
Tuesday 2 May 2017


Good morning Bloggets, will I manage to get a full blog written without interruptions? Let’s see how far I get! I hope I find you well and have had a peaceful weekend? Perhaps exciting? Has something happened this weekend that has never happened to you before? If so I would love to hear from you. I have at last managed to get through your emails apart from a couple which require time. This weekend has been like every other for the past few weeks. I think Hub is happy to be at work.

As I sit here waiting for yet another workman, trying to throw a toy for Wagga, I thought what better to do then to chat to you all.

I have just tried to arrange to send a parcel through Hermes. Everything is so very accessible and it’s a fantastic service for those who can’t get to a Post office, as ours isn’t easy to get to, and the parcel is really big, it’s my friends birthday present. There is no way Hub and I can carry that as well as dogs on harness and Hermes come to your house, pick it up and deliver. Perfect, right? Well, not quite as they require you to print off a sticker to put on the parcel as the last time we printed something off, handed over to someone they said the print was going off the page… Oh, reminded me of school days when I had some sight…

As I need a printer for my work, I’m not sure what happens next, so Hub is as I’m typing trying to get it done at work. Hopefully one of his members of staff will be able to help out with the seeing thing. It’s a pain.

I don’t care if we stick it on the wrong way, one tip by the way, if you are from the UK, remember to put in the address UK. I didn’t as there wasn’t that question like what country, just blank lines… So, I think I have paid for international… Oh well. They are worth it. Both have birthdays in the same week. I told my friend I was sending a gift for both her and her Husband, … She said she wasn’t sharing. Smile, I laughed.
She didn’t. hahah.

Oh, first interruption.
Ten minutes later. You should see the gap around our new sliding doors in the kitchen? You can see metal and the inside of the wall… Well, the chirpy man who came out some weeks ago just came back, not so chirpy. How they stick together. The chirpy one is the window surveyor. He told me that the builder would come and fix it. I said the same guy you recommended? Yes. This is after I showed him the mess they have left us in that is after all weekend us cleaning. Still there is rubble. He said that builder would be the only guy who could come out. And told me to get my own if I don’t want him. Oh my. I’m done now. He could see the mess. I showed him the holes left in our ceiling and the plugs hanging off our walls. How safe? He said he would fix it after telling me it’s easy, I, yes, I, just needed to go around the walls with a screwdriver. So, after some words from me he went to his van and got a screwdriver. Then, told me the reason he can’t fix them, and this is why obviously the builder can’t fix them, is because, there are screws missing. One light switch is broken, and it was like, oh well, never mind… Your electrician will fix it… I’m numb to that company.
By the way they weren’t broken before the builders got here.

Jog on enough kitchen stuff right now.

Hub away overnight this week, so a long week for me. He has some presentations to give and something else that sounded important. presentationsShmegentations
Whatever, he’s overnight. That is the worst part.

Sorry to those who have been texting and calling on my phone, I either wouldn’t be able to hear a call or I was up a ladder. I look forward to the days when I can write in normal fashion again. Right now, I’m really wondering what colour to put on my walls. I know what colours will match my rooms but not inspired by anything.

I have learned that American websites are so much better than ours for describing colours of paints. But their paint will have different names in the UK. If only we all had the same colours around the world? Haha. My Husband was in charge of Unified Braille some years ago so now Braille is the same whatever country, so why not paint?

Weddings coming up so a few requests have been coming my way to write poems for them but the oddest thing? One person a guy asked me to write a poem for his bride some years ago. I received two days ago, another email asking the same, a poem for his bride with a very unique surname. I looked back into my files to find the same surname and wondered if this person was the brother for example of the man four years ago? Further investigations learned that it was the same man, with another bride. So, this man sadly had divorced and onto his second wife…. I hope it wasn’t my poem that, did it?

Boy Wonders girlfriend came around last night she has her driving test in a couple of weeks. Gosh, I remember those days? I think I was more nervous than who was then, Teen, and when he passed, I was so proud. For so many reasons one being he was doing something that when he was born, I could only hope for him and he was doing something I could never do, that was to drive. Thank God, his sight is still Okay, I pray it will be forever. Then came the driving just after he passed. Oh boy, heck, my nerves? Especially as I had already been in the car with him and experienced first-hand his driving… Typical boy, he only knew one speed. Thankfully now he is an excellent driver.

BW took Shamrock to buy her first car at the weekend. So, last night, we were talking about what she wants to call it. Haha. Bless.

My lovely friend and confident is off on a cruise tomorrow, I hope to goodness she has a brilliant time, she deserves it. She is one of these people who just does for others. Always puts herself last. As most of my friends, we don’t live close to each other, but we are in contact most days. She is a handful of earth angels I know of. Are you an earth angel? Smile.

Off to climb over some furniture and boxes to try to get to my poor plants to water them. But before I go some words.
“If the wind will not serve, take to the oars Latin Proverb
“God brings men into deep waters, not to drown them, but to cleanse them. “ – John Aughey
“The caterpillar thinks it’s the end of the world, but the butterfly lives on””
Fiona Cummings
Fly free, and be chased by only beautiful colours. X

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