
Tuesday 23 May 2017


Today words fail me. Words that I would feel comfortable about writing here. Thank you, President Trump, for your words relating to the cowardly actions of one very sick individual who killed himself last night to speed his journey to hell, where the devil will celebrate with him. Now how that person will be wishing he had never listened to those who influenced and controlled him. Too late. As it’s too late for his Mother, Father, Grandparents and other family members as well as a friend who thought they knew this fool. How awful it must be for his family to know they have lost someone they loved and who is hated by most of the world right now. Whereas those who have been murdered in name of sickness to a very twisted mind/minds had no choice, they died they will never see their Mum and Dad, Brother Sisters or children. Friends and their places at work will remain empty for now, but their memory will never die in those who love them but now the pain for those left who have lost so much? How do we move on from here? Only one way, and that is to plead with the Muslim community to come out and be annoyed, not polite and whisper, get angry with those who say they belong to you. Do you want the UK and world to look at you and label you with their evil brush? I don’t.

There is only one thing to do now, and that is to stop hiding. Come out, pass the word onto the world this is wrong and those who commit such atrocities will be dealt with in hell not in paradise. Paradise is for those who are good. One day, the UK will snap and your blood will be on their hands because we will have had enough of murders of innocent lives.

So, in your Mosques, have meetings in your homes and among your friends, start to really live among us by joining hands to end this evil. The other option is to say nothing. Just keep watching the news, only one day, that news may have you in it or worse, a family member of yours who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. No need to wait for them after school, no need to buy their favourite food and no need to ever want to hug them again, as they, won’t be coming back to you. Feel that in your heart and do something about it now, before we lose more of us.

There is no good trying to talk with those who want, need, blood on their hands as I feel it’s too late to try to even save those people because they are so far down the lane of either depression or madness, for those who are contemplating on such matters, then I hope you will know that you won’t be a hero to the majority of the world, certainly not good Muslims, just a few crazy minds out there who pretend to befriend you. Do they really care? If so, why would they want you dead and moreover, why are they not dying? No, they stay alive to control people like you. They want to tear your parents hearts out and leave your children without a Father or Mother. How is your child going to feel knowing that you have murdered and are not there to see them grow up? Every child needs a parent. Of course, you don’t have to share the same blood to be a parent, but that blood has to be in the memory or mind of a child that that blood was good. Not poison.

Manchester came out last night to help those in need and people from all around the UK have lent a hand over the past 12 hours, but for the 22 dead and 59 injured, no helping hand will make much difference if any at all. And for every 22 people who died, there are 100 people close to them who are now in a state of pain, agony shock and don’t know how right now they are going to cope, but one thing for sure, they will keep living and they will lose any respect for Muslim people, unless you act now. Not tomorrow, not to one friend down the street, come out publicly and talk into the camera, speak on the radio and among your communities, if you know of anyone in your so-called community, who is acting very oddly now, please don’t be afraid of them, stand strong and do what your God Allah would want you to do and that is show love have respect in your actions.
Walk by our side, hand in hand. It’s no good feeling sad for tears we’ve cried, we all live on the same land, so every woman, child and man, take action if you can.

When I said, words fail me, this is me being calm. There are words in my head I want to say. Trying to keep them from spewing out from my lips as it won’t do any good now. As I have said in so many blogs, we have been given a beautiful world, stop destroying it, appreciate it and if you can’t, allow others to do so.

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