
Tuesday 11 October 2016


I read this today and thought it was rather appropriate for this blog. Strong walls may shake, but they don’t fall down.

What is strength? So many people have asked me in my life, what makes me so strong? Me, strong? No, I always said in my life that I am the weakest person I know of. Until recently. Now I have days, only perhaps a couple every few weeks, when I don’t beat myself up as much in life, but tell myself, actually, I must be strong. To go through what I have gone through in life and still be here? But I have been called brave too, even receiving an award for bravery, and one thing I am not, is brave. The award I received was for being quote for being brave for a particular time in my life. Well, that wasn’t brave. At the time I had no choice. I think the two things that I have done in life that perhaps can be perceived as bravery, is because I had a choice then. I don’t think you are brave if you are put in a situation where you have no choice but to survive.


The times I was brave, were when I lost my sight and lived. I lived for my baby. He was all I had at the time in my life to live for. I was very much on my own and I was terrified. In fact, fear, hmm. There are no words I can think of to let you know how scared I was, scared. No, that word is very insignificant to how I felt at the time. I couldn’t breathe properly. I wanted to so badly die, but didn’t want to leave my one year old on his own. He would have been put into a home, how I started my own life, no way I was going to mirror my Sons life on my own past. So I guess I had a choice, to be selfish and die, or to live. Now to live in the circumstances I was living at the time, was brave. Second time of facing a brave choice, was the decision to leave my ex for a new life. That was the biggest step I have ever made, again I did it I had a choice. Stay with him, leave him to be on my own or leave him to be with my forever love. I chose the latter. And that was a brave move, only those who know me very well will know why?


My Husband is brave. He has travelled all over the world. Never been able to see, some people used to say he is used to it, so he is OK. No, that wasn’t how it was at all. You don’t get used to being blind. You learn to adapt. He went, he worked and he thank God returned home. But was he happy? Did he feel safe? Was he comfortable? Did he enjoy his times abroad? Answer, no. His footsteps every day are brave. My footsteps each day are not at all brave.


One thing I would like you to think about today please?

Silence can be a person’s loudest cry!

So, what does that mean? Those who constantly cry and tell you how bad their lives are; they are the safe people. Those who either are wearing a forever smile or act as if everything in their garden is well, those who never complain, the quiet people quiet as far as anything other than joyful stories are concerned, are the people who need help and need you to reach out to them either by a few caring words or a kind gesture. It may take time, to get them to open to you, but if they do, if they feel that they can trust you, you will be there to catch them when they fall, and in return, I hope someone will be there for you if you ever get a bit wobbly on your feet.

That person may not be the one who you helped, but another. We are all put on this earth for a reason, if you don’t know your reason, then please take some time out just to care!

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