
Thursday 25 June 2015

the diary of our anniversary and myguide

 Today is my darling Husband and my wedding Anniversary. Five years. Been together six and met when we were six.  Though our souls have known one another forever.


We are not going out to celebrate, though we did a year ago have big plans for today. I guess they could wait for our tenth. I have a small gift for my Husband and he bought me one too though as he was leaving the house today at half seven, opening our gifts were not priority. Well, also his to me, hadn’t arrived through the post haha. It has now though. That is where our Son must get his last minute from, right?


Talking of Son tomorrow is his final deadline for college. He should have had everything in last week to receive distinctions but no. I mean it’s almost one in the afternoon and he is still in bed. He still has loads of work to do for one tutor. A little for another. My nerves are shot. Why do I care? I wish I knew.


Yesterday though he received his results for work he has handed in and received in total a number of distinctions. Just annoys me as could have finished last week with 100% as he is quite capable. He went out yesterday for the second time to the gym. Ten thirty at night. It’s an all-night gym. Well, all day too! Why didn’t I just say a 24 hour gym?


 Came in half eleven and I thought, great, we can sleep as we had or I should say I had a culture shock and had to leave the house at half seven in the morning. But sadly, was just changing to go back out. He left and didn’t return till almost three this morning. Grrrr


He will get up eat, go to the gym come home eat watch TV and eat then back to the gym and sleep. Well, he has a shock as he has a pile of ironing he better get done as our friend is coming and we need the guest room cleaned and ironing board removed. It’s a permanent fixture and I hate that.


I used to be so organised and do all of my washing drying and ironing on one day. Now? Em, well, I do the washing, on one day. Oh, and the drying. As for the ironing? Let’s say in stages.


It’s bad and I don’t like that. I must become the good housewife my Husband married. Hehehe.

Or maybe not.


Our canary is singing his little Irish heart out. He sounds lovely but when trying to write, it’s not so good.


I have a head ache as it is. Last night our friend asked us to go and have a drink with him. I bought some wine, a glass. It wasn’t even full. I poured half a glass for myself. Oh it was awful. Like raspberry pop.  What the heck I have bought God only knows and he I hope will be happy as its red.


My little Waggatail is a sleep. She is exhausted. She too had a culture shock yesterday. Oh we took a taxi and for an hour, he sniffed all the way bless him. He has or, had yesterday, hay fever and it was a sniff every second I’m not kidding. I felt as bad for him as been there, well, not driving a taxi, but with bad pollen it’s dreadful. Must get some eye drops actually. You know I have tried all of the prescription drops and not one worked. But Optrex does. Just normal Optrex. You can even get an Optrex for Hay fever but they didn’t work for me either.


The poor driver was telling us that he was behind a bus. The bus pulled him out. As in waved his hand for the taxi driver to overtake. He did and a cyclist came from nowhere at great speed and smashed into the car.


The bus driver stopped and along with a member of public, said that it was the bikers fault.


Well long story short the police told the driver he wasn’t going to be charged as obviously it was the cyclists fault.


The taxi driver went on holiday for a couple of weeks abroad.


When he returned a letter told him he had been charged for dangerous driving.


He called the Police and they said nothing they could do as the young man had broken his shoulder and was claiming. He called his insurance and they said we have paid for it. He was furious. He said but I’m not guilty. They said yes it’s been decided you are. “By whom? He exclaimed. Anyway, he has been and now he has lost ten years of his no claims policy. He has to travel forty minutes’ drive away for a full day. Nine till five. To do a course on how to drive safer. He has not had one accident in ten years.


Oh how unfair is all of that? Now this young lad, he has had two cycling accidents in a very short time. He will be paid a good amount of money. So, students now, don’t work, but almost kill themselves to pay for their living expenses?


It’s like what they call “Flash for cash. My Son on his first week of driving had it done to him.


Someone sees a new driver or a young person and pulls out in front of them slams their breaks on so the driver behind hits them and they claim.

 Well thank goodness my Son was OK and managed to press on his breaks in time but he said that the young lady turned in her car as she was breaking and looked at him? Oh my word, these people are sick.


OK now for an advert from my heart to yours. If you live in the UK, please could you think about becoming a My Guide volunteer? If you are able to give just an hour or two whenever you can, guidedogsUK would be so grateful. This could be to go for a walk with a blind person to get them out of the house, to go to the shops with them, perhaps swimming? Fishing, a football match, you won’t have to pay for a ticket. Or even just to have a coffee. You know you will feel so good after doing such a kind thing and you may never know just what your time has meant to a blind or partially sighted person. And we are or can be normal just like you you know? We don’t bite, well, not hard.


If you are a student, perhaps in your university, you could give some time to another V.I.P student. Going to the library with them, or a bar? Or reading for half an hour every now and then. It is a great thing to have on your CV. Better than a job, OK, it doesn’t pay you anything but your future employers will see that you are such a good person, you have given free time to change a life. In some cases save a life. The start of depression is being alone. Or feeling it.


Now you may get an academic, or you may get someone like me. Hehehe. Seriously though, you will be matched up with someone with similar interests.


If you are retired, just one hour per week? Oh please, if I can get one person to do this I would be so thankful.


I only learned yesterday that 75 people in the UK per day are told their eyesight is failing. One person every hour goes blind. And 80% of V.I.P’s are out of work. Not because they want to be, but if you think of it, we can’t stack shelves, we can’t work in a garage or hair dressers, chemist or be a Doctor. We can be teachers tutors even professors as our brains can work as good if not better than sighted people, but if you have a read at the job pages, and you will then learn how important it is to see in the work place.


If you try it and you don’t like it, OK. Quit, no one is going to think anything other of you than a very kind person a selfless person who did give some time as your time is the most important thing to us.


Advert over and back to me. Thank you to my dearest little friend I received a thank you from her today for a birthday card for her daughter. She said the card could be understood. Thank goodness. So to my friend who made fun of me last week? OK, I won’t swear. Hehehe.


I’m just glad the card got there. I mean, posting now days is awful. It’s about 60p to post a letter but it has to be small. Not heavy either. It has to fit in a grid at the post office. Well ours is not accessible it’s a long way from here so I just post and pray. Sometimes putting more than necessary stamps on it to make sure it gets there.


OK, off to work as I am a day behind and I’m going to get that boy wonder of mine up.

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