
Thursday 20 October 2016


Today we say hello to Portugal, Philippines, Germany, Jersey, France, Turkey, Pakistan, Canada, US and the United Kingdom. Last night we had Bloggets from Italy, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands and Australia!


Hub working from home today. He started work at half eight and has not stopped. It’s now one in the afternoon. I’m going to make him some lunch soon though or he will work till five. Rather than working in the office at our house, he is in the lounge. So I have come out of the way as before when I was doing an impression of a domestic Goddess,

Okay, I was dusting, haha, I clashed some ornaments together as he was on the phone. I’m not sure he was impressed so I’m abolished away from the duster to where I love, writing. Already I have been asked to write a couple of poems for Christmas, it’s challenging getting into the Christmas mood in October. But I wrote them and my customers are pleased so that makes me a very happy Fifi.


Oh my, wait till I tell you about our workmen? So, yesterday we got a couple of guys come to my front door. Long and short of it I agreed that they would come back and clean our drive of moss and re sand it. Also there were four bricks starting to lift. I knocked £60 off their first price that was a great deal I thought but when Hub came in from work, he thought other. We are so anxious now as we have been stung so many times before with workmen. So Hub text them last night. On my phone but this morning I thought that we had not heard from them, they were due at mid day so I best call them.


After texting my lovely neighbours last night learning that they had not seen anyone in our street. I kind of hoped they had and they said they looked good guys. But no, so that was a cross against them rightly or wrongly.


Further investigation by the Fifi learned that when I put their company into Google search engine, it didn’t come up as a local recognised company. There was a company about four hundred miles away, but not here and the lads had local accents.


Then I typed into the search engine their mobile number? Heck. It took me onto a advertising website where by you sell and buy at your peril. Guess what was linked to this number? Blooming caravans for sale. Hehehehe. Well not far from us is a huge Gympie camp. They are locally known to be thieves. All the jobs that teen has worked at he has been warned to watch out for them. And my friend who is a teacher at our local school says that the parents are shocking the things they get up to.


So, maybe they would have been great and they were the two who were the good guys trying to shake off their bad image?



I text them this morning again to cancel. Then I called them. I left a message because they didn’t answer. Guess what the guy is called?


Though I wouldn’t mind Silvester Stallone doing my drive, not sure I would want Rocky.

Is Silvester Stallone still alive even?


So still wondering if I have done them wrong, thinking at the same time, what if they remove not the four bricks that were starting to lift, but remove the lot? Hahah. The phone went. It was the lovable Rocky. There were two men, one was really lovely, polite well spoken too. The other who chewed gum in my face was rough around the edges. It was him who phoned. He was Rocky. He was the one now on the phone.


“Got a missed call from yur?””

Me, oh, is this Rocky?

“Year. U’ww is it?””

I gave him my address telling him we would like to cancel today. He asked was it the price? I said no, we just would like to wait. I thought if I said the price he would lower it and we didn’t want them?


He went quiet, it was one of those awkward moments. Then he said in a really dodgy voice.

“Hmm. Yeah. Ah got yeh!””

At this point I’m thinking, You’ve got me? I blooming hope not? Hahahaha


I said thank you for phoning me. He then replied

“No problem madam. Whenever you are ready, just give us a call?””

Okay. May be not, what he really did was put the phone down without saying anything. How blooming rude? So if I wasn’t convinced before I am now, that is for sure. Gosh are there any people left who are honest in the land of trade? Even my painter who is a great guy and brilliant at what he does, I like the guy, I have been warned against him because he has black teeth and stinks of alcohol as well as last time he came here, had no window in his driving door and the side of the door was kicked in. hahahhaha. But he painted and he was great and our silver remains in our house.

And I would get him back, because he came when he said he would, and the end result was great. My brother in law looked at his work and said it was fantastic and one thing my brother in law has is an eye for taste as his house he left in the UK was beautiful. I have never seen such a magnificent bathroom as he had and designed.


I have a headache today I think it’s down to stress over my future results also I’m stressed over my eye appointment. Still don’t know what I am going to do about it. It’s on Monday. I should go, but it’s so far away, and for what? To see how blind I really am? I can tell myself that in the comfort of my own home.


But Hub says I should stay on the radar if there is anything in the future. Hmm.


Teen came home for lunch, he took a shower and left for another four hours. He has been working there so far today six hours. He says he is going for a nap when he comes in and then eating dinner then going to the gym. Not sure if he is seeing Shamrock tonight. I would guess he would be.


I think we have a wasp nest in our wall outside. Not sure what on earth we will do if we have? It’s about £500 to get rid of them but that was mice, may be wasps are different? We had one mouse last year, or was it this year? Yes, this year. We caught the poor thing. Then a month later another in our loft. Caught that too. OK so now you are imagining two blind people hunched up running around our loft chasing these little creatures with our white canes? Hahaha. No. We put a trap down and next day Teen looked and saw the little tail coming from the shoe box we put the trap in. So we threw out the whole box with the trap too so we didn’t have to look or teen didn’t at the poor thing.


The local authority told me it would be over well over £500 to get rid of the mice or in our case at the time, mouse. Say whaa’aat?

So to use a trap new trap each time we caught one, was worth the £4 that it cost us. My ex father in law would have had a fit to think of a trap or anything getting thrown out. I told you about the time when we moved house my ex and myself. Years later he went into his shed and brought out a huge black bag of shoes. They were mine, I was throwing away years earlier. Hahaha. Talking tea bags on the washing line with him.  They, my ex mother in and father in law were characters. I thanked my mother in law for our wedding present. She proudly told me it was a free gift for signing up with a catalogue. And one Christmas my ex got a pack of socks with half the amount in and his birthday is in January, so he got the other half for his birthday. I guess at least they bothered. I wonder where they are now? They died, I guess she went up, but I’m sure he would have gone down where it’s warm.


The coffee machine I bought Hub for his birthday is a funny thing. I still don’t know how to use it. Last night I went to make my Son a coffee and I just went near it, it started to shoot out hot water, from all directions, heck I’m running around the kitchen shouting oh no and grabbing a cup to put under the tap of the machine to catch the water meanwhile trying to get the paper towel to dry my work tops then I put another cup under and tried again, this time I did aim for the machine but what button I pushed, or not pushed, gently stroked… Well, there was fluid coming from it, it smelled of coffee? It was coffee. What kind? Not sure, as it does all sorts of different kinds like expresso cappuccino and so on.


OK must dash for now but before I go here are some words to think about?

“Love all, trust a few and do wrong to none.””

William Shakespeare

I’m not upset that you lied to me. I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.””

Friedrich Nietzsche. Gosh, I hope I have that name right? What a name to spell?

Until later with love. Ps. The advert for the caravan said the van came with gas stove and full net’s. hahaha. What a bargain?

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