
Thursday 27 October 2016


Good afternoon Bloggets. As we say here, I’m loaded with cold. A sore throat and screaming ears. This affects my breathing and my eyes. Typical, since I didn’t go to the hospital for my eye check up, my eyes have been killing. I’m sure it’s because of my cold though. It’s making me so sleepy.


 A busy morning out and about then back home to face the chaos in my kitchen. I had a easy meal yesterday, home made chips and mini chicken Kiev’s for the family with beans a real kid’s meal and the day before, I ordered delivery Pizza for the four of us. So tonight, I think I will have to be back in my kitchen looking like I’m a proper wife and Mum again or my family will wonder where I went? Though pealing and chopping vegetables doesn’t right now appeal. It’s turkey for their meat. I made a midi Christmas dinner three days ago. Teen said when he saw what it was, he got so excited. Hub said it was the best dinner he has had in ages. So at least the meal went down well, I hate it when I cook and people just eat it, don’t get me wrong, nine times out of ten, they say thank you, they are very polite, haha, but sometimes you spend hours in the kitchen for it to be gone in ten minutes and forgotten in twenty minutes. Mind you, twenty hours? May not always be a good thing as could linger for all the wrong reasons? I haven’t managed to poison anyone in the forever and a day that I have been cooking. How? Goodness knows as I hate cooking and I rarely set timers, in fact what am I talking about? I never set timers. I look at the time sometimes, but the rest of it, it’s a skill I picked up from my Mum she never timed anything either. Hub thinks it’s amazing how I can do a Sunday roast with meat veg mash and roast potatoes along with Yorkshire puddings and not time anything it’s all ready in time and all hot. I can’t explain how I do this, but to me it’s all I have ever known. Obviously when it comes to the big Christmas turkey, then that has to be weighed and timed, but that is a mammoth job I leave to my love.


I had a lovely afternoon yesterday a coffee and a chat and last night I went to bed early, early for me is half ten. I wanted so badly to sleep. I failed. It was about half threeish this morning before I started to drift off. Then Hub was up today at quarter past six. He had to be somewhere for half eight. Then a few visits to factories or something, it wasn’t clear when he was telling me, I just know it was seven when he left the house.


The past two days it’s been so calm outside. Even sunny. Not typical of the weather in the UK at this time of year, but how long will it take before typical is forgotten? I mean, for years now we seem to have warmer autumns and winters and cooler springs. We are heading towards two seasons rather than four like we had when I was a child.


Teen has a day off today and he is out to lunch with his pal.

It will be sad when Hub gets home from work as he will be coming by taxi on his own. Our LF is at the tissue expert, about his leg and then staying overnight at a member of Hubs staffs, , house. As she lives closer to the vet’s that we do by about an hour.


I’m totally dreading the outcome. Every time my dogs go to the vet, if it is for something other than a check-up, it has been last legs or bad news. Never we can go with a problem and be told it’s OK it will heal.


He has been fine of late but not what I would call perfect.  He is happy, but dogs never tell you when they are ill because they always want to please and it takes a lot for them to tell you otherwise. If it is really bad news, LF may have to retire. He is two we haven’t even had him for a year yet. Hub says don’t worry, we are not giving him up, but to have to retire at two? And no way Hub will get another dog. We have lost two in two ears they had to be put to sleep, and if we have to lose another because of medical reason? He said he needs time to adjust and thinks we will have to learn to use our white canes more. Oh, my…. It’s funny as that is all I used for over a year but once you have a guide dog, it’s like handing over your mini car and driving away in a Rolls Royce

What would I know about that? Haha, well as for the mini I did used to wear them.  Now before my Bloggets get scared, we are not quite at Halloween yet, don’t worry, my days of mini wearing are long gone. And when they were here, they didn’t last for long…


I have loads to do and little energy to do it in so I best dash for now and get started. I have a speech to write for someone and it has to be sent off by tomorrow so I will give you some quotes, random quotes you may have read before on my blog page.

Will Rogers, (ACTOR)

“If there are no dogs in heaven, when I die I want to go where they went.””


Embrace every circumstance, own every fault, share every joy, contemplate every mystery, walk in everyone’s shoes, heal everyone’s heart, adore all Gods, preserve everyone’s dignity and speak humbly of yourself speak candidly so that you cannot be misunderstood       and let every syllable treat those who need help.

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