
Thursday 6 October 2016


Good evening Bloggets. A strange day but we spoke to our lovely friend Vivi, Hub called her to thank her for her kind gifts she sent him for his birthday. It’s cruising towards midnight and Teen has just come in. He has to get up early for work his washing is still in the washing machine. You know, his uniform? Yep, the clothes that he needs for work in the morning? The clothes that are very wet now, will take an hour to dry then he takes forever to iron? Like I said, it’s almost midnight!


I’m starving. I had a disaster with dinner. I made the meat eaters meal, that was fine, it was a lamb casserole, OK, it had an additional flavouring to it… I needed for my vegetarian meal a tin of baked beans. First tin I opened was tomato soup… Okay, that could go in the casserole, right?


Second tin, for sure it was beans. Wrong. It was again soup. This time Carrot and coriander soup. I thought I could be smart and guess. So, I was wrong.


I know what will happen. I will again, have toast. Bread again. Too much bread in my diet. Also too many tins in my cupboard. I really should have used Tap tap see.


Oh my. So at dinner time, I gave up. Ate a chocolate biscuit. Now I’m so hungry and all the ingredients I had to make my meal, is sitting in an oven dish looking very neglected. Beans was the main compliment for my meal.


Nights are so cold in England at this time of year, but today it was sunny. In the air is the smell of log burners and the fragrance coming from the chocolate factory.


Hub made me a coffee from his new machine tonight. Gosh hot coffee, we haven’t had hot coffee for weeks, as our last machine was quite ill for some time. I dare not go near the machine, last night I went to make a cup of coffee and all I did was open a cupboard door next to the machine to get a cup and next thing coffee pouring out of the spout and without a cup under it, I had to quickly grab one, or our brand new tray under the coffee percolator would have been well an truly christened.


Arty is coming tomorrow I haven’t seen her for weeks if not months, so we will have a lot of catching up to do. I hope Waggs will get a walk, she has been such a good girl going on tiny walks with me just very local because of my stupid knee. Oh I can’t tell you the pain I’m in? I thought it was getting better but one walk to our shop or chemist or a friend’s house and I’m crippled again, seriously if there was a fire here I would be stuck. It’s getting silly, I do need to go to the hospital, just I have absolutely no faith in our hospital at all and again I have tried to see our Doctor but again failed. Gosh if only I had won the Lotto I would pay for a private scan. I have had one experience of a private hospital for a huge operation. It was meant to be a big operation, but because of a huge error our NHS hospital had made on a previous operation, it ended up massive. The experience was unforgettable. In the private hospital. It was called The Spirals something like that and it was the one near Newcastle. Oh my. I was blessed in there I couldn’t believe the difference between that and the other places I have been. I was treat like a human with feelings rather than the blind person that is dumped and forgot about until it is time to insult. Tablets were actually given to me or at least I was told where they were rather than silently placed somewhere near my bed with a nurse hurrying away in case the blind person spoke to her.


Even my poor Mother in law, it hurt us when she told Hub and myself that she found a pile of pills one day and another day the nurse shouted at her for not taken her tablets. She sadly went blind towards the end of her life for some time. She had cancer bless her and this was one of the cruel ways it showed its ugly head.


Talking of cancer, the amount of people who are dying of it right now scares me. Some years ago, people were living. Now, it seems like they are all dying and they are getting told that there is no chance? What is going on? How long will it take the public in Britain to start to ask why?


OK I know of one person who I think it was last year was saved, but since then, Teens lovely friends Mum died and she was not at all old. I think a couple of years older than me. Another person I know of is forty and has been told she has max three months to live. Someone Teen knows at the gym, has had to stop going because she has cancer and again I think she is about fifty. She has been given six months. So many famous people this year who again are no older than seventy have died.


Yesterday, Michael Jacksons songwriter of Thriller, Rod Temperton, aged 66 died of cancer.

66, is no age today. Our friend has been told that a treatment can be available in the US if he pays $800 out then $4000 every month of his life after that? Who can afford that? So it’s all about money and because we are some would say including me for certain things, fortunate to have free medical care in the UK, told to go home and die, why is this? Who puts a price on life? Why does the treatment cost so much, and what polices or interventions can be employed?


The high cost of cancer drugs is related to numerous factors.  They say it is very expensive to move drugs from bench to bedside, and to perform all the regulatory studies, including phase 1, 2 and 3 clinical trials to gain approval. Then because they say most cancers are incurable, patients are treated with each approved agent and new treatments are becoming available all the time that may clash with the treatment the patient is already been given. It’s so annoying. I still ask why can’t those who study or research treatments for cancer, lower your costs? Some will say why should they? Well, people do good all of the time give their time and don’t even expect money. The people who are researching treatments for cancer, surely have parents, relatives or even friends who have or who will get cancer? Isn’t it a case of looking out for each other? When it comes to such a dreadful ailment which leads to in some most seams these days, deaths.


Also like for my eye disease, I wish all of the scientists would just stop having this race. I know I have said it before, this is not a game. Our loss of sight is no fun. There are no dice, not even a board, so if you put all of your thoughts your brain power together, you will achieve something rather than taking years to get close only to have your game stopped by a more modern game coming your way. Or something going wrong that if you had put your heads together you would know that your opponent had discovered that last year.


We just seem to be living in a very greedy cold world and I really have never heard of so many people being told when they have cancer, that there is nothing that can be done?


Okay, rant over. It just boils my blood. Talking of blood, we were kind of. Smile. I only learned yesterday that a guide dog has been given a red bandanna that reads “I’m a life saver””

Why is he? Well the dog bless him, though I don’t think he will be too bothered, is a stud dog. Now he is giving blood to save other dogs lives. So they are removing fluids from all angles of this poor dog haha. Bless his paws, what a soldier. It’s something that I had never thought about before. People need blood, so of course dogs will too? I wonder if they get a biscuit and a dish of tea when they have finished?


Well, on that note I shall love                     and leave ya. But not for long. Take care cos I care. X

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