
Tuesday 25 April 2017


Gosh, I met a lady last year I was to interview her for an newspaper story. Fast forward a year and a half, we are now really good friends. Today I spent a couple of hours with her drinking coffee at our local coffee shop chatting about everything from love to politics to people in general as well as dogs and more. She’s energy to my lighting and I’m not talking about the lights in my kitchen. Smile, by the way our builder is coming tomorrow so good news. Only two days to go with him then I hand him the bad news, he’s sacked…

My friend is going to Australia in a couple of days. I miss her already even though I can go four weeks without seeing her. She told me today that her house was up for sale… Heck, she has lived there years, she makes friends with me and now?

I just hope she will return to our city to visit I really care for her. People come into our lives for a reason. Reason for her coming into my life? She’s a joy to be with and she is real. She has lived and she is far from pretentious. She does talk very posh though. I’m talking queens English… a bit like me? ? ?
Those who know me, stop laughing!! !

Wagga was a good girl lay down and only got up when people started to talk to her. But that was short lived. I half cooked dinner before went out. I made chicken Kiev and new potatoes with a smoked chicken cold pasta salad. Teen is at the gym so will eat when he returns. He has worked all day then straight to the gym. He will be back at eight though. So out of the house eleven hours. He did come home for a short time. A twenty minute break for lunch.

It’s snowing today. It’s bitter cold. My heating is turned up and I think I am going to put the fire on with the lamps to make the house warm and cosy. In my mind, I live in a cottage. In reality? Oh, don’t get me started on our house? Tomorrow we shall see where we are with Mr. Builder. Did I tell you Mr. Windows came today? Haha. A knock on the door. I didn’t know if it was a salesman, the missing builder? Or our dog food delivery person. No, none of those, it was Mr. Windows to fix the leak we have in the conservatory ceiling. He couldn’t find it, but hey, he’s fixed it…

Right, dogs are groomed and its now time for me to chill and not as in be cold. Relax for the night. I have plated my boy’s dinner leaving the salad off and he can warm it in the microwave then I will add the salad. Be happy and more so safe. Talk tomorrow. X

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