
Wednesday, 15 May 2019


It’s been a lovely peaceful evening. My Waggatail and I had a girly night in. haha. No TV just the sound of silence. Something I don’t get outside for sure. Hub was or is, away on business and our Son was out with friends and their girlfriends. They went for a meal.


For part of our friend’s birthday, we sent them a gift of goodies and we sent it through our grocery delivery service. Well it was funny as I didn’t tell them what it was just told them to expect a delivery today. So, my friends doorbell went and she opened it to tell the man at the door with boxes of food, he had the wrong house. Hahahaha. Well my heart stopped when she told me. I just imagined the guy packing everything back in his van and driving off. But luckily, he had the sense to tell her the sirname on the bill… and thank goodness she put two and two together.


It’s a great plan to do for people’s birthdays. Especially those who have everything. I just put random things in the basket they were from our Son as we got them boring vouchers. Again, what to buy those with everything?


In the boxes were things like nuts, cakes, chocolates, nice ice cream bars, biscuits, flowers, a plant, grapes, strawberries, crisps, popcorn and more.


At ten tonight, our shopping came. But I didn’t have Hub to help me to put it all away. Gosh it takes me forever. Over half an hour. when our Son came in, he was horrified that I had put muscles on his shelf. Haha. There Hubs. Boy Wonder has enough muscles.

Oh gosh, when my Husband prepares those things, I could be sick. They are so disgusting. He eats them cold they are like bits of flesh. Well, I guess they are. When I ate meat, I have told you before I couldn’t stand fish, but my meat had to be cooked so well. Crispy almost cremated. I used to be even a little cockily with hot dogs. But steak and lamb, I loved. Gosh, no way I could ever go back to eating meat now. someone asked me ages ago if I could eat meat if it was done how the scientists want to prepare it in the future. That is by growing meat from a cell. So, it wouldn’t exactly be an animal. Well the answer is no way. I couldn’t now. adding all the years when I used to try to be a vegetarian and the years I have been, it adds up to more than half of my life. I started being a vegetarian when I was fifteen. To my Mums horror. She really didn’t want me to become one. I think she was afraid what she was going to cook me. I started to eat meat a year later and I only ate chicken. And then back to being a vegetarian not too long after that. I couldn’t go as far as my Son though and become a vegan, though I really admire those who are vegans. It’s purely selfishness on my behalf that I don’t take the next step and I’m not saying I will never be a vegan, as I am trying at least some of our Sons ready meals and I am cooking meals for him and trying a small amount and I must say, homemade ones are lovely and shop bought ready meals are really getting better even over the past half year I have noticed an improvement.


I also got a shock last week when I was ordering on line my grocery’s and noticed that there are more vegan meals than vegetarian.

I guess it makes sense because vegans can’t eat what vegetarians eat but vegetarians can eat vegan food. But six months ago, there wasn’t half what there is now. it’s great. Now they just need to bring down the prices. My Son is hoping to go to a vegan festival but if he doesn’t go with Sham, he is talking about going to the talks and that is where I will worry as I know he will get involved with demonstrations. I don’t want that but again, hats off to those who do.


In our news a wonderful man who is a great actor and animal lover has just been really shown up because he was filmed riding an elephant. The charity for animals he was a member of have deleted him from their celebrity list because of the elephant ride. I can say I am sure he didn’t know just what went or goes on with those poor beautiful creatures. They are treated so badly. Poor things don’t want to be lugging us all over the place, especially in the heat. What worries me is what will happen to the elephants if everyone stops riding them? I doubt nothing as people will still want to see them, I just wish their owners would care for them. Humans have a lot to answer to. We have a huge horse fair coming to England soon. I hate it. It’s where the so-called travellers, I have a better word for them, go with their caravans and buy horses. For what? in a case local to us, one is tied to something in the middle of a roundabout. Traffic all around the poor thing. I really wish someone would untie it and save it. Hub said if he knew someone with a horse box and a place to keep a horse safely, he would pay for it. But then they will just go to the fair and buy another one. People can’t just go and buy children with ease, but we can buy animals as easy as buying a pint of milk.


Well I was having a peaceful evening before I got on my soap box… I’m going to have a cup of tea and head off to bed as tomorrow morning or later as I think it’s after midnight, I have to be up so ridiculously early. So, until later with love and just before I go some final words.

Elephants love reunions and they recognise each other even after many years. It’s been known for elephants to draw the tusks from a dead elephant and carry them off into the bush.


Beautiful creatures called elephants, have been used by man for sport hobbies making money in battle used as pin cushions and chased until their fear can cope no more and they are murdered by man who’s cowardly act and greed fulfils their tiny minds for a moments pleasure. I hope to God every single person who mistreats any animal will suffer in the next world but they will be gifted with a memory of this world, the world where they were evil where really, they had no place.


© Fiona Cummings


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