
Tuesday 25 April 2017


Why does tech have to change, especially when it works so well? They keep messing with our HIVE which is a great heating thermostat if you are blind or can’t see to control your heating, you work it from your IPhone. But they break it then thankfully they are one of the only organisations/companies who listen to their customers and change it again back to how it was when they first started. But now it’s Googles turn with their so called new sign in which they say is easier to open your email. Hmm. Well, it’s not, but thankfully after playing with the page for ages, I have learned the much more difficult way of signing in to the mail. On the main Google page, you look for where it says sign in. You can sign in then you have to type in the full address in your search box pressing control and O at the same time if you are a screen reader. Then you are in your mail. Before it was so easy. Went into the Google page looked for mail then signed in. End of.

Grumble over. I’m starving. What’s making it worse, I made the boys food you know because the builders were coming and it would be impossible to cook in there today? But couldn’t be bothered to cook veggie food for myself, so my own lazy fault.

I was delighted last week as I lost a huge 7lbs. Sadly this week I have put 3lbs back on. Not surprised I was naughty over Easter and I have not been able to do anything in my kitchen for a week now. It’s a shame it took me five weeks to at last loss half a stone and one week to put almost half of that back on, but I will keep trying. Some would say I’m very trying. Smile.

Our shopping is due tonight. I just received a text telling me to watch out for the tractor van. Well that is Okay, normally it’s the cabbage van or the banana van. Haha.

I’m out with my friend tomorrow for a quick coffee before she heads off on her holidays to Australia. I’m wondering if she needs a friend to keep her company on her long journey? I shall leave my love in charge. He took two days off last week haha, bless him. He said it was to help me out. Well, as I was telling the joiner who works for the builder off, the joiner was trying to fight in his boss’s corner and my Husband, who took time off to help with the painful builder, was agreeing with the workman? Oh my? The workman left and Hub then said it’s shocking. Shocking how they are behaving…
I just kept quiet.

We went for a meal the other day with Boy Wonder and Shamrock. It was a lovely meal at our new restaurant nearby. Apart from that I haven’t been out. At least Waggs will get some work tomorrow when I go out with my friend.

Then I have to find some energy to go paint hunting as well as flooring shopping. I’m praying BW will come with me as those shops are massive and looking for paint in there would be hell. Trying to find a member of staff would be bigger hell.

So, my lovely French Bloggets. How is your voting going on? Marine Le Pen, or Emmanuel Macron?
As for our election? Oh my. All of my intelligent friends as well as Hub said our PM has done a great favour for herself. I still don’t know what on earth she has took the risk for? If that blooming idiot Corbyn gets in, our country will continue to go down the toilet.

Our country is on snow alert this week and I have just got in and I can confirm, it’s bitterly cold out there. And so, windy. I went to look for our skirting board. Haha. It’s out there somewhere, why? Not sure but I can’t find it and I don’t want it going missing or damaging in the cold.

So, in our news today Uber, the taxi company have been found to have tracked accounts even though users have deleted the ap from their IPhone. Apple have threatened to kick Uber off the ap store. I hope they do too I don’t like them as they don’t need Police checking and there have been so many stories about how people have had money taken from their accounts even though they haven’t used Uber.
By 2019, driverless cars are to be driving on our motorways. Gosh, I wish I could believe that blind people will be able to use them? Though I doubt we will be able to. If you think about it, we as passengers get into driverless cars now, as we don’t drive them, another driver does. We say where we want to go and, end, of.

That was written yesterday and today is today. So just before I go out I shall write a few words. Of course, our builders didn’t turn up. But, as he calls himself, Mr. Windows did. He put some water on my conservatory roof. Hammered it and said it was or is, fixed. Hahaha. Twenty minutes later, £20 worse off. I guess another job done? Well we will soon know as it’s pouring with rain out there. Cold and windy too.

Dinner is semi cooked for the family tonight. Chicken Kiev and new potatoes. I will do a salad when I come in.

Boy Wonder is working a distance away tomorrow. It’s great for his confidents. Something Hub and I have tried to really encourage over the past eight years and to be honest there isn’t anything he can’t do now. From banking to travelling abroad and I remember when I learned he was walking the streets of Japan on his own at 15, I had heart failure and was glad he told me when he got back to the hotel. Hub got an earful though… He was there together with Boy Wonder but BW was out with Hubs colleague whilst Hub attended a long and boring meeting but the lady BW was with wanted to see him back to the hotel but BW insisted she stayed on the train and he would get back himself. It was a long way so thankfully he was Okay. He loved that time with Hub he said he had the best holiday of his life. I must say I was rather envious. Whilst I stayed at home with the two dogs we had at the time, LC and BB.

Hub got BW to stand up in front of over 100 business people and give a speech. Hub did warn him he would be doing this, and apparently, BW was amazing. So yes, we are blind parents but our Son has never done without anything and has had a really privileged life, though I’m sure he won’t appreciate it until he is very old. I push my Son to do all I could never do and more that I want to do. As a little boy, he did every sport possible and went to every group was possible to join and moreover places I could take him. From the age of three he went horse riding and after that tennis, football, swimming, ice skating, rugby and cricket as well as cubs and scouts.

When we first moved here Hub walked him to school on his first day but after that, he was on his own and though he was fifteen, it was still all new and surprising how many of his new friends got lifts from their parents. Some days he may have felt hard done by, but to be honest, I believe it all contributes to a life where he isn’t afraid to go into a new environment. Like tomorrow, a new area and place of work. Interviews for jobs have never bothered him. It’s Mum at home who worries herself sick about him. He’s fine.

Well, let’s see if tomorrow our builders turn up? If not, then I’m phoning him to tell him not to bother coming back at all. Then what? Em….
Before I go some words.
1. I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest man can't hold me for much more than a minute. What am I?
At the bottom of the page will be the answers.
2. I never was, am always to be No one ever saw me, nor ever will, And yet I am the confidence of all To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I?

Answer to number 1? Breath. And to number 2? Tomorrow.

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