
Tuesday 28 August 2018


Happy birthday to Jeanie has a great day and hello to Greenland. The population of Greenland is I think, about 57,000

And one of you is reading my blogs, fantastic. Please come back?


The name Greenland means land of people. And was discovered by Vikings in the tenth century. July is the only month there when tempritures reach above freezing. The northeast Greenland ice sheet, has lost more than 10 billion tons of ice a year since 2003, according to a climate study. That’s scary. The countries flag has a polar bear on it. So very cute. I must remember that for our next and future pub quiz. Mind you, that is too easy for our quiz. Seriously, you need an ology in everything to have a chance at the quiz we go to!


It’s almost 1 am. I have just finished dusting and cleaning the floors. My kitchen is like a launderette.

My beautiful Son left the house at 3 pm yesterday, put a load of washing in the machine and left a pile in a small basket, small as in not deep but very long and really rather easy to trip over, full of dirty washing. So, does the washing stay in the machine for 24 hours? How does the other washing get washed and dry before he starts work today? So, Mummy did it. Now he will come in and be cross. Mum. Why did you do that. I would have done it… yep, in the meanwhile I’m breaking my neck on your basket and I can’t use the machine if your stuff is in it my darling child…


From what I can gather via text, he had a nice time with his friend. I called Boy Wonder to ask if he wanted me to cook dinner… he replied no thanks and handed the phone to his friend who I spoke with. He’s a really lovely pal and has a great future. It’s a funny one as he has come from rather a privileged background. His Dad is a multi-millionaire and they live in an enormous house in the countryside. An yet, since BW’s pal has started University, they have been quite strict with him. For example, he doesn’t own a car. He borrows his Mums only when he is home from Uni. He has to work as he doesn’t get money from his parents. So, they I believe are bringing him up in a very good way. It would be easy for them to totally spoil him and give give give. So, this lad is really grounded.


I spoke to Hub on the phone, he went out and on his return to the hotel, his guide dog, our Little Fella, guided him right to the door. What a good boy. The dogs clever too. Haha.


My diet today has been disgusting. What have I had? Oh, I’m so ashamed.

A bag of crisps…. (Potato Chips) Large. Family size. I have never eaten a big bag of crisps in my life, not in one serving…  half a bar of chocolate. (Fruit and nut) I guess you could say I have had two of my five a day? Well, does fruit and nuts not count? So, what if they are covered in chocolate! And six. Not all at once, but still six, slices of bread. Oh, my I’m not getting on the scales this week as that voice inside of the scales will tell me to get off and never come back. I wonder what is the worst. Seeing the numbers or hearing them? I swear the voice in my scales get’s an attitude when I have put weight on. Hub told me I’m silly as how can the voice know how to change? Well, I tell you, mine does…


And that is all I have had. So, in the first four slices I had tomatoes and the second two, butter and jam. As the second two were toasted. Gross isn’t it? Bread is by far my downfall. I feel so bad afterwards too. But, jam had strawberries and I had tomatoes too…  My blog before about Calendar girls the musical, where the ladies strip off to make a calendar, well if I was to do such a thing, I think I would be January February March and three weeks into April… Oddly I haven’t been approached to do one… may be the makers are concerned about the environment and wasting so much paper? Hey though, I was approached by the Sun newspaper to do page three… OK, it was 33 years ago. In the olden days that newspaper used to publish a topless girl and she was always on page three…. I remember when it happened I was with a boyfriend in a pub… I shouldn’t have been as in those days kids weren’t allowed in. I was a teenager not 18 as the law required back then. Well, I was disgusted horrified that I would be asked such a question. The guy handed me his card I had to pick my jaw up from the ground whilst my boyfriend stuck out his chest and with pride beamed. Afterwards I told him I wasn’t impressed in the way he handled this pervert…. He replied. What do you mean? Well I answered, you should have knocked his block off. Haha hahaha. Block as in nose.

Needless to say, I binned the phone number and never went back to that pub again.

Oh, and I binned the bloke too. And never went back to him again either. Though unfortunately I have him as a memory as he proposed to me and I said no, but he still gave me the most beautiful ring. And I still wear it today obviously not on my wedding finger and not even on that hand.


Isn’t it cute that dogs go to bed? I guess you are thinking now, what the heckers is she on about now? but my dog when the odd occasion she lays down, if I’m in the sitting room, she lays on the rug, if in the conservatory she lays on the rug, and about half ten yesterday now, she just took herself off to her bed. I just find that so cute… and on that note, I guess I should try to sleep. My friend text me before and said not to worry about being on my own as her Son is on security in my area tonight. Haha. Very reassuring. Firstly, if I hear a sound, I won’t know who to call, apart from the police, I don’t know of a security number to call. I didn’t even know we had security on here. I guess he’s working near the shops. This lad is built like a brick wall in height and build. Bless him, he’s so soft in nature too, but don’t tell any burglars passing here, that. And again, after my blog on me catching the burglar, I can handle them….. smile.

Nighty nighty.





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