
Monday 8 June 2015


Good day Bloggets. Whilst I sit in my conservatory, the rain is pounding down. Nonstop and my little Waggatail is running back and forward with her toy she has the full run of the house, haven’t done the floors yet so she isn’t restricted. Hah.


What a weekend! Firstly on Saturday, we went to our town. I didn’t take Waggs as she hates the city life and we had quite a bit to do. I had to rely on my white cane. That was messy.


I really don’t know why, but it was absolutely packed. Voices all around me. The smells of the food festival were wonderful. There were musicians. If you can call them that. Really, there was a man singing and he just sounded like my Father in Law coming out from the pub. An yet he was a so called street performer. Really, the quality of the entertainers here are awful. Where I used to live, the standards were first class. Every street corner there was brilliant entertainers. Here? A big fat zero out of ten. I don’t understand why they are not tested and have to prove that they can actually entertain. It’s a tourist town too.


Try saying that when you have had a drink? “Tourist town too!”


Oh I was exhausted. Hub had the faithful Long Chops. Even she found Saturday a challenge though. All I heard was a girl saying hi five? As she was about to give her h/5 to a friend, I was so busy trying to listen in the noise where Hub was and trying to avoid the enormous queue to our famous coffee shop and not to walk into the bollards, when she was about to do her silly hand thing, I smashed right through her and her friends. I think I winded them.


I’m normally OK at missing most people, but when you have hundreds of bodies and not all talk, and as she didn’t speak until the last moment, then I have an Oopsie moment. I guess they have an ouch moment?


Knuckles scuffed from the walls I was forced into as I walked with it by my side because if I left that wall, I would end up in the middle of the path with people at each side of me. Then I would lose my Barings.


So walk along next to it and someone bangs you and next thing, the walls are my enemy rather than my allies.


We headed towards a band singing, oh I feel sick at this moment. Where are the wires/cables, for the speakers? Is the band tidy or spread about the path? Is there a gathering watching? Am I about to be like Moses and the parting of the seas?


Well, the band must have thought the same as when I headed in their direction, remember we have to stick to the route we know and can’t just step off the kerb, the singer and his backing singer, suddenly stopped singing, but the music continued. Haha, was it a recording? Were they cheating pretending to play, or were the guys playing, more brave? As soon as we passed, they continued singing.


I went into the bank, our wonderful LC, stopped at every shop we go to bless her, even if we didn’t need that particular shop. But for the bank? Oh that is truly awful to find. There are no signs the path is the same and there are three banks near each other with the machines beeping so which one to go in? If there is no one at the card machines, no sounds at all, path the same texture, no smells there like a coffee shop or bakery to know we are near, but our LC found the door this time, eight times out of ten she manages. Oh she is a miracle dog. I adore her and so wonder what we would do without her?


Well, I know, we wouldn’t get out further than our local area. Unless we used taxis and that would cost a fortune as the taxis around here are London prices.


Anyway, Hub waited outside and I did the deed in the bank. It took forever. The lady in there was saying come August, there are going to be no cashiers at all. Only machines. Great, really looking forward to that challenge?


Being sarcastic of course. Once again, away from human communication. One day we will all be robots.


Did that, then went to our other bank that one, is great as there are steps into the building, so we know we are there for sure. Another queue. And this time I was off again whilst Hub waited. Hmm. I’m doing something wrong here, right Bloggets? He has it too easy with LC and both banks?


Out of there and down the steps. This part I lead the way not for long though then I need Hub to take over, but that part of town, I know better. So into the bakery and with my cane it’s so hard. I have to weave in and out of baskets with bread and other offerings, feel my way around the stupid rope for queuing and find the back of the queue. Well, thought I had found it, but no, there was a person stood behind me. Bless them they didn’t speak argue saying that I had queue hopped, so I apologised and tried again to find the back of the queue this is so difficult unless I frisk every member of public, wishing to buy a loaf!


Anyway, as ever, the staff when I got there were great, but I hate the wait as every time the girl shouts can I help you, are they talking to me? Do I give them my order to find out someone else is talking at the same time so I have totally made a Charley of myself.


Well, normally I wait now, and then they ask again so I know it’s my turn. Gave my order paid and then attempted to leave with some kind of dignity. Then off to the nut centre, no not to sign me in for a man in a white coat wishing to examine my nut/head, but to Hubs healthy shop of nuts spices and all sorts. LC absolutely loves that shop. She can’t wait to get in, why? We really don’t know.


It must be the smells of all of the spices. She isn’t like that though at any other shop.


Then Hub said he would like to go for a coffee. Oh no, I didn’t think I could deal with any more stress. But as LC decided to turn into the coffee shop, not the famous one, as that one we would have to stand for almost an hour before there was a table. This one you do need ear protectors, but we ordered and I can’t say I enjoy the atmosphere in there at all though they serve lovely coffee.


Out and to the dreaded bust stop. I say dreaded because again, there are no signs to tell us when to stop at the right place for our bus. The noise is terrible. The traffic o goodness. My ears my head from this city life is too heavy. I’m not used to the sounds of so much traffic and it is relentless.


Got on the bus found a seat OK and home James though that had some challenges as LC was ready for the toilet. We didn’t want her to go on our travels as specially so close to home, so we or Hub had to encourage her to walk faster, so to catch up I had to jog along. Hehehe. No wonder it’s raining today?


Ate our lovely offerings from town teen was at work but we bought him some sausage rolls for supper. We were to go out with our neighbours, and we did indeed.


J, bless him picked us up with Di and off we went to the restaurant. We were to all have drinks at J’s first outside in his garden, but the weather was horrible. Windy and so very cold.


It was a street event and seventeen of us were out. It was a new restaurant. Oh the inside was lovely; we had some really nice drinks. I had fresh orange juice then shared a bottle of wine with Di and all sat at this massive table. Di was kind and read us the menu, bless her, nothing is ever a bother for her. She is really really nice to us. And she is a natural, when it came to taking to our seats at the table; she is so good at discreetly putting my hand on the back of the chair. This is great as know which way it’s facing.


Our neighbours who are Indian, came to this was funny as it was an Indian restaurant.


Well, we should have gone to their house as they cook so well and this food at this place was very below average.


The staff were rude too apart from the manager.


We did have a laugh though and I sat next to B, who is the wife of J and she is sweet. We are good friends.


The tables were so tacky as in cheap as was the food. I won’t be going back.


Then Sunday, Teen again worked. Then we went out in the sun to sit on our bench. Before we knew it, two neighbours came to talk, then another couple then Di and her Hub came over then J, B passed and next thing we know, we are in J’s garden and have a bottle of wine. Oh boy, two glasses, I bought the wine so it was lovely and cool from the fridge and I was still thirsty from the Indian food, so with the barmy night and all considered, I drank my wine rather fast. Henxw I was very drunk only two glasses, but oh, and I knew I was saying too much, and I could feel my face getting hotter, but was out of control. Yes that is all it takes for me as I don’t drink for weeks, if not months, then suddenly we seem to go out and paint the street red.


Talking of red, J kindly gave Hub a bottle of red and he drank it on his own as well as the half of what I brought and he was totally fine.




Let’s say, my neighbour Mel brought me a coffee. Hehehehehahha. What did that say? But again so many laugh. At my expense? I don’t care. It was a good night.


Came in, teen back from his jog in the car., aha. He drove to a place to have a jog. When we came in the house was red hot teen put the heating on, but I had to turn it off or we would have grown tomatoes even though we didn’t have plants?


Today? We were up at six as Hub had to get a train to the other side of the UK and he has a big meeting today. LC off with him, hopefully working as well as she did at the weekend.


Teen off work today so he is now at the gym then tennis if the rain stops.


Lots of housework to do. Tomorrow, oh I will keep that for then and let you know later.


I hope you are all well? And are feeling love and peace in your heart?



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