
Thursday 6 April 2017


Note, can anyone tell me please where on the keypad, will I find the simple to show ° I just copied this one.
Good morning Bloggets. It’s sunny today, 14° and we are forecast a lovely weekend. Our Son is off work, I asked for his help to carry the garden furniture from the garage to the back garden, to him it’s no issue, he is very strong and can see where he is going. A bit of a bonus, right? Looks like Hub and I are doing that this weekend, may be wrong, but the response I got, and he was in the garage at the time, was depends if I have time, going over to my mates to help him to do something then we are going out. He did fix my IPhone though. It just needed resetting. I’ve been getting texts saying I have missed a call and my phone didn’t even ring.

I wish Hub and I could go out for a picnic this weekend. With our dogs, pack the car and off we go. One day, I hope.

Gosh it’s my appointment with the eye hospital on Monday. I’m totally dreading it. Sometimes Doctors are rather hostile and I find the whole hospital situation a bit of a traumatic area. I’m going to ask if I can be put on some sort of trials though. I would love to trial for the new virus injection that gets injected once and their hope is to stimulate dead rods and cones and even better the end result will give us some sort of sight, but how much is another question, at least we are up to human trials now. They say the process would be made much faster if they had more money. The first humans have had the injection this month in the UK.

Waggs was wonderful yesterday as we went out, she didn’t make one single mistake and it was like walking with a professional guide dog. Hahaha. She really was amazing and the promise of a treat as we walked back home gave her the inspiration to trot on. She slows right down, starts to get bored looking for trouble then I mention the sweet word and wow, she picks up some pace.

On my return, oh my, I felt dreadful. Before I went out I wasn’t well. burning stomach pains and the worst headache I have ever had. For me to take tablets means I’m not well. I took four and they didn’t touch the pain. I actually went to bed. Hub came in from work, I felt bad but I couldn’t have made his dinner. I was so dizzy and all afternoon, I was seeing flashing white lights through my eyes that don’t see, so odd, right? I felt so sick. Hub told me I had a migraine and he said when that happens the digestion system shuts down so tablets won’t work, he has said this before and I have written a blog on the subject, but I didn’t think it was a migraine, I thought it was stress. He made me one of those dreadful soluble fizzy things and I drank that. Within ten minutes, the pain changed from sharp pounding to heavy dull. Heavy dull I can cope with, that is the kind of pain I get with my eyes. But my stomach got worse.

I went to bed and fell asleep. Not like me. Woke up a few times wanting to be sick but this morning, I am about 70% better.

My crazy dog has set the cuckoo clock ticking with her body as she chased her toy around the living room. What time will it tell me soon? Not sure. I will change it in a mo. jo!

Talking to a friend and Blogget earlier, I told her in life I believe we are handed keys to many doors. It’s up to us to choose which door to walk through and once we get in the room, there will be many people, just one of those people are sent to us. We may not realise at the time, it may take months if not years, but that person was sent to us and we will learn the reason why?

Even people who have been awful to us, we know some time later why they were and for what reason we needed to meet with them. It’s that big game our maker plays with us. I have said before, we are chess pieces to be played with on the big board game. Whoever hand reaches down to me and puts me where I should be, sometimes I wish another player would swap seats, smile, having said that, sometimes my gamer wins.

Hub and I were saying last night this week has gone so slowly. It’s really dragging. Not sure why? The spring is here and the TV is rubbish. We only get our first class drama’s in the late autumn and winter. People obviously don’t watch the TV in the light nights…

Briefly in the news, a couple in Canada have won the lottery for the third time.
In Russia, it’s now illegal to share images of Putin as a gay clown. Hahaha. Must remember that one.
France and England were once connected by land until a powerful waterfall from a lake overflowed and demolished the land.
In the UK, the first person here to have a double hand transplant writes a letter to his surgeon to thank him. He can hold a cup of tea write a letter and clap.
1 in 10 people worldwide die of smoking and one million in China per year die because of the dreaded cigarette.
I always say, it’s not only the dying, but the lead up to it. Thank God, my Brother in laws have quit. I wonder if it is easier for men than women? Apart from one lady friend my Angel Eyes from America, most ladies who try to give up are not successful, but the guys seem to be able to do it.

OK, on that note, I have not been weighed this week, well not for a few days, I don’t feel lighter at all, but have sort of stuck to my eating plan though not been so good with the salads. As for the cottage cheese? Long story. But I’m still doing OK, at least a thousand calories less per day. I worked out in 25 days I have eaten about 18 slices of bread. I would have normally had, 150. I would say I have eaten a quarter of potatoes less too. So, if I’m not losing weight, well, apart from a couple of lbs, why? I don’t get it at all. Rubbish at exorcize, but still you would think I would have lost some weight? As for biscuits, I think I have had two, I normally would have one paper one per day and if not a paper one, haha, at least three from the tin. Crisps? Only twice some on a plate with a sandwich when out, normally five bags per week, and for my American Bloggets, well, most countries actually, our bags of crisps are tiny. You can buy the big ones, but I have the little ones so about 18g per bag. So about 15 less bags of crisps too. I have had two meals out and apart from that, I can’t remember the last time I ate a meal. I have lived off salads and crackers with cottage cheese. Oh, and two bits of cake. One my friend gave me and another when out with a friend. Normally about three per week so again much less. I feel OK though, and I’m going to continue because it suits my lifestyle to eat very little, I’m never starving now. I used to wake up so hungry. Soon the summer clothes will be coming out and that is when reality kicks in. Later with love and a lettuce.

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