
Thursday 4 June 2015


Good day Bloggets Gosh am I having a lazy day so far? Yep. Do I feel the gilt? Nope.

The sun is shining and I’m sitting in my garden. Firstly I had to sweep the soil that I found hahaha. Seriously, I had a plant that was dead so the gardener asked if it was OK if he threw it away. I said yes sure well, the plant went in the bin, but the soil from the pot?


A lady asked yesterday why I don’t get my Teen to do the garden. Hahahhaheehhehehehehhehe Em. No.

Why? He simply won’t. I have even offered to pay him to do little jobs but he won’t and as for the garden? We would end up with no plants as he hasn’t a clue between plants and weeds. At least the gardeners removed the weeds from the borders, as our bin was full, though they did say the quote was to take away the rubbish too. Never mind, they were nice guys, I just think it is me. Perhaps I expect too much? I’m used to a great gardener in my ex. He really doesn’t know his value when it comes to gardening. He was a hard worker and so very thorough. I am trying to get the guy who did our drive, he was brilliant, but he says he doesn’t want a small job. Goodness, per hour surely is per hour? They all say about two hours work, so all I ask is once a month, but I guess when he can get huge country mansions, why bother with Fifi in the avenue of all sorts?


Anyway, here I am. I found our two I can’t remember what they are called, space chairs or something. We first learned of them when we holidayed with our friends in America. When they are flat back, you feel like you are lying on air. I loved them so much when we were over there we tried to find them here in the UK. I got them new, on EBay UK as no shops or garden centres had them. They may have now, as I’m talking some years ago. We bought two and I love them but we hardly get chance to use them.


I’m sitting here before it rains. As I bet it will? Oh I truly hope not as really we are all fed up with the horrible weather we have been having here. Put it this way, had to put our heating on last night and I forgot to turn it off so when Hub woke this morning, he wasn’t impressed.  Mind you, the house was a bit warm. Thing is, I set it for 18c. So it would only come on if the house was colder than that.


It’s funny, as when I came down stairs an hour after Hub left for work, the house wasn’t warm at all. I opened the kitchen door into the conservatory and o my word. The heat?


It really is like being in the Caribbean in there, until you walk to the table and find a dish I left from last night’s dinner. Then reality kicks in. Well I put it in the kitchen and put on the kettle. I thought I’m not even going to have breakfast as that will involve cleaning worktops whilst waiting for the toast to be done and finding things that need to be put away, so a quick kettle coffee and Waggs and I are getting a tan. Mind you, Waggs is tanned enough will have to keep an eye on her glossy black coat, as they feel the heat more. But she is lying next to me and believe me, I am shading her.


I have my earphones on trying to block out any car sounds but it’s impossible. So whilst I would like to have thoughts of the Caribbean, somehow I’m not quite there.

Oh but really, this is lovely, my coffee was delicious now the empty cup is on my little mosaic table next to me. The birds are singing and I’m rather happy here talking to my dearest Bloggets.


Not sure what went on yesterday, but the blog page went crazy, with Google viewers. They were looking at a lot of old stuff as specially poems. I showed Hub my poem yesterday about the JALOPY JUDDERING JUNK

And guess what his reaction was? It is a load of junk.

Thanks love for the support? Hehehe. He hates my poems, but I don’t care. I love to write them and that makes me happy as especially when I can show him your positive responses towards them. I also show him negative ones, so I’m not unfair, right? But when I get lovely words, I feel so proud. You know in a world where I totally feel useless on a daily basis, and can’t take much more, it’s so lovely to hear from you as specially those who I don’t know, as far away as Australia in India China and other parts of the world. Algeria visited us yesterday and hello to our friends in Portugal, now we have had many views from there, but yesterday? There was frenzy as over 30 views in a matter of two hours. Could be a school, or just someone catching up, but to get thirty views, means someone has to actually log in that many times rather than just read on and press the next button. I guess I will find out soon but anyway, lovely to see Portugal back.


Looking forward to Saturday evening. Meeting up with folks and going for a meal. Not sure how many there will be I guess twenty? Next Saturday, really excited to go and see our besties, Trix and co. We are meeting up with old friends there at Trix’s house. I guess there will be about ten of us there. And at the end of June my lovely dearest friend Julie is coming to stay. We have so much catching up to do. Last time I saw her was December. She moved from my old place of home, Northumberland, to London. She had a place that looked over the beautiful beach of Northumberland, well, Northumberland is surrounded by beaches all golden sands and so clean. Mind you always freezing too.  But nothing got in her view, just the ocean. Now she lives in a pokey little flat in London with no view in an industrial area of tall builds and controlling foreign neighbours, but she is with her lovely girls who work there, so she is happy as she sees her Baby Grand children more oftern. But I bet she will miss the fresh air of where we used to live? I know I do. Mind you as I always say, I love the people where we now live. Now I’m used to their totally different sense of humour. At first I thought they didn’t have one, I kept thinking surely, they must laugh? I mean they seemed to go through the motions, but an I would call proper belly laugh has not been discovered here. When my friend Geordie and I go out together, she also is from where I used to live and moved here fifteen years ago, well, we laugh and sometimes make each other cry we laugh so much, tears of joy of course.  


Funny in the small UK,, how people differ? They say Scottish people are mean, my Mum used to be friends with a person from Scotland and used to tell me stories about how they could peal an orange in their pocket. Haha haha. I never really knew or understood what that meant, but it had something to do with mean Scots. I have some friends in Scotland, so hang on a mo Jo, till I recover relationships, haha. Em, not all is what the pages say in the book. You have to read on to get the full story. My friends are lovely people and would give you their last slice of bread and last coin from their wallets.

Is that enough grovelling do you think? Heheheheheheh


OK, our sweet neighbour is now cooking her delicious Indian food. The smell is blooming driving me crazy; I wish I could cook Indian food. I love it, not hot not even close to hot, but I love fresh spices. The smell is making me remember I have not had any food today. What have I got to look forward to?

Toast, oo’oh’oh can’t wait for that…….. Hmm.


So hopefully you are all well fine and dandy. Fine and Dandy? Now then there is a good phrase. Where does it come from and it’s meaning? Well, it’s said that the origin is from Scotland funny enough and I think it meant well dressed, but I stand to be corrected. From my limited studies, etymologists have reluctantly resigned themselves to the idea that Dandy came from the name Andrew. So perhaps a famous Andrew from Scotland had to dress well to go to London? As I know that Pushkin’s aristocratic Evgeny Origin was “Dressed like a London Dandy” A word close to dandy is Dander which I believe is used to express an outburst of anger. Dandy is also been used to describe a small glass of whisky from Ireland. The fact is, no one truly knows of the origin. So was that all a load of useless information?. I don’t think so I love to play with words and learn of their meanings and we say hope you are fine and dandy meaning hope you are all well, so in my as normal very prolonged way, I hope you are all doing great. Xxxxx



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