
Friday 5 June 2015



So this week I have had some messages questions and here are a few of the questions I have been asked to write about.

Should the concept of zoos be nullified?


 In my opinion, zoos are great as long as they are run correctly and the animal’s well fair comes before greed. As long as they are ran by animal lovers. I hate seeing caged lions, but if they are allowed a wild park to run free, great. I know this week a man was killed but he was warned with signs and surely common sense to keep his car windows closed, but no, he knew better so the lion had him for brunch. Not the fault of the lions at all.


Should juveniles be tried and treated the same as adults?

Answer? I think yes. As especially when murder is involved.


Should animal dissections be banned in schools?


Yes absolutely. It’s disgusting. Evil. I mean, why? Surely it promotes gore beyond necessary needs?


Are humans dependent too much on computers?


Yes we are sadly. This stemmed from a blog I touched on the subject whoever whatever will get to space to control satellites up there will concor the world. Imagine if we couldn’t use our internet anymore? All businesses will close down. Offices will shut and shops won’t be able to deal with sales. Card machines tills everything depends on the net.


But I would be lost without my internet. I do wonder how blind people managed without them. I guess way back, though I’m not talking too long ago, people had family to do things like shopping bills and so on in fact how many blind people lived on their own without any help at all? The older blind people I know of their family lived near or they lived in accommodation. Yes Hub and I can go to our local shops and to town to the bank, doctors and so on, but so much these days depend on us using the net. Christmas is one example we couldn’t do without the internet. We can’t brows for our shopping in the real world. I can’t remember the last time I bought clothes apart from once with my friend two years ago. For the past six years I have bought on line all mine and Hubs clothes.


Are security cameras an invasion on our privacy?


Yes, but I don’t mind. I think they may help with crime. And if you are doing nothing wrong, what’s wrong with them?


Should gay marriages be allowed to happen?


Hmm. I have relatives who are gay; I have a very close friend who is too, and my answer? No.

Again I wrote a blog on this subject some time ago explaining the reasons why I don’t agree with gay people getting married. I have no problems with gay people being together or having a civil partnership, but marriage? No, that should be between man and woman. The gap between the two sexes is already getting too close. We were born different for a reason. I like being a lady and I like my men to be gentleman. Adam and Eve. Say no more.


Is age an important factor in relationships?


I think so. But having said that, what’s more important is if you are in love. Then your differences can be interesting to learn of each other’s ways and thoughts. But to be honest, I love the fact that my Husband and I are the same age. We have so much more in common. But true love has no number. It’s everyday life where you are better off with someone close to your age.


Is the boarding school beneficial to children?


Oh no. not at all. Absolutely not. Well, not until the child is 16 for the last two years perhaps, but even that I don’t think so.


As you all know I went to boarding school. It for me was hell absolutely awful. Whereas it made me very independent, I could cook and clean from a very young age, I also knew how to manage my money and so on, to communicate with others was also a necessary education, but the pain of life was too much to bare. As for private education? Like for parents who have so much money but no heart for their children, so send them away, because it’s the done thing, well those kids can’t deal with life at all. As their mummy and Daddy have paid for a servant all of their lives. Money brings the kids up not reality or care. So it is a very rough subject of mine and not one I hide either.


Should teens have a curfew?


Oh that is hilarious. Just try it? Believe me it won’t work.


Do you think in your lifetime you will see fully?


I really really hope so. If I was told no, oh what a blow to my system, but if I was told not full sight but what I used to have, which was very limited, I could deal with that, but for now I have hope and I believe that we are so close to treatment, just takes money, dedication and those top scientists to meet with blind and partially sighted people to understand why they need to fight for sight. Being blind is awful. Witting to go blind is worse. In my opinion and loads of people I talk to.  When you first loss your sight, in fact in my case it took almost ten years to get used to the fact that you wil never see again. But the waiting for it to happen? You simply won’t believe it ever will happen, but when the lights are off at nights, you are in your coffin. The lid is closed and reality kicks in.


Waiting to go blind is terrifying. No more seeing your child’s face no more watching your favourite TV show not in the way you are used to and the thought of not seeing colour the sun the ocean a smile your mail, your parents face is a living nightmare. When you go blind, all of those pre thoughts come true. You can’t get out because you were so positive you would never need to be without sight, you can’t take notes because you didn’t learn Braille. People come to the door you stand there not knowing who is there. You have to get used to other peoples opinions of you. Most people lose friends. People cross the road when you are out with your partner rather than talk to you. They don’t know what to say.


But thank God I met with my now Husband, who is also blind and he woke me up from the dead and brought me back to life. Yes life is so difficult, but I laugh and look forward to things in my life. But I’m no longer afraid. I’m not waiting for that day to come when I wake up and my eyes open but before me is nothing.


So a cure? Yes please. As I also knew a lovely man who was a policemen and he was shot in the eyes and went blind. Within a year, he and his wife parted. He didn’t see his kids his friends didn’t want to know, he had to pay for help because that was the last thing that would ever happen to him? He couldn’t cope with life and hanged himself.


It was tragic. I will feel forever guilt as I could have helped him. I know I could. When I met with him, I said to my Husband, he hasn’t got long for this world. I knew I could smell death. Two months later, bless him, he was dead. I don’t’ know of many people who have limited sight, who are not on depression pills or drink too much. Not to talk about daily cuts, bruises and so on. It’s not just a case of you can’t see anymore. Stress levels are on the roof too.  Which cause other anxiety problems? So please scientists? Those wonderful people who raise money, imagine your life, your everyday life without your sight? Your golfing trips? Forget them, as OK, if you join a group for blind golfers, if you can do the research to find them, fine, but with your friends? No, they really won’t want you tagging along.


Driving to a five minute destination? No impossible now. So learn the route which may take weeks as the person, who will teach you, can’t spend all day on you only, and the guilt you feel about taking up their time? As you start to learn what a hindrance is/means. You don’t feel worthy to learn or take up their time. If you manage to cope with the intake of learning the white cane and learn your way, you have to use busses. Queuing knowing when it’s your turn to get on the bus. Trying to deal with the bus driver to pay your way, finding a seat. Dealing with the public when you try to sit on their knee.  Your five minute journey in the car now takes half an hour if the bus comes on time then all the way back again. To your one shop, which used to take fifteen minutes there back and shop, now will take well over an hour and to get help/assistance when you get in there? Oh boy.


To pick your children up from school. Well again, you have to learn the route. You have to develop a tough skin to put up with some comments good and bad sympathetic and condescending. When you do that, you wait at school noises everywhere all around you. You are disorientated all the children coming out running to their parents shouting screaming with youthfulness but where is your child? You wait, you worry. Then you hear the teacher asking to have a word.

Oh not again. This time it’s because your child has defended you when their class mate has called you so your, child gets into trouble. The child who was naming calling? They are the victim as your child has hit them as they are so young they don’t know how else to deal with the situation.

Another day you are called in because of you and this is how it is put and it’s not just me who has had this done to me, but many of my friends, your child only paints in black. Of course you are told this is your fault. They try to paint how you, their Mum / Dad sees. Rather than the teacher understanding, they just sit there with your child in the room to and make you feel two inches tall.


I could write a book on this subject, but the long and short of it is, prepare yourself for the dark days ahead they may not happen but if they do, you won’t feel the bump crash like I did. If you are fully sighted, thank your maker every day and if you are working to fight for sight? Thank you for all you do.


Thank you for your questions, and for those who didn’t want to have theirs published, I will get around to writing to you all.


Take care. Because I care.

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