
Monday 22 June 2015


 Oh gosh, I have to go out and it’s raining buckets. Thundering too. I’m waiting and waiting for it to stop as really hate getting soaked through. I also have two large envelopes to post and don’t want them getting wet. Did I tell you what happened when my GDI came out for aftercare? Well my post box is about a fifteen minute walk. I know we have one about two minutes from us, so I asked her if she would show me where that one is. She refused. When I told my Husband when he came in from work, he agreed with her. I can see their point, it gives my Wagga more to do, but as I post about four times per week, on days like this and in winter, it would be great to just be four minutes from the moment of leaving to getting back in, opposed to 25!


I have done so much washing today; it’s really like a laundrette.


I’m so hungry too. Teen gave me a lecture before he went to work about how and what I need to eat when. Oh what with him and Hub, I’m getting tired of it all.


 I spent forty minutes in the garage yesterday/ our gym. I felt dreadful when I came out. I’m sorry, but anyone who likes physical exercise like Hub and my Son, are just not normal. Hehehe. Still today I feel as though I have been run over by a combine harvester. You know those huge ones that have headers about forty feet?


For dinner tonight, its corned beef hash for the boys, I don’t care of Hubs words as he left the house this morning. “Something light for me for dinner please love?”

Well, he’s getting hash, and as for light? I will put it on a paper plate. Haha haha.


I have lost 3lbs this week. But the pain of it all is simply cruel. Some people are so slim naturally. My friend Geordie is and she is tall too. I’m tall, not as tall as Geordie, but if you lay me down, I would be side to side, the height of her. Hehehehehe.


Yesterday Hub and I went to our church. I am trying to get him along with others to play the piano for the church as our friend Flexi has moved sadly, though to a beautiful house, too far away to come to church every week to play.


Yesterday the ladies did well for our service. I enjoyed it. Of course it was father’s day and I was so pleased to hear one of the speakers talking about those who don’t have Fathers and may never have had. For those who have Fathers but not a good memory of them. I always say it, you can be a Father, but not many people can be a Dad.


As I stood next to my darling Husband, as we all sang a hymn. I felt his sadness as his girls are not with him, but, the great thing is, they also are not away from him. We are seeing them soon, though soon isn’t as much as hub wants to see them.


He was a great Dad, he loved protected and taught his girls well.


He misses them very much loves them to bits too.


We wanted our girls to live with us some years ago, but to be honest, I couldn’t force that for so many reasons, and my Husbands ex-wife had lost her Husband so how could we remove the children too?


And in all fairness, they had the best start with their Dad, but their Mum and their own strength has found them a brilliant lifestyle. One so completely different to what they would have had with us. Yes, they would have had so much love. But nowhere near the freedom have they got where they are now. I think they would have been children for longer.  I also think Hub would have had more grey hair. As really, one teen has been the biggest challenge I have had in my life. Three? Oh heck.


Yesterday Teen was so lovely to Hub. He gave him some sweet gifts and a great card with beautiful words in it and most important, he said how much he cared loved his Step Father and how he was grateful to have him.


Hub was so touched by that kindness. Teen spoke to his Father too. And today reflected how glad he was that his Father wasn’t alone. I told him that never would his Father be alone, as long as he has sight. And his eyes are perfect. Well, as perfect as a sighted person can see of his age. He is nine years older than me.


He is sporty and can go to the gym I told my Son, he can also go for a meal, a drink and a walk. He never needs to be alone. I know teen worries about him, and I know that my ex would like that attention. But it’s not fair to make a child worry about their parents. God knows, I know what that is all about. I worried from the age of six or even younger about my parents.


Oh I would love to go out for dinner this week yesterday we couldn’t for Father’s day and it’s our Anniversary on Thursday, and again we can’t go out. We have to save a lot of money and a lot is not what we have, also our lovely friend is coming this weekend, so we need something to take her out with. Or really, what is the point of her visit? I know she would go mad if she knew I wrote that, but to be honest, we don’t go out enough so when she comes, we make the most of it and eat out.


She isn’t coming for long enough sadly. Only a night, but it will be great to see her.


Well, I guess the pitta patter has stopped on my window, so the post box has my name on it. I hope they get there, did I tell you about my friend? She made total fun of my birthday card I sent her. I thought that was a bit cruel.


My hand writing skills are not as good as they used to be. Fact is, I’m forgetting what letters look like and I am finding myself not having the confidence. And her comments and making fun didn’t help me.


Don’t get me wrong, she is a close friend of mine, I love her to bits, but I did think that her comments involving others too were nasty. She is the one who needed a cataract operation on her eye, though her sight at every other time is perfect. She was complaining to me about not seeing things clear. I told her I knew what she meant as she was talking as though she was the worst one off in the world. She turned to me and said.

“It’s OK for you, you are used to it.


Used to it? So that makes it better? At least she had an operation and it was all clear and back to sight again.


My aunt has been on holiday with her Friend…. I must call her to see how she liked it. I’m in her neck of the woods soon and when I tell her I will bring her birthday gift when I see her, she will have a blue fit. Or I should say, her friend will.


She is living with the original dragon. Serious fire comes from her mouth. Let’s say we don’t get on. I for sure won’t be welcome at my aunt’s house as the dragon never leaves it.


Shame as my Aunt had the most welcoming house all of her life. I used to love going there as a child. But that was pre smoke lady.


So it’s either I post her gift, and that will cost as much as the present, or she will come to us and to be honest, I don’t have many dates free in my calander. Not until August second week. And it’s the third week when I am visiting our friend in her home town. Her, as in my Aunts town too.


And I am not meeting her on the street exchanging her gift for a hand shake like a down town druggy. Haha.


OK, on that note, I will go for now, post these huge letters and back to make dinner.

A light one.



Laters Gators. X

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