
Wednesday 3 June 2015


OK today is one of those days when I hate being blind. I have just tried to cheer up one of my friends who feel the same today. I told her that not every day is the same. Thankfully, tomorrow is a new day. But when we get fed up, oh boy it’s horrible. You do or can feel like there is no one in the world who understands you no one there for you either. In my case today, I’m so cross with the gardener who came. Still I am cleaning up his mess. I text him some days ago but you know he didn’t answer and to be honest I hope he doesn’t bother coming back. The mess he has left is I promise you, worse than before he came.


So I went out to try to put the pots away that he left all over the garden. I totally got lost. They were so heavy. I got thorns in my hands and up my arms. I got the hose tangled and found myself in the middle of five pots not quite knowing where the heck I was. It was like being in a maize.


You know when you can’t see and you are in the middle of your garden so your immediate surroundings sound and feel the same? Well that was me and I stood with the heavy round pot and thought I have no hands left to feel where my fence is. Where to go? Couldn’t hear anything like the silence of the wall if I was near it as the traffic on the road was deafening.


Chairs still all over the place but managed to get them in the right place and put back the heavy swing chair. Went over on my ankle as I fell in the soil on the side of the patio but at least I knew then I was at the edge.


I did the dog run and found loads of evil thorns that the gardener didn’t bother to cut back though I asked him. You know what he said? He can’t see them. They are hanging over and through my fence and must be at least an inch long. Big bushy branches. Baring their teeth ready to bite!


Then I tried to water the pots with the watering can as useless with the hose. Well, great, trying to find the pots? Oh how my blind friends manage to do their gardens is simply beyond my mind. I shall stick with writing as gardening isn’t at all my forte.


I came in and vacuumed the floors then realised it would be a good idea to groom the dogs first that was after bending to do the pots lifting and doing the dog run. Came in and asked teen to help? He emptied the dish washer and left for cricket. So I cleaned the downstairs toilet dusted took all the clean washing upstairs from the drier washed the kitchen top and sink. Give the canary, he’s Irish you know? Some fresh water picked up shoes that should be on the rack but find their way on the floor and now to make teens dinner.


I told teen that I do more work in a day than he does all week at the gym. He of course didn’t believe me. Just as people think when you are a full time Mum, you don’t work? This really used to annoy me.


As I have said before, full time Mums are nurses, teachers, cleaners, cooks psychologist’s carers as well as being loving Mums. No time for themselves.


OK, rant over. Thank you all for your messages and emails from my blog yesterday. I shall look into what you want to read about and be back.


Hub on his way home from Scotland. He has been on a course. Rather funny, it’s to say he can employ people at his place of work on his own. Really a total waste of time as he has been employing people for twenty years at his other jobs. But never mind, it’s done and dusted.


My poor dog so badly needs a free run. She went out with teen last week but once a week tops isn’t enough. Must look into a volunteer oh that reminded me, I have to publish something hub asked me to do for him on his behalf. So I guess that will be my next blog.


Take care Bloggets. You are truly special to me.

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