
Wednesday 19 October 2016


Today we say hello to Libya, Spain, UK, Germany, Ireland, Canada, Poland, US Turkey and Australia. Those are the top ten viewing Bloggets. Yesterday “dzien dobry to Poland. Gosh, wow, 139 views and normally I get about 4 views per day from Poland, so whoever you are, please come back?


From what I have learned over the past few years, Polish people have some great phrases and today I would love to share some of them with you, as well as have a chat.


A Polish person won’t tell you to get lost, but they will say. ” To stuff yourself with straw.”

We count our chickens before they are hatched. Polish people They divide the skin on the bear…. NoNoNooNoono?

A Polish person doesn’t sulk. They have flies up their nose. Hahahaha

A Pole doesn’t day dream, they think of blue almonds.

In the UK when someone is joking with you we say He’s pulling your leg. In Poland. “they’ll stick you into a bottle””

And instead of saying thank you in advance, they will thank you from the mountains. I love that. We also say thank you from the bottom of my heart. That is a rather odd expression don’t you think? Why the bottom? Not the centre? Hub says to me that I am the centre of his world. Well I also don’t understand that one. I guess the middle is the best place? Hahaha. I hope?


Talking of Hub, he is on four trains today, travelling to Manchester. So a long day as he isn’t in until almost seven tonight and he left at half seven this morning, with the Little Fella no doubt wafting his long fluffy tail with his beautiful smile on his whiskered face. He is such a cute dog. So loving and so cheeky. Hub keeps saying his bark, the dogs, not hubs, oh, heck, you don’t want to hear Hubs bark hehehehe. Is so like our Long Chops. Bless LC, she was such a character, gosh I miss her. It’s odd as my first guide dog will always be special as she was a new start in my life. But I miss LC more, I guess I have a bit of Black Beauty aka Hannah in the wonderful wagging one of Waggatail, there’s some alliteration for you? Wags is so much like BB, our Little Fella has a bark like LC, keen to work like her too, but so different. LC was her own boss, LF simply wants to please everyone he loves and that is the funny thing with him, he warms to people and like most dogs, who will love anyone they meet, LF only loves who he chooses. He has not warmed at all to Shamrock, whereas Waggs loves her. And Shamrock loves the fact that Waggatail adores her.


Teen came home at twenty to three in the morning… So he kissed me bye bye before work and came in for lunch four hours later and that is all I have seen of him so far. He will be in for dinner tonight, a shower then no doubt back out.


I have an eye appointment next Monday. It’s a pain. So far away and so far, I’m struggling to get there. Looks like Hub and I will have to go on the train. He will have to take the day off work. A shame a waist of his holiday and it’s going to cost a fortune to get there as it’s miles away from home taxi’s and trains. Teen could take me in 45 minutes, each way, but he is working and can’t change his shift something to do with him working seven days so there is no space to change. I kind of wonder is it worth it?


When we go for an eye check-up, apart from the eye condition we may have, your eyes if you are lucky enough to be able to see, may change so slightly, but enough for you to need a stronger prescription in your glasses. They will also detect Glaucoma, Cataracts, diabetes, high blood pressure, autoimmune disorders, high cholesterol, thyroid disease, cancer and tumours! So like me you may think, I don’t want to know, but what if they catch whatever in time and what if they see very early stages of something if left, may cause permeant blindness that would have been unnecessary?


I think it is recommended to have your eyes checked out every two years.

Talking of Doctors, we were, honest, I think? I called mine yesterday. I was so reluctant to doing so. At first to my shock I wasn’t told I couldn’t make an appointment. Shock that was a first, then after a long wait whilst they swapped staff on the desk, I got through to a nice lady who told me the earliest I could see about my knee was 16 days. Haha. I told her I could hardly walk? Seriously, my Waggatail is fed up of going to the post box and a friend two streets away. Tomorrow we are to do our longest walk for a while. Well she said nothing she could do and I made an appointment for 16 days. If I were rich, in that time, I could go private, have a scan, an operation and have time to recover. Our Doctors are lovely, but they need to employ more. I asked for a call back from a Doctor. I needed to know about some tests for my vitamin B. I was told I would receive a call first thing next morning, well, that was today and now it’s almost three in the afternoon. She just called me. Oh gosh, I don’t like what she had to say. I’m now more fearful than ever.


My blog memoirs have received in two days over nine hundred views. Thank you so much for your shares and words. You all make this blog happen.

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