
Friday 26 May 2017


Good day Bloggets. Another beautiful day. The sun is shining. The noise outside our house is unreal. I guess this is what you get living in a city. I wasn’t expecting any workmen today but the electrician has come. Panic as I cannot find the lock key for the gates. I always put it in the same place and I’m really good at that. It’s not there. So, the electrician has cut the lock off. I bet I have a spare key too, but while he is here I had to get him to cut it as if he left, then how would I get the bins out?

I used my oven last night. Gosh it is super dooper. I love it. It reminds me of the back of a bus. Haha. It’s so powerful and I love the roaring of the sound it makes. We just had chips and pie but it was such a relief to use something so good and that works.

I timed everything perfectly, I thought. You know what it’s like when you get a new oven?
I wanted our first little family meal to be so together… Hmm. Well dinner was perfect. But, I remembered that Hub was in later than late as he had to stay behind even later than normal. I called his office. I could hear voices in the background, and wondered if he just had the radio on in transit. Smile. He told me he said last night, he would be even later as someone he had to wait for had to work later. Gosh, my memory, as he said it I remembered. It’s like the key, I don’t know why, I wouldn’t put it back as I do every single night in exactly the same place. So, then there was Boy Wonder. Well, let’s say he went out. I asked him if he was home for dinner he said he didn’t know. So now I’m on my own eating dinner. I didn’t want it. So, the bin ate my first meal cooked in my new oven.

Today we will get a fridge and freezer and I can start to clean the conservatory. I can see a kitchen just starting now. Just. My family have been able to see it for a few days now, but not me. I think until I get my things put in my cupboards and the awful broken boxes off the floor, then I will feel better. I’m waiting in for the missing doors that are to be delivered. When? Not sure have had no notification other than the phone call the day we ordered them last week saying they would come today.

I had a visitor last night. A plumber to look at our bath leak. Well I won’t bore you but he was a real character and I like him. He’s a good number to have. I could make you laugh with a story about him, as my Bloggets will know, with most of my adult life, comes a story, but I shall spare my blushes on this one.

I’m hoping my Son will take Waggs out for a walk today, if not I will go out tonight somewhere with her. As I said I can’t today as waiting in again. Seriously, if I had a full-time job, how would that work? Every single day for the past few weeks even Saturday and Sundays we have been waiting for someone. Today my electrician was shocked that our joiner wasn’t here as he said he was going to be. Haha. Nope…. The electrician said that he thought I knew he was coming. Nope. But I’m very glad he has.

It’s a little scary he hasn’t turned off the electric yet.
But he knows his stuff. I hope. He’s putting the lights in my glass cabinets and under the units to shine on the work tops…. Just to help me to see in the dark. Haha. I wish?

It was funny in the shop when I was choosing my kitchen, when I was so particular about lighting. Well I am. I can’t see, but I like to make our house look as pretty as it would be if I could see. I have never lived in a so called adapted house. I think that is because I grew up in a boarding school where there were no easy ways about anything. Our first school for the blind, were very old dark Victorian buildings. There were steep steps everywhere and nothing about health and safety. There was nothing safe and definitely nothing healthy about the place.

You should have seen where we had to play? There was a tree house that really was rotten. The floor on the top level used to sink and there were holes all over it. But we were OK and we used to love it. There was a great valley we used to sleigh down in the snow and bounce off the barbed wire fencing at the bottom and there was a huge pyramid made from logs we climbed. It was so high. There was nothing at all to stop you from falling it was up to you to keep a hold and if you did fall at that place, you had to learn to get back up and carry on as sympathy was not an option. The amount of times I used to run like crazy at break time as you do as a child, and really graze my knees was uncountable! Rather than comforting words we were either ignored or told off. I at first would cry as a tiny child would, for my Mum, but soon learned that wasn’t going to bring her to me.

My second school, I had some sight remember then, was more modern, but the school side didn’t make any allowances for those who had sight problems. This school was for partially sighted rather than blind as well. Because I couldn’t keep my hand writing on the lines, I was punished by having to go to hand writing classes at nights. This really hurt as I knew no matter how many times I went to these classes where we were to just write and write, we weren’t taught how to do it in a different way, I would never improve because I could only see a bit of one letter each time I wrote, when I was focusing on one letter, I couldn’t see the lines at the same time.

Gosh thankfully it’s so different for children now days. But at the same time, sadly they will be different to their class mates where as we were all the same at school. And because we didn’t have our families, we were each other’s brother and sisters. We had to build a huge wall around our hearts I let my guard down time to time but Hubs wall is solid and from time to time bits’ crumble but as far as it falling down, no chance. He had to be like this, he was only three when he was sent to boarding school and he was away from home for the rest of his life. As after university he married, so he is very independent. But this doesn’t make life easier, just means we can do things that the children who are blind and partially sighted now days possibly won’t be able to do in the future.

It’s a good thing that we are able to cope as we only have each other. This past few weeks turning into a couple of months have really tested us. It’s the most difficult thing that we have ever done. Hub had a hell of a time at University, he didn’t know his way around the campus in those days it was a case of get on with it, thankfully he got a guide dog and without his dog he would be absolutely stuck. In those days, there was no technology everything was done in Braille and on old fashioned tape recorders. He had some wonderful volunteers who were fellow students who would read books to him that were not in Braille or on audio as audio wasn’t an option either in those days. But the volunteers took months to meet and organise. Thankfully he has a brain the size of the planet and a memory like an elephant. With this combination, he was able to cope. As for food? He said he lost so much weight in his first year at first not knowing where the canteen was and then when he did learn how to get there, it was a case of when he was in the canteen, how to get the food? Back then we were rare. We were not a common sight at universities. Also in the work place. But my Hub managed to leave University with three degrees’ English language, phonetics and music. He then got his master’s in business. He is a great Dad and wonderful caring Husband. I love him to bits and I am so proud of him. We have known each other since we were six, but had a huge amount of years apart but the love we have for one another fills in the gaps of those missing years, as in our hearts we were never apart.

I just wish life was easier for us, I wish we could do more things to enjoy ourselves as we always seem to be working. Last year we had one week of holiday. One week out of 52. This year we have had two days so far. The times we get out is to do something like banking.

To sit near a stream, would be a treat, or go to a beer garden and even though I will have a coke, it would be in a garden and away from the house. This weekend is Bank holiday so Hub won’t be at work on Monday, but there will be no change in life. I hope one day that will change. We have a beautiful house, well it will be perfect when our kitchen is done, but we need to learn how to have time away from home.

It’s been like a warzone here for the past few days so many jets and helicopters flying over. Huge army trucks passed Hub as he went to work. It’s London town tenfold. Noise and serious business goings on. Made me wonder what my old town is like back in Newcastle? I heard it was almost impossible to drive around there now because of one way streets. There are far too many cars on our roads now. But there is nothing going to be done about it. My Son should walk to work it’s just up the street. But he drives. It’s the convenience of it all. Everything fast and fury. Has to be done yesterday rather than tomorrow. Or, five minutes later.

Sitting here in my lounge the window is open, the breeze is lovely. Thankfully there is one. Today is to be the hottest day of the year. Mind you, that won’t take much as it’s not been a hot start.

I’m waiting for my Joiner to come back to take the rest of the rubbish and then our garden will be back to normal, and I shall be sitting out there, oh, no, hang on, maybe not. I’m waiting in again, for a delivery…. This time an iron. My old one has been broken for months and I just put up with it but now it’s starting to leave marks on clothes and that is no good for Hub at work. Sometimes it’s impossible to know about the marks as well so if he is at a meeting or just in general at work, it’s embarrassing for him to have horrid marks on his shirts. Hopefully one of the girls at work would tell him. He gets on well enough with them all and I hope they would feel comfortable to tell him if he does have a mark then it will be a bin job.

Oh, here we go again, I don’t know what is going on around here but for three days now the emergency services have been going by at such speed along our road at the side of the house. Yesterday there were four in a row screeching by. I imagine it’s something to do with events of late in the UK as we never hear such sounds not constantly throughout the day.

I haven’t been able to write much of late my heart has been hurting so much with what happened on Monday. The people of Manchester of course came together as they do in the north. But that doesn’t bring back those poor people. One of the girls who died went to school with my Son. Thank Goodness, our Muslim communities have all come out in anger to say how annoyed and upset they are. This is what we so badly need. Absolute respect for them.
Our NHS have been amazing. 300 nurses worked throughout the night to see to the sick and dying and 60 ambulances attended the event. Our soldiers are now on the streets I wish they were there permanently, rather than go off to war in other countries.

I pray for peace every single day. I wish for a world of harmony.

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