
Wednesday 10 June 2015


Something very odd has been happening to my mobile phone. Apparently I phoned a friend last night, I haven’t seen Elaine since I left my old home town. We keep in touch by text and email and through my blog page. Well, last night I called her? Really? Odd. As on my phone it says not, but this morning I received a call from her because she was concerned that I had called last night and she didn’t get to speak with me. Well, firstly as I said I didn’t phone her, secondly I worried all morning until I got the chance to call back, that her Husband Tom was ill. He has had heart trouble in the past though he isn’t as old as you would imagine. Hehehe. If he is reading this, OK, he is an elderly gent. Oh so glad I live a distance from him. Hehehe.


Well I was sure he had taken a turn for the worst. You know me, negative nelly.


Thank goodness he is OK and my friend told me she was only calling because of my call last night. Hmm. Well she and I have always had a very odd connection. As in spiritual. So we were meant to talk? But why? She is very happy I’m in the best place and all is OK.


Very odd.  Anyway we had a catch up and she is as daft as a brush.


Now where does that saying come from?

It means very foolish or as mad as a hatter. Now I don’t need to explain that one as I am sure I have in a much earlier blog. Anyway back to as daft as a brush. They say that it comes from as soft as a brush as in a foxes brush and they also say that it’s a northern phrase soft meaning stupid? Really? I’m as northern as they make them and I never have used that word soft for stupid. Anyway, before I go off the trail, the brushes were from the 18 and 19th century they used to be boys who were dropped on their heads down the chimneys to clean them and they were soft as in, stupid because they allowed themselves to be dropped on their heads. Haha.


Well I don’t go with that one so are brushes soft? No, not always and are they stupid? Well, they are for sure useful. I have never had the pleasure to have an intelligent conversation with one to let you know just how clever or not, they really are.


In print, the 1950s in William Morgan Williams The sociology of an English village: Gosforth 1950s, the wives who were unsociable were pointed out as daft, queer and as daft as a brush.


So, there you go, Elaine isn’t stupid, but she is a crazy gal just like me and that is why we get on so well. I don’t like normal, or sensible. Well, I do sensible when I have to, but trouble is, sensible doesn’t want to be my friend. Haha.


As I sit in my conservatory, I’m cold its night time. I have left my darling Hub in the living room as he is watching a new drama, I put up with it for more than half an hour. Oh it’s awful. Not even one out of ten. It’s not oftern when Hub and I don’t share the same enjoyment over a drama or movie, but tonight? We were not on the same wave length.


Teen out again. Today he went to college, then the gym, then slept then tennis and then to a friend’s house for the night and a jog around a park and then as in now, he’s picking up another friend from work and bringing them home. Then he will eat again for the fifth time today as he ate in between outings too and then he will sleep here at his boarding house. Oh no, sorry silly me I mean home…… Not that he treats it like a boarding house at all? Haha.


I got my windows cleaned today and dusted right through upstairs and down. After Waggas walk, she is tired.


Hub and I had a cup of tea on our front seat in the sun earlier and our two lovely neighbours came across and sat with us for a while, in the meantime, two other neighbours came and spoke. It’s such a lovely friendly avenue of all sorts here. I love it.


OK, will go for now and I’m having toast for supper as had no dinner tonight. I know it’s a bad time to eat, but I’m starving.


With love sleep well when it is your bedtime. Sweet dreams. Xx

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