
Friday 10 August 2018


It’s that time again, the end of the week. Start of the weekend. Sending love to Lisa, Julia, Trix, The Like man and Philomena. Friends and Bloggets. And if you need love right now, @U2!

A beautiful huge department store in the UK that was going or has gone bankrupt, has just been bought by a business man for the massive price of 90 million pounds. About one hundred and seventeen million American dollars.


That is simply obscene. And my friend and our Blogget JB, told me today that our football team had just bought a new player but he will be rubbish, as he was only £6,000000



There needs to be some kind of cap put on our currency. I was talking a couple of months ago to Hub and our Son about the old days when people used to barter. My boy asked me what would I have to offer? Hahaha. Em. Good question. More to the point, what would he, have to offer? Hub has his voice and piano playing. Whereas I have the duster for the piano… Our Son never plays his guitar now days it’s so sad as he is so talented.


Week one of him running his job solo. Well with his colleagues I mean he is totally in charge as his boss is on holiday. From day one of her changing the rotors last minute, making all staff cross. To a girl having a melt down and being in the staff room with BW for an hour, to staff having to go home ill. To new starters to a girl getting put on opening the business who has never done that before, so she had to have an hour’s phone call with BW to learn how to do, to him training another who had never closed before. Now, why would the boss put people on who had no clue how to do the job? So, her challenges so far have not phased BW and all is running smoothly now. Though BW still wants out of there.

He has another week of her being on holiday. And then we will see what is going to happen.


I have hung out my washing. Finding a blooming t/shirt from washing a few days ago on the ground. So, I have had to put that on a fast wash to make sure it’s clean. Luckily, it’s gone onto the patio rather than soil or grass.


Talking of gardens, my friend Terry was telling me of her water feature the other day, it’s two carved bears. How stunning. And my beautiful Louise from South Africa, has a Mother and baby elephant water feature. Oh, wow.


Whilst we have had the hottest summer on record, now the weather is going to change, and rain is expected, in France, 1600 people have been rescued on a campsite as it was flooded.


Talking of camping, a man has been found in a tent, dead, in England, a place called Summerset. Documents were found with the man and he is believed to be called Peter Thomas Harrison and was believed to be about 59 when he died. He is said to be from Birmingham. But no next of kin can be traced. Poor man. What was going through his head in his last hours, for his sake I hope he died quickly.


I got on the scales today and the little lady in my scales told me in her happy voice that I have lost 10 lbs in three weeks. Wow, how did that happen? When I weighed myself last week I had lost 3lbs, that was in two weeks but this week seven more? How? I know I did that massive mammoth climb up almost if not, 100 steps last weekend, and yesterday I had a lunch which filled me and nothing at all all day after then. I know that isn’t advised but I have tried doing what is advised and nothing works. So, today I had a lunch again, and see if I can keep going. I haven’t been doing anything other, just a little Yoga, which I am still enjoying. My yoga teacher is coming on Monday to see me… it’s just finding that selfish time as I call it. Selfish as it’s me time and I take much of my me time up in writing. Not including what I write for others but like last night I wrote seven poems off the belt. I don’t publish most of my poems as a lot of them are so long. I just love words.


My poor Hub was so ill last night. I felt so sorry for him. But again, he has gone to work. But if he is no better, I am going to make an appointment whether he likes it or not. Mind you, it will take about three weeks to see our lovely Doctor.


OK, my Son has just tole me he is taking a drive about an hour away to get something done to his car… free as it’s something that should have been done properly and has gone wrong…


He will be tired though as it’s a longish drive and he has been up since 4 am today. It’s 1 pm now. he has just finished work.


I’m so happy that from next week, Hub will find it a lot easier to get to work, as no more trains for him. Today he is in my beautiful hometown of Newcastle. The Little Fella loves working with his Daddy. He is so happy the happiest guide dog we have ever had, though when we got him, he had issues… but who wouldn’t as he had loads of homes before us as only one border could care for him as he kept eating things… he’s great now we can leave him for a couple of hours and not worry, where as when we first got him, oh, heck… but he is a lovely lad and a great worker. Hub absolutely loves him. My Waggatail is on my feet now. early this morning she walked with me to the chemist for some drops and I popped in to make an appointment to have their check up at the vets, so, that’s next week. Both dogs for injections and their normal flee and worm stuff.


Did you know in some hot countries, oranges stay green all year round?


My friend has two houses, one is a beautiful huge house in Northumberland the other in London. She only goes to her house in the capital for holidays to visit her friends. She just told me that at her capital home, she has a cross trainer… I told her, that was no good, and she should get a happy traner…



Imagine if we could afford a personal trainer? Is this why rich people are slim? I know not all, but most.

OK, on that note, I shall leave you with some I hope uplifting words.

    "When science finally locates the centre of the universe, some people will be surprised to learn they're not it." Bernard Bailey

And I love this quote from Mother Teresa. “I know God won’t give me more than he thinks I can handle, I just wish he wouldn’t trust me so much!””

And whoever Les Brown is, he says such great words.     You can complain about the direction of your life all you want, but until you sit in the driver’s seat and begin to drive yourself, you aren't going to get where you want to go! But, I say, what if you can’t get a driving licence? Smile.


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