
Wednesday 1 August 2018


It’s crawling towards the pumpkin hour. My Son is out in our horrid town. I say horrid as it’s just full of drunks. He got up for work at half four this morning and midnight, he’s out. He worked nine hours starting at half five today, came home, ate a quick lunch. Drove miles and miles to the coast. Stayed out all day, came home, got a shower and changed, a quick bye-bye Mum and off to the city with his girlfriend. Tomorrow he’s working again, so I am stressing about how he isn’t caring for himself. It was nice to know he went out today to the beach, as his life of late has been spent in bars or restaurants. I do worry about how little fun he has for a young person. Though of course he says he is enjoying himself. Just his life seems to be working, sleeping a little, eating and drinking. Not to excess, but that has to start somewhere. I just wish he could meet someone who could put fun into his days like a friend.


Sham kindly bought Hub and myself some rock today. Hub loves it.


Kids, gosh they are such a worry. Sometimes I really wish I was a parent who just didn’t care. There are such parents out there. I have met with a lot of them.


BW still looking for another job, but everything is on line now days. He used to get his jobs by his charm, good lucks and obvious intelligence, but now it’s, or I should say, he’s just a bit of electronics.

He has little chance of getting a job. He was offered one the other day, but seriously, it was management, but of a company I really have a bad feeling about. But I was good, I didn’t express myself. Smile… that was difficult. I should be grateful he’s working. I know of some kids who have no intention of getting a job. Hub has always said he’s really proud of BW because he has always been a hard worker. I just wish he could find a job he loved. It’s sad as he used to love this one, but that was two years ago, before nutter management came his way. He loved his first boss there, but then someone came and the gloves were off. Now he is working for a Polish boss and to be honest, she is crazy. One day she texts him 38 times in four hours. In the meanwhile, he had so much paperwork to do phone calls and emails to answer. All her mistakes. I honestly don’t know how on earth she has managed to become a manager there.


Well as the clock strikes midnight, I shall head off to bed. I am not at all tired. I know I will not sleep. But where else is there to go. Smile. I could dust I guess. I may do that. I come alive at this time of night, it’s mad.


Hub and I were watching a TV program we watch every year. It’s where ex celebrities go to India to see if they could retire out there. Well tonight’s program just made me very anxious. Normally where they go is so peaceful. But not the area they went to in the show today. It was Jodhpur, a huge city. Full of palaces, forts and temples. Sounds OK, but it wasn’t as it was so loud. And of course, they had to visit a market to cook. Oh, gosh, why? I blocked my ears. I was appalled. Disgusted. I don’t know what happened, but I know that there was a full lamb frozen, with all it’s bits and bobs on. Even it’s poor tale. And then there were the chickens. Still alive. And that is when I closed my ears. Gross. Poor animals and creatures. I know our animals and chickens are not treat well in this country, so I can’t imagine how they are treat at such markets. There were loads of vegetables and spices there, so why eat meat? I guess I will never understand that one.


All the car sounds and noises of festivals as well as people shouting just made me really tense. Where as normally in parts of India, it’s so peaceful. One thing that was the same though, the people, they are adorable. So friendly and polite.


I hope next week they show somewhere else, more peaceful. They spoke about and tried Yoga, like me, they were shocked at just how relaxed it makes you. I think I should do some before bed to try to relax me but if I knew my Son was back at his girlfriends’ parents’ house, then I may feel a bit better. So far, he texts me to say he was still out. Sham mustn’t be working tomorrow, or she would be in bed now. well I would hope so, as she has a long journey to work. Lots of driving.


A lot of people in the UK go to Spain to retire. Where would you like to live when you reach that age? Oh, it is my dream to live in Canada, but closer to home, Italy. Mind you I did love the US, well, Tennessee. It had a fantastic community for elderly people that was so perfect. I guess anywhere but here. Sad that, isn’t it?


As long as I’m with my Husband and our Son is happy with a lovely wife and children, I will be happy. As for having guide dogs, sadly I doubt very much Hub and I will qualify for the new ridiculous rules that are coming in. I heard we had to prove we could do 3 forty-minute different walks with a white cane, before we qualified for a guide dog. Well firstly anyone who can do 3 forty-minute walks with a white cane, doesn’t need a guide dog. I have a friend who wouldn’t go out of the house for more than ten minutes with a white cane, but can go for ten hours with her dog. She goes all over the country. Also, for someone like me who had to take my Son to school every day,collect him from school, if he was ill and bring him home, take him to school activities and the school was only a ten-minute walk. I could sleep at nights knowing I could get my boy to school without much trouble, I could get home safely after dropping him off and moreover, I could relax at home with the knowledge that if the school called me to say to collect my boy, I could get to him. I didn’t have anyone I could rely on, so under the new rule, I wouldn’t qualify. Old Mrs Jones who gets out every day to get her loaf of bread or milk, just gets out to meet someone who may spend five minutes talking with her, giving her a reason to live, to wake up, she may pop in at her friends who perhaps isn’t quite so mobile and together they will change their lives, because Mrs Jones has been able to get out from her four walls. We may need to go to the Doctors, it may be seven minutes away, chemist, eight minutes, hospital twenty minutes. Well if the new rules come in to practice, we are basically stuffed. Once again, we become prisoners. For a crime we have not committed!


Guide Dogs is a charity, and I know they really need every bit of help but this isn’t the answer. I think people who haven’t a clue about what it is like to need a guide dog, have made this decision and it’s a big bad one. Come on guys, get real. Don’t punish us.


And on that note, my boy has just text me to say he’s back. At Shams. So, it’s time for the pyjama show. And tomorrow I shall chat to you about something you have asked me to write about. Until then, stay safe and positive. Together we can change lives, our lives. And for all those people who work really hard with our guide dogs and those who teach the white cane, for everyone who is involved in our beautiful dogs, so many volunteers, thank you. X



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