
Sunday 26 August 2018


Good evening Bloggets. It’s cold and raining hard. Only ten days ago there was talk of a hose ban and people were boiling hot with the heat we have had for months. It’s difficult to believe today I have a jumper on. My heating is on too. It’s dark dull and typical weather for November, not August.


I guess nothing has been normal or typical this year when it comes to weather.


I hoped Sham would take BW to his place of work today but she is out at a party. It’s so wet and he has a very long walk after parking up. About fifteen minutes’ walk.


Hub and I had such a good sleep last night the best one in weeks. Not sure why as we didn’t do anything yesterday like walking, and it’s odd we both slept well.


Today we haven’t done much either but tomorrow we are hoping to get out somewhere.


Sad to read our news that in Florida US, another mass shooting. Guns kill.

 people say, no, people kill, not guns, really? Well remove the guns and let people kill with their hands, and then some lives will be saved. Fact is, without guns, so many people wouldn’t have been killed today.


My Son and I were talking about the army. He said it upset him to see on Facebook a soldier receiving a letter from home. The soldier broke down and began to cry. The caption was something like see what a difference your letters make?


Both my Son and myself said no person should have to go through that. And to put it out there as a so-called good feeling advert, is so wrong. A young person many miles away from home crying isn’t good. I really dislike armies/war. I would be so proud of our guys if we were invaded and they were here to protect us, or help to build bridges help animals and so on. Actually, saving lives rather than ending them. And we never ever learn. No matter how many people have died or been injured in the past, we still ask for more people to come for army jobs.


I also don’t like the idea that there are people away from the people who love them when our life on this earth as we know it is so short to start with. None of us know how long we have left with our loved ones whether it be our spouses or parents, siblings or friends, children or even our pets, so why waste time in being apart? If you love someone, then why leave them?


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