
Thursday 27 October 2016


So, before the news and my views, our LF didn’t come home with Hub but the good news is, he did come home a couple of hours later. One of Hubs colleagues kindly brought him home.


Even better news, our dog is a fake…   apparently, there is nothing wrong with him? So, the first tests showed something on his elbow, now they say he has a bone longer than the other. But nothing too serious. Thank God.


Dinner wasn’t too successful tonight, I seriously couldn’t be bothered. I ended up doing a savoury rice with the turkey. I added a sauce on the turkey that was rather strong with garlic. Hub wasn’t keen. Teen ate it… Didn’t say much.


My eyes are burning hot and I still feel ill. I took advice from one of my Bloggets. Dear Donna and I’m drinking lots of fluid. No, not vodka, I would rather have a cup of tea. I’m drinking Orange juice.


Going to see our besties soon looking forward to that. It’s been too long.  And meeting with another great friend in a few days. Like the busses. I always say this. Nothing for weeks and weeks then two or three come together.


Okay, before a hot chocolate and TV time with Hub, some news. I get asked a lot from my American Bloggets to give a report on news from the UK as they say, and I know this to be true, as when I was in the US, I was shocked how limited their news is.  Now don’t expect world breaking news, I try to avoid the awful stuff and report on slightly different news to what is making the headlines as the headlines is simply murder.


Nissan have agreed that they will be continuing in their car manufacturing in Sunderland. Great news for England, great news for the North of our country you would hope that the Labour party, who are allegedly for working class people, would be pleased, but no, the idiots have to stick their stupid noses in to the reason why Nissan have decided to stay and not leave the UK. I am sure they would have been delighted for the cause if they had sold out to the new cars being made abroad. I have voted Labour all of my life, but that was when Labour really were for the working class and not for any other nationality but British.


The official figures for UK gross domestic product in the third quarter appeared to vindicate Brexit supporters who have argued that leaving the EU would inflict little or no damage on the economy.

Well that is what I have said all along, just give it time and all will be well.


I’m so sad for the dreadful earthquake of late in Italy. It’s disastrous.


Now to our birds. Swifts spend ten months per year totally airborne.

Did you know that spending a long time in space can add two inches onto your height?

A compound found in Broccoli, cabbage and avocado has been found to slow the signs of physical aging.

Why can’t it be in bread, chocolate and crisps? Gosh I would look soo’oo’oo young!


Now I was reading this ridiculous story, see if you see what is wrong with this?  A man was having sex in a park frequented by children during the day! He was charged and has a night time curfew for ten weeks…. So, let’s break this down? He has sex during the day, so he is not allowed to go out at nights?



 We really do live in a crazy world. Chop it off without any anaesthetic. Fine him and use the money to go towards more security camera’s.


The mail contraceptive injection, is almost as effective as the female pill.

A study has found that cranberry juice won’t prevent urinary tract infection.

Just what we have been told for years will help that problem. Hmm.


The worlds wildlife has fallen by 58% in forty years. This is dreadful.


A team of astronomers believe that strange signals emanated from a cluster of stars are actually aliens trying to tell the universe they exist.

What a load of rubbish? No, if aliens do exist, and I truly believe they do, they are not going to wave a flag to tell us all about them? Why would they? We would just kill them. For their sake, I hope they stay up there where they are now, unless they can eliminate  all man and keep or save the animals and make this earth the beautiful place it once was. Peaceful pleasant and perfect.

A beautiful whale has been washed up in England and today it was cut up and removed. What a blooming shame. Someone Hub was talking to today, says she has seen it and it looks like part of its tail is missing and could have been clipped by the propeller of a boat? I love wales and they were my passion to save before my now beloved elephants. Or Ephulumps as I called them when I was a small child.


So, there you have it. Smile. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow stronger and feeling better than I do right now. But before I go,

Never tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon.

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