
Friday, 17 May 2019


And that would have to be on the ground…

Well in my head I’m going through what I would do if a mugger came along. And then the most awful thing happened.


Well everything that I had planned in this situation, kind of froze. In fact, my jaw fell to the floor, rather than the person who came up to me. So, I didn’t do my drop kick. The other thing, when I imagined this to happen, I thought they would come from behind or towards me. Even if they had one to my right. Mind you, they wouldn’t want to do that as there are awful prickly shrubs to my right on that route.


Within a flash, I heard loads of cars come towards me. I thought they have a cheek in this open ish, space? Well you may be guessing what the idiot of a person said?


Firstly, it was a man. He came side by side next to my guide dog. At the same time as my jaw dropped, I held tight to her lead and harness. Words stood still but when he said what he said.

“Give me your mobile, money, cards and anything else you have!””

I at great speed thought he is too calm to be real, isn’t he? I then thought he was calm not to cause a scene as we were walking along a main road, but where we were no one seems to walk that way, not much anyway, it’s mainly for cars.


Did I recognise the voice? Was he too friendly to be a mugger? Hang on to my phone, yes, I know, bad me, it was in my hand. Stupid thing to do. You should always have your mobile but not in your hand. OK, this is where I annoy my Husband. So, I don’t dress in a correct manner. I can’t really do casual. Inside I can, but not when I go out. My jeans are skinny jeans. And they look like they have been painted on. So, I don’t like to put things in my pockets. As they won’t look right. My blazer has pockets. But they are stitched up still from new. Why? I always believed once you unpick pockets, they never (LOOK) good. Smart.

Yep, I need to get over vanity. I’m no longer that pretty young girl and I’m even old enough to be a Granma…. OK, my Son would have to have had a child when he, was a child….

Stop it….

He would


OK, I realised it was someone I knew, as he said my name at that point.

Well, as my jaw dropped in a flash, words fell from my mouth after the frozen face recovered. But I felt the blood rush from my face. Oh gosh it was really horrid. Then a female voice said, as I used words I don’t normally use. It would have served him right Fiona if you had used pepper spray on him.

Well, if he had of done that from behind, he would have got one of my famous back kicks. Or would I have frozen too much to do it in time? May be but like my words only for a few seconds. Like two. Then he would have been on the ground, and I may have been in our Police station chatting right now.


If it was who I think it was, he is a clown, but there is a time when you just don’t joke. And that today wasn’t funny.


When I got back, I told Hub who is working from home today. Oh, my goodness. He was furious. Really angry. Personally, I was OK by that point and realised he was joking he isn’t totally connected, though he is a manager by the way, haha, but sadly he is one of those people who jokes their way through their sad life. I kind of feel sorry for him. But same time, I like him and his family, if, it is who I think it was. I said I would get him back. He said you won’t Fiona, I will though. I will. When and how? He will just have to wait. Hub said to do that to a blind person is totally sick. Hahaha. I guess it is, but he, is.


Oh, and by the way, the weather was hot. Didn’t rain either. But is windy which is odd.


A couple of things caught my attention today. Firstly, a friend was talking about something I touched on a few weeks ago. Clocks. Time. Kids. Children in the UK now no longer know the time unless they are looking at a digital clock. This is so sad. I bought my Son a clock made from wood. It was a jigsaw. A round clock the numbers were round too with painted numbers on them which obviously made no sense to me. But by the age of four/five, my Son could read numbers and used to put them in the right place. The handles on the clock moved I could feel them and I used to set times for him to guess. He learned with in a couple of days but now he is 22, I want to ask him when he gets in from work, if he can still tell the time or has, he forgot everything I taught him?


He wears a fancy watch with hands, but told me he hasn’t wound it up yet as he doesn’t need to, he has his phone, he loves his watch but it’s a fashion accessary. We think when we teach our kids things, they will automatically remember everything, but I guess they may, forget? I shall let you know in my next blog if I remember, if he has remembered. I know one thing for sure, I will be teaching our Grand children the time because it’s not only about telling the time, is it, it is a great way to exercise the brain. I believe by knowing the clock, helps in so many different areas of life’s skills.


I was talking with someone today who said staff had been sent home because all their computers had gone down and because of tech, as did their phones as they use kind of a Skype system. I said, we are not moving forward in many ways. Going back ten years even, still a lot of paper was used and we had hand held phones. Thirty years, no one would have been sent home as everyone would have had paper back up. So, tech isn’t always for the best. Though I think the staff that were sent home, were quite pleased with broken tech.


Now another subject that I was reading about earlier from our newspaper. Murderers are going to get less time in jail if they tell where the victims’ bodies are.

E so, what do you think of that? Personally, I think that they should have to tell where the bodies are, or their time in jail will be quite painful. If you go out to murder someone, and it has been proven it was you, then may be life in jail and for those who won’t tell where the bodies are, they can be the ones that are experimented on for research to save our beautiful animals from being hurt.

Just saying.


In our news bowel cancer is on the rise in the UK for adults under the age of fifty. Well hopefully because a plant diet is becoming popular in the UK, it will start to decline soon.


Now this comes with a warning, gosh, humans? Give me beautiful animals any day. In America of all places, a 19-year-old lady was heavily pregnant she saw an advert in the newspaper for free baby clothes. So, she went to collect them. As she arrived, she was strangled and her baby was cut out of her womb. The three people a Mother and her boyfriend in their forties, and the mothers 24-year-old daughter have been charged. The baby is still alive but ill. The husband of the poor victim is praying his baby will survive. Just horrific, isn’t it?


My neighbour sent a photograph to my mobile yesterday she told me what the picture was of. A bee nest in her back garden apparently, it’s huge. I know we are meant to encourage them, but I wouldn’t like them in case we got stung, I know they don’t like to sting as that means they will die, but still I would rather they were in people’s gardens who could see what was buzzing around them.


That is the same neighbour who had baby ducks born in her shrubbery last year. My other neighbour had a huge rat sitting on her compost pile. Hahaha,   

Oh, we really do live in the city.


And on that note, tomorrow is the Eurovision song contest. Let’s see if the UK comes last or second last. It’s too political that show now. not sure if I am going to watch it this year, but it will be the first time I have missed it in forever years. I have watched it since I was four.


Oh, last night I listened to Russia’s top 100. Well I got to number 53 and started to fall asleep. Not because of the music as it was great, but it was after half two. I loved how clear the words were. They have the production perfect, but the men sounded like drunks, still though, I could understand every word. The women singers sounded like they charged on street corners and wore red. Hahaha. But still it was so catchy. You may ask why I was listening to Russia’s chart music? Well once in a blue moon, I will listen to music from different parts of the world. But how Russian music has changed to when I used to go.


And finally, I need a Sister. I have just asked today my Son to pick some clothes on line to make me look younger. Oh. Heck. Why did I bother? I just got huge lectures on how I need to start to go to the gym. I need to care for my health. Well, what are full figured ladies meant to do, wear nothing? Now, that would be a sight for sore eyes… I guess it’s back to the drawing board of ordering some clothes and wondering what they look like only learning when they arrive. And even then, not knowing really what on earth I look like? I mean, I thought my lovely wonder boy would sit with me and say Mum, that looks nice and describe it to me. Oh, no, he just told me to lose weight….    

Well have a good weekend, maybe I will be going to the gym? There again, may be not.  I shall remain being a total disappointment to my Son. I shall talk soon. Chloe, have a great weekend at the festival. And Marie, enjoy Paris. Xxxx

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