? Would the word spread and make it a better world? After all I, have never heard of anyone having a bad experience of seeing an angel. For those non believers, who are you to say what people see isn’t right? Fair enough if people hadn’t seen anything and it was in their minds, but for those who have felt or seen something, who are you to tell us we are telling lies or become very condescending and underestimating our beliefs and life experiences. Some would say seeing an angel is as or was, as real as seeing a neighbour, only a much nicer feeling, one that isn’t like anything they have lived through before.

Some say angels come through the vibrations of our thoughts. They don’t even need to see us or hear us. It’s a feeling. They can feel your heart and come to your fears and worries, just believe in them. Once you believe, and you are lucky to witness the experience, then it’s very easy to have an open mind, note I didn’t say believe as our brain tells us not to be silly. Talking of our brain, so why is it a large proportion of our brain doesn’t register and has no activation? Is that the part of our brain that either goes over to the next land, or is that the part of our brain which is susceptible to things that are not the norm. Why is it that we have to acquire knowledge?

It’s comforting to believe in angels I think. But for those who don’t, here’s something to read.
“I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants or shapeshifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck. I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet to walk
Katja Millay

Take care and if you find your wings, fly to a perfect land.x

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