
Monday 15 June 2015


Uzbekistan hi there, how are you doing? Some views today from there and its lovely to know you are there. When I used to visit Russia, I went to restaurants that specialised in food from Uzbekistan. Loved it.


Talking of food, oh I am so cross. I totally have the food police in my house. After some toast today for breakfast and I had two opposed to four, I went to look for a biscuit. Guess who’s moved them? I’m really annoyed.


It’s like being in bloody boarding school again.


I have a really sore throat today. Not sure why. The sun is wearing its hat and it came out to play. So please let’s have our summer to stay now?


So my day so far? I had a visit from after care for my guide dog Waggatail. I hate those visits and I don’t know any of my friends who do like them. I wonder if our guide dog staff know of this.  So I felt sick and was rather anxious. I got the biscuits ready, no, not mine, good job I didn’t need them, hey? But dog treats. Doodle bag harness change of collar and leash as well as her vet book. All ready for the lovely lady to come. I had to almost drag boy wonder out from his pit. I told him if he didn’t get up and make his food, the kitchen would be closed. That got him up fast. I had been trying for half an hour, all I got back was a groan. A closed kitchen, must remember that one.


I didn’t want the house to stink of burned bacon or melted cheese and tuna for when the lady came. Whizzed round with the duster, cloths and vacuum washed the down stairs toilet not that it needed it as only did it last night, but I’m over the top when it comes to clean toilets. Lovely subject.


Jog on.


Well, she was late, by half an hour, but that was OK, I got chance to talk with teen who by this point had sorted out the garage and thankfully he is getting his exhaust fixed tomorrow.


It’s too dangerous to carry on like that. Only thing is, I won’t know where he is in our area anymore haha. I can hear him going by from about five minutes away.


I’m really proud of my Teen today as it’s not a college day, and yet he has taken himself in this afternoon. When I did get out with after care lady, teen passed in the car on his way out to the gym. He pulled up and wownd the window down and was so polite. So charming. He is incredibly sociable I’m proud of him for so many reasons.


It’s been a dreadful two and a half years whilst he has been dating the girlfriend from hell, but thankfully it’s all over for now anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if they went back out together. But in the meanwhile, all is good and we have our lovely Son back who I thought was gone forever.


As long as that thing stays away, he will be adorable, if it comes back and I know it will, then we will be faced again with an unpleasant Son. Why? Your guess is as good as mine.


So, after care. The lovely lady came. I was totally dreading it, and yet she is really nice. Very honest, says what she means and means what she says. You wouldn’t mess with her and I have respect for her she is good at her job. And has the best interest for not only me as a gd owner, but the guide dog too.


Of course Wagga went mental, running all over the place, there was no control over her and I thought, heck that is a good start. I did try to control her and it was really fascinating to watch what happened.


The lady ignored Waggs. And it was as if Waggs was being hypnotised I’m not joking, like a clockwork toy that had been wound up and slowly was running out of power. After a minute, she calmed down. Then the lady stroked her calmly and Wagga was so gentle.

Then went mental again. Haha haha.

 Anyway we harnessed up and off we went on our way to the shop, there were loads of vans and the builders vans were there from across the road. Shock horror, they turned up.  There was a wheelie bin and cars. Wagga had hard work to do but she was OK.


The shrubs are getting really dangerous now from the overflow of gardens. Spiky and they blooming hurt. The road was closer than I wanted it to be as I had to stay away from the nasty nettles on the inside of the path. Great big thorns too.


There were loads of monkeys at the zoo running to the fence to ask if they could stroke the dog. Shouting doggy doggy come here. Well, my GDO told them under no circumstance no. She’s a working dog.


She was nice to them though, but there was nothing to be said after that.


Went passed the shop and Waggs looked to the lady for a well done sign and she got it. Off to the post box and Doctors passing the restaurant and chemist crossing the little roads. And back again another way. Crossed the road and did some work with the bus stop. The one she struggles to find. As do we as there are so many nasty shrubs there too why on earth are they all spiky around here? Are there a lot of burglars?


Then we went into the park. We did some work on finding the seat in front of the lake. Thankfully Wagga stopped and didn’t keep walking towards the water?


And back home. We were out about an hour.


All of the forms were filled in and I waited with bated breath to see what the result was. I always fear the worst. Waiting to hear. “Sorry, we need to take her back for more training.


Well to my delight I was told we passed with flying colours and it was wonderful to see how well we have done, Since I got my dog.


I couldn’t believe she is four now. Four?  Where did that year go?


I thought she was three. But of course she was only a few months off two when I got her. 20th of April 2011 she was born. The lady talked about thinking about coming out for Hubs dog too to retire her. Oh no, she’s only eight and a half and works brilliantly. I can’t imagine getting a better worker than LC. LC has a good year and a half left in her she is like a young dog still.


My canary, he’s Irish you know, sang right through the meeting with the lady. SO loud too. Still singing never stopped all day, my head is starting to hurt now.


OK, must go and see what is for dinner. I really don’t feel like cooking tonight, but have to. Oh I wish I could swap rolls with Hub and go to work and let him be the domestic goddess? Haha haha. Yes, I can see him with his frilly apron.


So next stop is Wagga and I going to the park on our own. God help me, but if I do it this week, whilst it’s fresh in Waggatail mine, let’s hope we can? Oh and, I can’t believe the things the lady told me? Funny when you walk with a dog what you miss. I never knew our park had a life guard rope. Or life boy, whatever you call them. And what a great sign to look out for. And look out I did as specially as Wagga went to sniff it and walked me into it. Haha. I would rather she did that as then I know exactly where we are. Also there is a lamp post right in the middle of the path. Now, our dogs must always walk us around them, thankfully, as having banged my head on a light before, it’s not good. Gut, if I do find that now, I know it’s not at the edge of the path, but right bang in the middle. I had to learn where the path goes up, but my feet are wooden I swore so it’s really hard to do that, but that is the way I know I’m on track to the bus stop. I just need confidence now to do this park thig on my own.


OK, have a lovely day what’s left of it and I will talk later. X

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