
Thursday 9 August 2018


Today I feel as if I have been through the ringer as my old Nanna used to say. I think that has something to do with an old-fashioned washing machine… I have been dealing with finances, this isn’t always the best thing to do. When I met Hub, I didn’t even own a bank card, he was shocked at this. I will never forget how kind he was giving me a card when we first met after so many years. He was so trusting. I remember hiding that card as if it was the crown jewels. It scared me. I wondered in my naivety, if money could come from it without even touching it. You may laugh, but I am serious. And now I’m doing banking on an iPhone. Something that wasn’t even around some years ago. What would my Nanna think of technology these days? One  tiny bit of equipment, I can order food to be delivered, food that has been cooked for me. Food as in groceries. Clothes, and gifts. I can transfer money from one bank to another. Pay for holidays etc. listen to music, write to people. Go onto groups and chat. Phone and search the net. Hold the camera over an item and it reads to me what it is. I can even read letters to a certain extent. My Husband has an App that tells him if the lights are on or off. From this little thing called an iPhone, we can be in London or America, and turn on our lights in our house or turn on or off the heating.


I know of people who can turn on their washing machine too. And I am sure there is loads more it can do. So, our iPhone is our lives now.


I have just looked up the weather for the weekend as we hope to visit our friends and then take a walk along my favourite coastline in the world. We are now due normal weather for August. So, some sun, rain and much cooler. We can’t complain about this summer, that’s for sure.


My poor Hub isn’t well again. But he’s of course at work. I am worried about him. But will he go to the Doctors? No.


Well our pub quiz tonight is still going ahead, only without us. I will miss it but a night in is what the Doctor ordered.


Two nights ago, we met up with an old friend from Hubs school days and his lovely wife. We had a nice meal and our dogs were so well behaved as always.


Talking of dogs, my poor friend is saying goodbye to her dog today. My heart is breaking for her. She loves her girl so much. There is no pain worse than losing your dog. She isn’t a guide dog, but a pet, but our pets are to some of us, like our children. Our guide dogs are to some of us, our children plus our life line.


Half past four today Rosy will be out of pain. But she will be leaving so many people in agony. Me included.. As I know that pain so well.


It’s been weeks since we did our decorating and we can still smell the paint. I am so happy with the colours I chose. A dark mushroom on the walls and the fire breast has wallpaper of light and dark mushroom with the outline of a black flower. My friend Pip says the flowers look as if they are coming out at you.  Almost as if they are 3D.


My curtains are light mushroom with some gold threads going through and I have two armchairs opposite to one another one in the window alcove with cushions identical to the curtains. The sofa is in the middle of the two chairs and there are three cushions on there. The one in the middle is a red velvet one with a multi coloured rooster on it. At each side of the rooster, one has multi coloured butterflies and the other one has Deer’s, hedgehogs and a fox on it. My sofa is black, so I thought it would all brighten it up. And my floor is dark wood with a cream and turquoise rug. And that is where I am now, writing to you.


In the distance I hear my neighbours cutting their grass. Well the past couple of weekends very early on a Sunday morning someone in our street has been cutting their grass. At quarter to eight. To me that is far too early on a Sunday morning when that is the day when most people like to lay in. so, you can imagine my red face today when I woke out of a deep sleep and deep because I hadn’t been in it long. It was after 4 this morning when I last checked the time and after then, I must have fallen asleep.  Well I lifted my head from my pillow to check the time, not believing what I was listening to. Realising my Husband was not in bed, I called to him, thinking he was in the shower getting ready for work. It was half past six.

“Can you believe it; can you hear that?”” I screamed. Knowing my Son was long gone to work. Hub replied. Hear what? Someone at half six is using a chainsaw. Hub replied I can’t hear anything. I said are you deaf already? He replied no, I’m shaving, so can’t hear a thing.




So, it’s not a chain sore then?

I was of course, in total disbelief. Oh, I exclaimed. Sorry. Night night.


It was him shaving. But you know when you are so far in a sleep?


If your dog is fit and healthy, if your child is smiling and you are quite healthy. If you still have your parents, then you are all so very lucky.




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